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Posts posted by Solaryan

  1. I used to be content having gained excess weight. But, it's not healthy, so I am doing something about it.


    I don't think it should be something I should be proud of, since it's easy to be fat. But, it's HARD work to be fit and healthy while still being able to indulge in the occasional pizza or burger :D

  2. For the guys who are starting to fall to their theras, I suggest you to read the fictional novel Eleven Minutes by Paolo Coelho :) Book report ko ito nung highschool at try to share it also to your therapist (o^^,o)


    It goes like this...


    Eleven Minutes (Portuguese: Onze Minutos) is a 2003 novel by Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho based on the experiences of a young Brazilian prostitute called Maria, whose first innocent brushes with love leave her heartbroken. At a young age, she becomes convinced that she will never find true love, instead believing that "love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer.....". When a chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, she dreams of finding fame and fortune yet ends up working as a prostitute.


    As Maria drifts further away from love, she develops a fascination with sex. But when she meets a handsome young painter she finds she must choose between pursuing a dark path of sexual pleasure for its own sake, or risking everything for the possibility of sacred sex; sex in the context of love. (Wikipedia)



    thanks sa pag share dude. :)


    What na kasi yung What if? What if? kasi pampagulo lang yan.


    Mas importante yung "What is now".


    Appreciate what you have now and iwasan na yung mga "what if?" na questions.


    Otherwise, baka yung "what is now" e maging "what if?" na rin.


    Mas malungkot yan.



    haha nasa topic ng what if kaya naglabas din ng "what if" thoughts ko..pero tama ka, wag mashado pakalunod sa what if, kasi andami namang what is :)


    Ikaw dude? share ka din, unless wala ka ngang kahit isang "what if"? If that's the case, then good for you bro.

  4. Love is a gift that we give. We don't expect to get any return and yet we choose to give it to someone. Sometimes, we knowingly give it to someone who doesn't deserve it.


    But, what if that person deserves it. But, she doesn't need yours. She is getting all the love she needs (and wants) from another man. Why is it that there are men who still gives it to those already abundantly loved?


    Isn't it logical to just move on, and finds someone else to love? Someone that wants and needs the love that you can give?


    It is all a mess of things, because when we love, we don't really think logically, we are fools and we know that the happiest are those who loves - like a jackass*.




    * Serendipity - this movie had a character played by Jeremy Piven, who delivered a line that made me realize, to love someone is to remove all safety nets and layers and only then can you say that yours was a love that can last a lifetime.

  5. Maybe it's called falling because your trajectory is something you can't control, isn't it that one can only fall down?... And on your way down, you try to grab on to whatever you think can stop your fall. You try to save yourself from the sleepless nights, troubled thoughts and anxiety of waiting for her text.


    It is torture indeed. But, one that gives a little pleasure and joy when you are with her. Even if you know that you only get to have those moments with her on borrowed time.


    If there is an alternate reality, where we never met, I'd choose the one I am in now, Although, most days are torture, at least I have that ray of hope, that slice of pure bliss, I experience every time l get to spend a moment with her. Until then, I will count the days...

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