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Posts posted by filibustero

  1. If he is offered another fight that's gonna make him a ton of money [again], he will come out of "retirement". I think Manny is fighting for the money now, not for pride, and most definitely not for the Filipino people. Can't say I blame him. Hard to turn down hundreds of millions of pesos just to show up in a night.


    It may be unlikely, but I also hope he loses in the Senate. He should retire from boxing, stay away from politics, and avoid risky investments. He has more than enough money to last several lifetimes. He should remember to live a simple life, because as long as he continues living large (larger than life even), he will just need more and more money and will burn through all his cash.


    He should realize politics is a black hole, a never-ending expense that sucks all your resources and bleeds you dry until you are compelled to obtain resources through other means. Staying in politics will just eat away his billions; from spending on campaigns to giving dole-outs to people because they are his constituents by virtue of his public office.


    Manny should live a quiet life. He has earned it for himself and he owes it to his family.

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  2. Here's my point of view based on my recent experience. I just broke up with my MPA girlfriend. Reason is I just realized that she is not the girl for me. Its only been 2 weeks since our break-up, I found out that she is already going out of towns with other guys. Nung kami pa, she always says I love you etc., etc., pero mgayong ka bre break lang namin, ayan na nagwawala na agad. This being said, wala talagang respeto ang mga ito sa feelings mo. So you see guys, totoo talaga yung kasabihan na:






    Wag tayong mag-aksaya ng panahon sa mga babaeng ito. Lets just use them to quench our lusts, pay them and leave. Wag na nating samahan ng damdamin. Walang kwentang mga babae ito.

    So... you had this girlfriend that always tells you she loves you, but despite that, you broke up with her because you realized she's not the one for you. But you're saying she's the one who doesn't know how to respect your feelings? So she went out with other guys after you broke up with her; were you expecting that she wait for you until you change your mind, or maybe at least until you start going out with other girls first?


    Seriously, the fact that the girl was an MPA is not even a factor in that situation. If you break up with someone (anyone, MPA or not), the other person doesn't owe you anything. It would have been different if she broke up with you then started going out with other guys 2 weeks after. That's disrespect; but not the other way around. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  3. 1st of all sorry po alam ko legal thread to pero wala kasi ako makitang pde pagtanungan e..

    e2 po tanong ko...

    bakit po di ako makapost sa ibang topics??

    TY po~

    May minimun number of posts required. Dun sa thread ng Community Management may helpdesk na topic. Dun ka magtanong sa mga mods.
  4. i actually feel the same way but sometimes i notice how this belief affects a lot of things. i dont really care if you believe or not but do feel sad when things are impeded due to religion. not arguing with you guys nor telling you you should care but i hipe this just makes you aware how others beliefs impact you.

    1. stem cell research- good thing the ban on this has recently been lifted by obama but it's advancement has been impeded by christian churches. fine you may say other countries have been unimpeded but the US still remains the leader in research and has more resources than other countries, how does this impact you? imagine your love one has the possibility of being healed but due to the belief in god your love one can not receive such treatment.

    2. middle east conflict - may not be all about religion but listen to how the leaders of islamic nations call upon their faithful for the eradication of the jews not to mention wars between muslim nations they maybe far from us but conflicts that occur because they think their god promised them the same piece of realty affect global oil prices hence affects everything else in our lives.

    3. our very own reproductive health law- strongly opposed by the church and visibly at that. fine you may not care about the poor but surely you can appreciate how a belief in god affects society. a poor couple with 12kids and this kids eating straight out of a garbage bag which we privileged few mindlessly throw out simply because a church with its doctrine are oppose to other forms of family planning.

    4. gay marriage- only one argument i heard for this GOD! but i heard one argument about this that made me say "oo nga naman" how does it affect me? if you're against gay marriage then dont marry a gay person.

    yup getting long again so ill stop. again gents not arguing just letting you know how an archaic belief affects you. fine probably not the gay marriage thing but just had to put that in to show how a belief in god affects peoples lives. i agree they should keep it to themselves but only if they actually did keep it to themselves theist and atheist a like but for so long as the faithful affects my life i dont really mind atheist spreading that there's no god. i actually dont unless asked.

    so that's the difference and why it matters. =)

    The examples given relate more to religion - that is, organized doctrines, dogmas, or whatever it is religious leaders proclaim to be "what [their] God wants". It is not because of belief that there is a God, per se. Though I agree that religion, especially in this country, impedes a lot of things that lead to progress.


    I am baptized roman catholic, but I cannot say that I sincerely believe all the doctrines that they preach. Mere mortals can never fully fathom what they purport to have infinite wisdom, so how can they claim to know "what God wants". There is no certainty that the God my religion worships is the true God. There is no certainty that the Gods of other religions is also the true God. It's possible that no man or religion has discovered the face of the true God.


