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Posts posted by Solaryan

  1. Love has taught me, that what can give you heaven can definitely give you hell.


    No matter what you try to do to relieve yourself of the torment, it seeps into your skin and digs deep into your soul. Until you accept the fact that it all has to happen. Then you stop fighting it and just go with it.

  2. Agree that at the time he couldn't hack it.


    I just can't help but wish that he still has something left in him that can take him to the top of the UFC.


    Ala Captain America (Randy Couture).



    Anyway, looking forward to the Rousey-Nunes fight.


    Who do you think will win?

  3. This is the thread that I dreaded to be in.. because I know it is an emotional one for me..


    My ex-gf migrated to Canada this April and we both agreed to end the relationship. We both knew that we are too immature to maintain a relationship without being together physically. We have been together for 4 years, I met here at work. I guess one could say that we were happy. Even though we knew that her family had long been in the process of migrating abroad, we still went on with our relationship as if it will never end. We made plans for our future and dreamed of how our life will be like.


    Then it had to end.


    When she left, it was as if I was lost. When you've lived a life with someone with you almost everyday of your life for 4 years, it is really a surreal experience when she's gone. We agreed not to contact each other that often, to give each other a chance to move on and maybe find someone..


    Then in my moment of solitude (i know, I was not really alone, I had friends and family etc.. but somehow, I did still feel alone) I wanted to fight the feeling. I told myself, "suck it up! you're a man! stop moping around assh@#l! Do something about it."


    That is when it hit me! My one moment of guilt in my entire relationship with her.. 2 years ago, when bonding with my high school buddies, one of my friends suggested that we visit a Spa that night, he said. "guys, you will never forget this" that was my first time in a Spa with ES. I enjoyed it, the thrill of legit massage with a twist, but the guilty feeling afterward haunted me. So there were no further visits from me after that.


    That was then I realized, since I was single, might as well delve into that and see if that can help make me forget. I searched for a Spa in Makati and discovered MTC. I visited a couple of Spas in the area. But still felt incomplete..


    I just couldn't help myself, it didn't even last til the end of April that I was already e-mailing by ex and calling her. We got back together and tried to make the long distance thing work. We both failed completely and utterly.



    She even went back here last September, of course she spent all her vacation days in the Phils. with me, but after a few weeks when she got back abroad we ended it again.


    I called her 2 days ago and came clean. I confessed all the things (kalokohan) i have been doing since she left. I told her I liked someone else too. It devastated her and hearing her cry, made me weep like a new-born babe. But somehow, it lessened my burden. I am really not into secrets or deceit. It's not in me. Even she said so, she said she somehow had a feeling that something was up with me last September. I know it will take time for us to heal our wounds but we ended that call not shouting or screaming at each other like how we ended some of our calls before.


    I know, someday, maybe soon, she will meet someone there. I know that guy will be the luckiest bastard in that continent to have her.


    As for me, I will slowly get my bearing and just enjoy this ride, I call my life.


    I'm done trying to fill the gaping hole in my chest. If it means i'm like a hollow* walking around with a hole in my chest, then so be it. I am who I am.



    Anyway, just wanted to let this all out and make myself feel a little bit better..


    If you've taken the time to read it until this point, thanks!



    All I wanted to say was, LDR is not for everyone. I salute and admire all of the people who made/makes it work. I do not have that level of maturity or maybe I never will. I'm not sure.









    * Bleach analogy. It's an anime, look it up.

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  4. Falling for a GM. yeah, I'm inlove maybe. Don't know if I'm infatuated or naah, but one thing is for sure, super happy ako pag nagkikita kami. Bigla nalang I saw myself waiting for him every single day. Pero syempre di naman lahat ng love stories ay may happy ending, Madaming complications sa part niya at sakin kaya we decided to be as "friends" nalang, go with the flow, Para Happy lang at walang ending. :)


    wow. buti pa kayo YourMavic...


    happy for others.

  5. haha natawa ako sa thread na to! hahaha!


    i guess mayaman? kasi pag may 500-1billion pesosesoses ka sa bangko, may magagawa ka ng paraan para maging maayos itsura mo. di ba? andaming surgeons na magagaling dyan. mapapaayos mo na mukha mo. Para sigurado, go for the best doctors abroad. For sure, di pa ubos pera mo pero maayos na itsura mo..


    At sa panahon ngyaon, andaming pangit pero magaganda naman nakakatuluyan. so mas okay na ang mayaman na pangit.. hahahahaha!

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