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Posts posted by Solaryan

  1. Yes, infidelity can happen to the best of marriages or relationships but I think the crux of what the guy was saying is that it is more likely that a therapist will cheat than a non-therapist because of the nature of a therapist's work. She meets a plethora of men every day and, more often than not, these men hit on her and want to have more than a "cubicle" relationship with her, especially, if she's beautiful and gives sublime extra service.


    It is subjective, so I disagree with the crux, wherein theras are "more likely" (to cheat).

    I mean, it could have been phrased as they have a lot more temptation that they need to overcome. Due to the reasons stated in this post.

    Just because someone is surrounded by candies, doesn't mean that they have to eat it all, if they know that they are on the verge of being a diabetic, right? Again, it's up to the person's resolve not to be swayed by the temptations incorporated with the nature of their work.


    #hugot: The thera that I really like, has a bf, I really really like her because I see that she knows how to handle herself. She maintains the limit between doing the job and still being loyal to the bf. I don't think the bf even has an MTC account to monitor or keep track of her activities. I admire her resolve to just do her job and maintain her self-worth as faithful girlfriend. I guess, the bf sleeps soundly at night knowing that he has a gf who will not fool around with anyone. So, what if his gf is intimate with other men, he knows that she has boundaries and will never cross it.


    Again, it all boils down to personality. Their personality, not their jobs...if they have a strong sense of self then it doesn't matter what they do.


    1. But I thought to myself, what If (That is still an IF) the time comes that I develop feelings for this man? I would not want what we have to be based on a monetary foundation. I want something deeper, I want a chance at forever with a man I fell in love with because of who he really is, not because of what he has..


    2. you enter a relationship to have a mate in life, through sickness and health, till death do you part. ;)


    These 2 points struck me the most.... I agree with everything she posted. But it is these 2 sentences......that MAYde me curious.

    I am aMAYzed every time she posts in this thread.


    Anyway, it all boils down to the same thing mentioned in this thread over and over again, it's a job. It is not who they are. It may have an effect in the way they behave or think. But, so does other other professions. I mean, I used to know Call Center-employed individuals, who judge themselves as being too promiscuous. I also have friends who works at 4/5 star hotels and they say that for people in the hotel industry, having extra-marital affairs are common.



    My point is, it's not really their work that makes them who they are. It's how they let it affect them.


    I am new to this world of Spa and MTC, But, I have seen and heard of former theras who made it out of this lifestyle and successfully stayed out.


    Sorry that things didn't work out for others. But, then again, even non GM-thera relationships are hard.


    I also concede to what others wrote that there's an extra challenge for this kind of relationship, But hey, NO ONE forced you to go after the girl, Right? You chose to pursue her and to start the relationship, so you knew what you were getting into. As they say, you made the bed you are lying in.


    Still, thanks for sharing guys and gals. It is your stories and experience that helps and forewarn others so that they (we) will know what they are getting themselves into. :)

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