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Posts posted by miggyE

  1. while allegedly safe, you have to remember that glutathione is still a hormone with all the risks that pertains. also, since we are a tropical country, the effects you may feel will only be temporary...i.e. 3 months.....

  2. there are usually several foot powders and creams/ointments available over the counter in any drugstore or in any department store. you usually need to take it for 2 weeks or more,


    i would suggest, however, that you see a dermatologist, or even an internist, first. that way, you can be sure that: 1. you really have athlete's foot and not an allergy, and 2. that you are using the right meds for the condition.

  3. no, on both counts.....


    Primary Complex is TB in kids. the usual way kids get infected is by being with an adult with active TB. simply put, there is too little bacteria in the child's saliva and phlegm to transmit the disease. the saliva of an adult carries 100 times more bacteria.


    also, after 2 weeks of treatment, even an adult becomes non-infective......

  4. if dumugo ang lugar ng kagat, treat as any bite from any animal, i.e. anti-tetanus shot and oral antibiotics. if no blood, clean the site with soap and water. if the person biting you is a rabies suspect, then get anti-rabies also. BTW, you don't need to get bitten to get rabies, just about anything that touches the person's saliva (towel, clothes, cloth, bed linen, even anything he/she coughed or spat on...) could infect you.

  5. Good day!


    Mga doctors, hingi lang ako ng advice.


    My mom has an end-stage renal problem and has been undergoing dialysis for 2 years now.


    Just recently, a therapist advised her to take black tea every morning saying it can restore her kidney and lower her creatinine. Also, she was advised to take prunes since it can increase the hemoglobin in her blood.


    After following the therapist's advise for 3 days now, my mom told me that she thinks she's feeling better. She can now sleep well during the night as might be the result of an increase in hemoglobin.


    Sabi nya rin na after nya uminom ng black tea, dumidighay sya madalas at may isinusuka sya na color yellow.


    Please tell me if eating prunes and taking black tea can really help her.


    Thanks a lot


    Prunes are often given for their laxative properties and for their fiber. it has never been use to increase hemoglobin. there are no studies on this.


    black tea on the other hand, has been shown to increase blood flow, boost mental alertness (due to caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine). it has also been studied as to its effect in boosting the body's immunity, and its own antibiotic properties (although this is very slight). also, and more important in your mother's case, black tea has also been studied as an anti-depressant.


    End Stage Renal Disease means that the kidneys have suffered irreparable damage. please bear in mind that, among all the human organs, only the liver has the capacity to regenerate itself (self-repair), and only in a limited extent. although tea in itself is a diuretic (stimulates urine production), the kidney damage may be too far gone.


    this does not mean that you should stop your mom from taking tea. on the contrary, if it helps her feel better, you should give it. at this stage in her life, you have to aim for giving her better life quality. if it makes her feel good, then do it.

  6. dapat naman kasi sir ray004. coz, if you go to crame personally with all the paperwork needed, it costs 6000+ and could be done in 4-6 hours, depende sa computer. kung senior citizen, 4k and they have a different line....

  7. at what level should one start taking medication if uric acid level is elevated? what are the suggested medication/drug?



    i think you should bring the results of your uric acid to a creditable Internist. starting medications would depend on your lifestyle and diet. just because it's high does mean you need to start meds immediately.....

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