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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. the sun is up again. looks like the sky is saying sorry for making me wet my feet going out for coffee just a few minutes ago. and yes, what am i doing in white sandals and off-white pants with Ramil just on a standby?


    and i wouldn't be surprised if the sun changes its mind to hide behind clouds even before i hit the add reply button. perhaps not hiding behind clouds, just going back to bed. to leave us all praying oratio imperata.

  2. Noynoy for President has a new slogan -- Noypi. Cute. And if things don't change between now and May 2010, I will vote for this guy. But for now, here's my rant.


    I was watching the evening news last night about Noynoy's declaration of his intent to run for president. Good stuff. Then it was followed by a cheesy news about his councilor girlfriend. Surely, like everyone has, I've seen her featured in the news, in talkshows, in Jessica Soho's Saturday tv-magazine program. I forgave her those times. I let her slip. I ignored her. A few times, I even gave her credit for being pretty and uh -- refined? But enough since last night's news! Goodness! If you are to show her on tv, please, please, make her speak, make her say something intelligent other than she will support Noynoy in all his understakings. That has gotten old since she said it the first time a few hundred news airings ago. Forgive me, but even in her silence she doesn't look intelligent or smart. She. Just. Doesn't. Look. It. Believe me, the smarts do show. In the way one looks in the eye, in the way one carries oneself, in the way that one is. But this girl Shalani looks like a girl who badly needs some confidence and a little book reading. We don't want a naive First Lady, excuse me!


    In a world, where women have become strong, even stronger than men, where more and more women become bosses to more and more men, where women have destroyed nations, where women have clung to power like leeches, where women have sashayed the earth only to launch ships, we don't need to see a 29-year old woman looking like a debutante all the time.


    If she doesn't want to talk and to be interviewed and if she wants to be out of Noynoy's limelight as she projects to be, then somebody tell her to be out of the camera's way and not attend any of Noynoy's public appearances. Hide her under the bed.


    Television is both auditory and visual. It is not either or. So if you show your face on it, look good, look smart, sound good, sound smart. Not just dumb pretty!


    And girl, you are definitely starting to irritate me. (And I'm sure I'm not the only one.)

  3. m,


    what of chris botti? what of "night sessions'? what of "lisa," "interlude," "all would envy," and "when i see you?"


    how can love stand the test of time and distance and that freaking marriage contract you signed despite me trying to live, to ignore, to pretend that what we had would cease to exist after a few bucket of tears, a few weeks and months?


    it is 2009, for crying out loud! but the way you come killing me is so 2001.


    i know i cannot love anyone as much. i know i cannot love anyone anymore. period. but let me live, let me feel!



  4. no FREE education for all.


    much of this country's education fund is wasted on students who'd rather hit the mall than go to school or go home to study. :grr:


    students who are sent to school using taxpayers' money have no right to take it easy. otherwise, make them attend private schools. :evil:

  5. Kiss ass. Swallow your pride for that promotion or salary increase. Having too much pride will not benefit you in the workplace.


    Befriend the knowledgeable people at work so that they would share their knowledge, skills, contacts, etc.


    Be nice to everyone so that there will be minimal resistance as you aim for the top.


    As much as possible, avoid having relationships with co-workers. Rumors and a vengeful co-worker, among others, could bring you down.


    Impress your bosses and anticipate their needs. For instance, if you notice they need a report at a certain time each month, prepare it in advance.


    Be a team player. In addition, if you offended someone at work, be the first to apologize. The last thing you need is an enemy.


    Make yourself marketable. Be industrious. Get an advanced degree or certification. Let your bosses know that it will be a big loss if you're gone.


    Take care of your name and reputation. Don't be known as that drunkard, gambling addict, or lazy bum at work. Be honest and fair to everyone.


    I've followed these tips and have reaped the benefits. Do these and I'm certain you would go far.




    and the higher you get to the ladder, the more unassuming and humble you should be. (although, here at mtc, modesty my ass! this isn't work. this is just a diversion. :P )

  6. J and M,


    It was great jogging with you..er...brisk walking, i mean... Fun jogging Sunday morning, chatting, gossiping without the stress of counting how many more pounds we need to shed. None of us three did it to lose weight which is a good thing. To be fit, to be alive, to breathe fresh morning air, to strengthen the bond of friendship --- these are the reasons we so love the jog.


