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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. friend of my :heart:


    i dont know if you will get to read this.

    but i hope you do.

    im sorry does not begin to describe

    what i want to tell you.


    i just hope that the friendship we have (i refuse to say had)

    will make you reconsider.


    i shall miss you. heck, i already miss you.


    and inspite of the seeming inadequacy of these words...

    i say them yet again...


    i am sorry.




    you know what...

    il let you go on deluding yourself.


    il also let you go on thinkin what you wanna think,

    cause u know what... i dont really care.


    you were an error in judgment.

    one by one things are comin out.


    things u denied.

    or made a joke out of.


    such a flagrant liar you are.

    twisted tongue and honeyed lies.


    user and abuser.

    thief and absconder.


    be gone.



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