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Posts posted by miggyE

  1. likes to consult with a tall and beautiful/sexy derma and dentist because it makes visit worthwhile and enjoyable pag maganda ang uma attend sa patient? Do you have anybody to recommend? Thanks a lot.




  2. @miggyE: just checked the Pathfinder SRD and I now regret ignoring them for so long. Paizo's take on cantrips is just mindblowing! Thanks for the awesome tip, man ;)


    I agree. So far, D&D next appears to be geared more for the old-timers who only have time to play a quick game of wholesale slaughter before getting back to their families. WotC's inclusion of backgrounds and themes seem to hint at future playtest iterations encouraging more roleplaying, however.


    BTW, where do you get your miniatures and dice?


    sorry for the late reply. got my dice 5 years ago, as a gift from my Fiancee back then. she bought it from Neutral Grounds. as for miniatures, i got maybe four boxes of them, from a colleague whose father had thought having some miniatures carved into chess pieces. after copying the miniatures, he gave them to me. the miniatures are from the 3.5 D&D pa though......


    BTW, try out some of the Companion booklets of Pathfinder, especially the Distant Worlds one, where you could play off into other places, not just the standard areas. also, Pathfinder/Paizo is making a MMPORG due for release soon. and there's a ala-D20 Modern in the works.....

  3. anu po ang ibig sabihin ng crew serviced?? Bakit po yung mga rich and influential may gun collection? vague ang regulations



    no smart-ass, the regulations are not vague. there is no limit to the number of firearms you can own according to the Erap Bill as long as they are duly licensed! furthermore, a crew-served weapon is a weapon that needs more than two people to operate, i.e. a machine gun, a bazooka, a recoiless rifle, a howitzer........


    for the requirements and regulations, please go to the Firearms and Explosives Division's website, not the PNP main webiste....


    that's www.fed.org.ph

  4. the Mauser C96, circa 1896, 7.62x 25mm. also available in 9mm (WW2- marked with a red 9 in its grip) and the uncommon variant, .45ACP (pre-WW2)






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  5. Hello, I've been looking to running a couple scenarios for a few friends and was wondering if anyone can suggest a simple hack and slash system and/or module? The last time I ran a game was way back with the BECMI (Mentzer) D&D rules (early 90s) and those games were heavily house ruled. I'm currently eyeing Savage Worlds and Dungeon Squad and those do look suitable for my purpose, but was wondering if anyone knows of anyother simple rules (with the same DIY room for expanion of basic D&D) that an oldie like me could run. Thanks!


    try the 4th ed and 5th ed versions of D&D. too hack and slash for my taste. transferred my group to Pathfinder RPG myself. you could also look up the old 3.5 ed rules, as these are in open game license format and could be downloaded for free, sans D&D specific creatures and art.....

  6. ok ung warhammer. then updated n dn ung d&d. ayos ung legend of drizzt. bka my pdf or downloadable warhammer/warhammer 40k rulebook and codex po kayo? hehehe!



    look up warhammer on torrents, you'll find a lot of downloads available.....

  7. good afternoon, people! how is everyone? any news on the shooting EB? sorry guys, but work is getting the better of me.


    jdcruz, sorry for the late reply, yes the 9mm barrel is also available with the 22TCM kit.


    @ bergkamp, what exactly are you planning, just competing or for carry? it depends on what you want to use the pistol and which one fits you.

  8. how come just the good OL' days? as long as you have dice paper, pencils, and the old books, you still could. brought out my 2nd ed books and had an old adventure with my buddies in homage to the guy who started it all, Gary Gygax!

  9. evening, people! hello jdcruz! sorry for the late reply, busy in RL. anyway, was able to try it awhile back. pretty good accuracy and very little recoil (think 22 type recoil on a full size 45). anyway, the only drawback that i could think of is that its a noisy pistol. and i mean it makes a very loud bang when it goes off!

  10. Guys, check this out, from Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3:



    Bestiary‎ > ‎Monster Listings‎ > ‎Undead‎ > ‎



    This disembodied female torso flaps through the air on batlike wings, her fanged face a hateful mask.

    Manananggal CR 7


    XP 3,200

    CE Medium undead

    Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16



    AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural)

    hp 85 (10d8+40)

    Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +10

    DR 10/good or silver; Immune undead traits

    Weaknesses light sensitivity, vulnerable to light blades



    Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)

    Melee bite +11 (1d8+4), 2 claws +12 (1d8+4 plus grab)

    Special Attacks blood drain (1d2 Constitution)

    Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +13)


    At will—bleed (DC 14), dancing lights, touch of fatigue (DC 14)

    3/day—darkness, deep slumber (DC 17), fear (DC 18)



    Str 19, Dex 17, Con —, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 19

    Base Atk +7; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 25

    Feats Deceitful, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (claws)

    Skills Bluff +18, Disguise +21, Fly +16, Knowledge (religion) +11, Perception +16, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +6

    Languages Abyssal, Common

    SQ separate


    Separate (Su)


    During the day, a manananggal looks like a living human woman. She does not detect as undead during the day, but is still an undead creature. At night, her upper torso rips away (this is a full round action that occurs at sunset), leaving her lower torso behind. Her lower torso is helpless, but her upper torso gains its fly speed and natural attacks at this time. The upper and lower portions share the same pool of hit points (despite any intervening distance), and if the helpless lower portion is damaged, the manananggal is immediately aware of the attack. Since manananggals can be destroyed by damage to their lower bodies, they prefer to hide their lower torsos when separated. A manananggal must return to its lower torso and reattach to it (a full-round action) within the hour before sunrise—each round a manananggal remains separated after sunrise, it takes 1d6 points of damage until it rejoins its lower torso or it crumbles into dust.

    Vulnerable to Light Blades (Ex)


    Light blades (such as daggers, kamas, kukris, rapiers, short swords, sickles, and starknives) deal double the weapon's base damage on a successful hit against a manananggal.


    [This content was created for the Pathfinder rules by Paizo Publishing LLC and is part of the Pathfinder RPG product line.]



    Environment any land

    Organization solitary or pack (2-6)

    Treasure standard


    Horrid undead, manananggals walk among the living by day and prey upon them at night. These creatures delight in spreading fear and distrust. By day, they tend to stay inside because of their light sensitivity. They mask this odd behavior by either living just outside villages as reclusive hermits or by obtaining roles within the community that explain away or justify their eccentricities. Manananggals pass themselves off as normal people, usually posing as mad old women, midwives, hedge witches, or mystics. This allows the undead creatures to select their prey from within the community. Manananggals particularly enjoy feeding upon pregnant women, targeting them in their sleep so the undead may feast on the blood of both mothers and the children they carry. These foul creatures drain blood via their long, black, hollow tongues. Manananggals despise the scent of garlic and strong spices like cloves and anise. As they fly through the night, manananggals make a ticking or clicking sound, leading some villagers to call the creatures "tik-tiks." Once separated, a manananggal's mobile torso has a 6-foot wingspan.

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