    And nothing beats heading towards the gotohan to eat goto and tokwa't baboy with the pedicab and jeepney drivers and other joggers. Then Starbucks! From the gotohan of the side streets to the Starbucks at Petron! Sunday morning, Sunday blissful morning!


    See you again at Southwoods "barren" interchange!



  7. naked,


    just read your mail. sheesh! goosebumps as i type.


    all over your body, really?


    will i dare write something like that?


    i won't...i can't. i have a bf for the longest time after -m, and for the longest time i haven't been with a guy crumpling the sheets in bed. i'm starting to think he's gay! :boo: :lol:


    manfriend, where do i find you?

  8. w,


    i admire you for braving the distance away from your loved ones. i admire you for channeling your frustrations by hardballing the insane. i admire your hatred of me sans really knowing me. i admire you the most because you once dared face me.


    but i will admire you more if you step back and read beyond my appreant viciousness. if you try to sift the stones from the grain. like nectar in a sieve.


    i'm evil to some. but no one can claim i'm unjust nor prejudiced.



  9. self-confessed OJT killer,


    do i pity them young things for falling for your charm? the schemes they make well worth the tenacity of their youth. they ought to have met you back in high school when you were still the greek god of ancient, incorruptible beauty. then when beauty defies company.


    for so long, the kids sure missed real splendor in their midst. being with college kids with ugly pants and self-stained skin and awful haircuts and foul blabber mouths. i cannot blame them for acting stupid around you.


    but do be easy on them. although most are strong enough to rise from the ashes of despair and disappointment when ditched, this age corrupts them to unforgivable numbness.


    and yes, their only advantage is youth. ours is age and beauty they have yet to achieve. and not all can do it. many are left old and tired way before their time. stuck in the years of immaturity and woe.


    still, be easy.





  10. Pacman should just stop being a boxer and instead mag-pari na lang!!! All of his interviews always thank god...thank jesus...jesus is my savior....he gave me the strenght .....when the "stupid" "no self respect" David Diaz called him up and ask him about his performance ang sabi nya he told the mexican moron that "god gave him the strenght" and other bullshit!!! but when a reporter ask the mexican moron about his conversation with Pacquiao, he told the reporter that the pacman told him that he was just lucky.......He should just stop projecting an image of perfection and stop acting as a saint :thumbsdownsmiley:because he is in the company of the devils (GMA, CHAVIT,ATIENZA etc) instead ibili nya na lang ng TV yung tatay nya at sustentihan nya yung anak nya sa labas!!!Pweh!!!!!!!!


    "don't tell God you have a great problem. tell your problem you have a great God."


    magsimba ka kase, pre. how many champions, who after putting an enemy on his knees, will go to a corner and bend his knees in prayer of thanksgiving? is that a show, too? do you feel he is insulting his God? do you think God is insulted by it? i don't think so.

  11. God is good this Christmas.


    He's heralding all my old friends back to the fold with me.


    M and M both called today. I'm meeting girl M today with her dad and daughter whom I will be meeting for the first time. I'm having coffee with boy M next week.


    Future X isn't that burdensome anymore.


    My family's intact.


    I have two adorable nephews.


    I have shopping money in cold cash.


    I lost my ATM and yet to be replaced in January. This means my last pay for the year and tax refund are safe till next year.


    What a life!


    Thank God, it's Christmas!

  12. just saw kung fu hustle the other day. i was forced to. thanks to the heavy rains and heavier traffic. and i was struck dumb to realize that, indeed, asians aren't created equal. HOW THE HELL can they do movies like that?? and we filipinos produce sam milby movies!!! ARGH!!!


    so the chinese produce sam milby level films, too, surely. but can we produce kung fcukinfu hustle type? when? where? what??

  13. gawd! i did get what i asked for. but why am i acting up?


    a man who knows my worth and cares little about it. a man not moved by my insolence (i meant to say audacity, but that's too obamish.), careless tantrums and CEO mentality.


    a man who dares not match what i know or what i've accomplished. a man who damn well knows how to put me in my place. a man who puts me back to the time when women wore the skirt and men the pants. the time when women weren't allowed to vote and just tended the house. and despite the rage in the women's bosoms, they were happy.


    damn! i did get what i hoped for. the audacity of hope! :rolleyes:

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