    See, I also don't discount the fact that there may be a God. This being may just not be what we conventionally conceive God to be. My philosophy professor uses the term "Transcendent" to refer to such being, as if to be religion-neutral. Some believe God is not a being at all, but is the very natural order of the universe. Whatever. I'll find out the truth for myself when I'm dead. Maybe.

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  5. "Despite a dismal 38% collection efficiency rate, SSS officials are rewarded with huge salaries, allowances and bonuses. This is from the COA 2014 report on salaries and allowances." :rolleyes:



    Granted 38% in 2014, but compared to what in previous years? Data from GCG website suggests 28% in 2011, so it went up 10% in 3 years. How much in peso amount is the 10%? That's from P85 billion in 2011 to P120B in 2014 - an increase of P35 Billion. Easy to say 38% is low, but anybody asking for a huge jump immediately is asking a lot. Improvement takes time and happens gradually.


    Also, pension funds like SSS sustains its business by investing those contributions collected in diverse portfolios. It takes skilled investment bankers to do that especially in volatile markets, the kind of skill highly valued in the private sector. And honestly, that kind of skill is needed when we talk of 31 million SSS members.

  6. Php2,000 pesos increase monthly SSS pension turned down by Pnoy. How will this affect presidential aspirant Mar Roxas?


    Negative points for Mar definitely. So easy to demonize the administration for shooting down the increase, and with it Mar. But hey, Mar is already dead last in most of the surveys conducted anyway so it's not like it would affect his ranking.
  7. Which part? The one about it fixing our problems or the part about it not happening here?



    To other news:

    Sumisingaw na yung ebs na ibinaon ng Abnoy Administration!




    Wala daw budget for loans and pensions, pero ang sweldo:





    Eto ang Daang Matuwid! Itutuloy niyo pa ba to?

    On the LRTA article, COA audit period was 2007-2011. Meaning much of the unauthorized allowances was given during GMA's time. In 2011, PNoy signed Executive Orders and a GOCC Governance law precisely to stop unauthorized allowances in all GOCCs.


    As for SSS, it's a pension fund amounting to billions of pesos. Check how much an executive in a private company that manages funds of a similar size earns, and you just might be surprised. That 5M might just only be their income tax. But for government executives, we expect them to do similar work at the lowest pay imaginable - preferably for free even. Then people ask why don't the best and the brightest work in government. As Joker said, "if you're good at something, never do it for free."

  8. So.. reforms to improve water service delivery to Filipinos were initiated by Marcos? Does the Clean Water Act of 2004 pertain to supply of water to all Filipinos? Should we also blame Cory since the information provided contains an overlap in their terms as President?


    Also, I'm curious as to the difference between the 11 rural water supply projects and the 4,400 rural water systems. Does 1 rural water supply project provide many rural water supply systems? How many is "many"? How much did it cost to produce 1 system? Was $120M enough to put up 96,200 systems? And again, how many was the "many" failed constructions, is 100 many enough? How about 200?


    Just a thought, let's avoid using vague terms like "many", "few", etc. Let's talk facts. 40 out of 100 for example is a fact. Some may conclude that 40% is already "many" while some may disagree that it's not because it's not even "majority", but 40 out of 100 is no opinion or conclusion but is a plain and simple fact.

  9. Her ground game doesn't need any polishing. What needs serious polishing is her striking.


    Going for a striking match against a champion boxer really wouldn't be a good game plan for Rousey. That's how her face got smashed. Add to that Holm's devastating kicks. If anything, she should learn more how to defend against those. As for her ground game, she needs to put in more variety in her style because obviously Holm did het reasearch and was prepared for what Rousey's got.
  10. Eto o napakalinaw cut and paste galing sa ipinost niya ..."We had a total of 49,000 elementary school classes added to the public schools system from 1966 to 1969; we produced 90,986 classrooms. "

    Two things here in this statement ...

    First, 49,000 were added from 1966 to 1969.

    Secondly, they were able to produced 90,986 classrooms

    But it was interpreted by the poster as 90,000 were built from 1966 to 1969. Thus to claim 90,000 built during his first 4 years is also a myth.

    You should quote the entire excerpt. If you read it carefully, you'll know that "classroom" is different from "classes". You produce classrooms to accommodate classes. If you read the entire exceprt, you'll also notice he was comparing the number of classrooms "produced or constructed" from 1962-1965, which was 800, to accommodate 48,000 "new classes" for the same period. So.. Marcos produced or constructed 90,000 classrooms from 1966-1969 to accommodate the 49,000 new classes during that period, plus the 47,200 backlog from Macapagal's period, hence making the claim at the end of the exceprt that they have addressed that problem.


    But we can debate this forever, of course. Everything about Marcos is subjected to debate. We may have different opinions whether he is the best or worst President, but I would say he is certainly the most interesting.

  11. How the mighty have fallen.


    With proper preparation, training, and game plan I think Rousey still has a chance to bounce back. She needs to pick up new moves for her ground game from a different trainer. And get used to dodging or blocking lefts instead of eating them whole. Seriously. She aint injured like Anderson Silva was. Only her ego was crushed. Well, also her face.

