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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. every weekend at Makati Supermarket Alabang. prices are one of the cheapest sa las pinas - muntinlupa areas. items are neatly arranged. place is clean, with nice comfort rooms too.


    medyo hassle nga lang parking specially in the afternoons.

    ot ito but i just gotta mention... have u tried the spaghetti and hamburger steak at the coffee shop in makati supermarket? to die for.


    ang alala ko makati supermarket was the first supermarket i ever went to. madalas ako mawala jan dati... :P

  2. ganhun? im touched naman. ;)

    bibigyan din kita ng kahong-kahong chocnut pagbalik mo dito. tapos tulak natin ng penta shake...


    sayang naman kung discontinued na yung alpine white.. :(

    lol pwend di kaya tau mangailangan ng loperamide w/ the combi of chocnut and penta? me wheypro ba un?




    umm yep wala na alpine white but me lindt na white... ;) try mo tas tel me if u like it.

  3. thony...


    i trust you enough to know that you will use that power in the right way.

    whether you choose to carry a torch for 9s the rest of your life...

    or you move on and love another...


    what remains is that the entire experience of loving 9s, albeit secretly... has somehow made you into the person you are now.


    and that you cannot get from anywhere else.


    in the end, its all good.


    yes i know the story, one of my favorites....



  4. thony...


    this is strange but i remember saying this to two of my friends just a few days back.


    it is in your power to say stop. you are really the only one who can say til when you can hack out that hard work you have chosen with an open heart and mind. for so long as your heart and your soul are still strong, your body will recover.


    stay steadfast for as long as you can. but bear in mind its alright to say "enough"... remember, we all have to live to fight another day, and win yet another battle. better yet, we gotta remain strong to win the war.






    having someone to listen to my rants is more than enough and for that you have my undying gratitude.


    i wish you not luck because luck is a flight of fancy. rather, i wish you success... bear in mind that however way things turn out with you and 9s, success is not necessarily winning her hand and heart... but letting her know how you feel ...


    remain steadfast my dear... it always works out in the end, albeit not necessarily in the way we want it to, but certainly in the way that god deems best for us.




    -k im more used to signin my notes this way... w/ the first letter of my name

  6. thony...


    dont get me wrong ... im not sad. perhaps wistful is a better word.


    i guess what i have to say to you is at some point, you gotta let it go and accept the fact that it will be one of your life's unanswered questions.


    i like memories. theyre like photos. i can take them out and look them over evry so often. each photo will bring with it a memory, a smile, maybe a tear. but its all good.


    thank you for your encouraging words. im in no rush... there are many many books out there. im sure one of them has my name on it :) and that book, when i find it, i wont leave it behind like i had to do with my other books. il bring it with me and keep it forever.



  7. thony...


    if i were to describe myself in one word, it would be realistic. and in the long while that my friend and i have been best friends... i never imagined that anything would pass between us. even during our boracay and hongkong and galera sojourns... when we shared a room and talked way into the night... i always just maintained we were just friends.


    we sorta drifted apart when he got himself a girlfriend. soon after i got into a relationship too. mine didnt work out but his did. theyre getting married soon... he has requested i come home for their wedding but... im not sure.


    you know whats weird? almost all of last year, it was almost as if fate was pushing us in each others paths. we would run into each other in the most unexpected of places. i would get surprise text messages saying -- "you look good in red, how come you never wore red before?" or... "you sure are buyin a lot of junk food" ... and when i look up, he would be there... (in rustans rockwell, of all places when he lives in diliman...)...


    the last surprise sms i got was when my family and i were havin dinner in megamall. i was in shorts at that time, and was rushing about with my niece. i got an sms saying "shortshorts!" and then my fone rang... and it was him. we were talking when he suddenly taps my shoulder. he saw me on the escalator and followed me to the bank. *sigh*


    he was my last "date" before i left for the US. i went off to have coffee with a friend, he picked me up from starbucks west ave and brought me home. i gave him my musashi books... and most of my stephen kings...


    some things just arent meant to be ryt?





  8. lol sure why not. but make sure you reserve the whole day. and you wear comfy shoes because i like to make the rounds of all possible book places... as in all.


    i remember one lunch time i actually rode the MRT to SM City because the book i wanted was only available in the Goodwill branch there. forsaking lunch and risking bein late ... i rushed via MRT and got my prize :)

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