  12. You can google up...deped have a manual on current classroom specs. Not by this admin but by the previous one. I think it was sec lapus time.

    Anyway, so tell me now does your research proved that marcos built more classrooms than all the presidents that came after him combined as one claimed? Is that a fact or a myth?

    Since it was you that brought up the classroom quality issue, then maybe you can provide us with your research.


    And i don't have to prove FM built more classrooms than all of his successors combined because I never made that claim.

  13. Good point ...


    We know that the student to classroom ratio currently is not ideal. Out of my personal curiosity ... I wonder what is the ratio during Marcos time? How many students are there in a class.


    Consider also that you factored in other variables, then i guess other factors will also have to be considered just to be fair. For example you mentioned about the "40 year gap". I supposed then it is fair to assume that the classrooms built then would have undergone repairs, both major and minor ones that needs funding. This would obviously eat up on the number of newly built classrooms due to limited funding. Also we may want to consider whether these classrooms are comparable as far as capacity and specs.


    This is not to start another argument regarding ideal classroom-student ratio but just some things to ponder on in lieu of your comment.

    I have no idea what the target student-classroom ratio was back then. But let's use the information in the 1970 SONA shall we. Because they used "new class" vis-a-vis classroom. I would suppose a "new class" means a new class of Grade 1 students that should fit in one classroom. How many they are, well you can do some research to satisfy your curiosity. But according to FM, from 1962-1965 only 800 classrooms were produced when the total number of new classes was 48,000. So that's a shortage of 47,200 classrooms. To close that gap plus the additional 49,000 new classes from 1966-1969, FM built almost 91,000 classrooms in the same period. That's actually still 5,000 classrooms short but that's way better than the original 47,200 shortage. Now if we assume that the predecessor of his predecessor did not have a classroom backlog, that would mean FM need only build more classrooms proportionate to the increase in student population every year. Around 14,000 classrooms per year if you average out the new classes from 1962-1969. And to think GMA only targeted 6,000 classrooms per year. So it shouldn't be a surprise that PNoy is in a mad rush to build tens of thousands of classrooms just to close the gap the way FM did. Oh, and Diosdado Macapagal was the predecessor of FM so I guess not prioritizing classrooms is a Macapagal thing.


    As to the matter of subsequent repair of classrooms that could eat up funding for new classrooms, well I would suggest that you look into the 86,000 PNoy figures that you cited. Because we are sure that the 90,000+ classrooms FM built were all new and followed a distinct "Marcos" design. Which means it must be shown that the 86,000 did not include repaired Marcos classrooms and are all brand new PNoy rooms. As to comparability of capacity and specs, well I don't know how we should compare. I graduated from a public elementary school and I know what a Marcos classroom looks like. Can't say the same for how a PNoy classroom looks like though. Not even sure if they still use those wood bench-desks that sit two people at a time and not single arm chairs like the ones we used in my private high school and university.

  14. Myth because blind loyalist failed to face the fact that marcos never built more schools that all his successors combined...kung blackjack ito buta na bumubunot pa eh kaya yun segway.


    Back to basics tayo...Granted inutil si PNoy compared to PGMA and all the presidents we have, yun 86 thousand classrooms built from 2010 to 2014 which i quoted from a news report a few post back is still more than the 17,000 Marcos built in what? 20 years? Magiging fact ba yun sinasabi na si marcos ang may pinakamaraming napagawang classrooms sa lahat ng sumunod sa kanya combined?


    Indeed...Numbers don't lie :)

    Still sticking to the 17,000 in 20 years? Here's an excerpt from Marcos' 1970 SONA:


    In education, we have confronted the short-run and immediate problems forthrightly and successfully. We had a total of 49,000 elementary school classes added to the public schools system from 1966 to 1969; we produced 90,986 classrooms. This compares favorably with the 800 classrooms produced or constructed from 1962 to 1965, when the total number of new classes was 48,000. Thus, we have favorably solved the problem of accommodation in the schools, which was a principal cause of poor instruction and of a high dropout rate.


    That's basically what FM [claims to have] accomplished during his first term alone (1965-1969). Like I cited in my previous post, Marcos already [claims to have] built 17,000 classrooms in 1967, two years into his first term. Compare this to the 57,488 classrooms GMA built during her second term (2004-2009). Note also the 40 year gap, which means we should also factor in population - which is considerably lower during Marcos' time. Meaning, he built more classrooms during his time than GMA did in hers, when the population of the Philippines was significantly lower. This is important when you speak of targetting an ideal clasroom-student ratio (the government targets 50 students per classroom, but private schools peg it at 35 I think).


    Same goes with the 86,000 classrooms you said PNoy built from 2010-2014. Here's a summary of the data posted by the forum members here:


    Marcos (1966-1969)[3 years]: 90,000

    GMA (2004-2009)[5 years]: 57,000

    PNoy (2010-2014)[4 years]: 86,000


    Indeed, numbers don't lie. :)

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