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Posts posted by miggyE

  1. GOod day!


    Mga doc, ask ko lang, ang isa bang bata na may primary complex pwede makahawa kahit under medication na?





    hello sir HardOn. no, a child under medication is not infective. in fact, a child cannot pass on the infection! a child gets primary complex when he gets in contact with an adult with PTB. once the child is infected, he cannot pass it on (there is too little bacteria in his phlegm, and most kids do not know how to dura properly). but, if he does not get treatment, he could get full PTB by as early as 13-14, with numerous complications.

  2. Up natin. Anyone doing horror RPGs?



    was running a game prior to this pathfinder campaign using D20 Modern's Urban Arcana rules. Elves and Orcs with MP5's and glocks :) nice to run after vampires and werewolves ala buffy, or better yet, underworld ;)

  3. ^can you point me where i could find the pathfinder rules?





    you can try www.d20pfsrd, and paizo publications website www.paizo.com or paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ of course if you have a torrent program, the books are available in a lot of torrent sites

  4. Is there Fungisol being sold here in Manila?

    I went to Mercury Drug and Watson's in Market2x,

    and they didn't have it.


    I had to order from Cebu;

    Is there some place/pharmacy here selling this medicine?


    I'm using this for athlete's foot.




    Shouldn't treatment be at least 2-3 weeks?



    treatment is for two weeks, IF it really is athlete's foot, and IF it is still susceptible to the meds. thats what the 5 day period is for. if it seems to be getting better, then continue. if not, change the treatment regimen

  5. Sir may I ask option / alternatives on OTC to treat athletes foot. It kinda smells too much and sometimes its itchy.



    Thanks a lot



    there are several over the counter foot powders that work. try Fissan....

  6. Hi,


    sino dito ang regular maglaro ng DnD?


    sali sana me.



    hello again b_9904, had a campaign last june, pero, due to the fact that none of my players liked the new 4th ed rules, we moved our game into the Pathfinder realm .......

  7. Athlete's foot is very easy to treat, if not responsive in a week of treatment malamang hindi yan athletes foot.


    totally agree with sir omegared. the usual rule of thumb for infections is if it doesn't get better after 5 days, then the treatment isn't working. so why isn't it working? you could have many considerations. maybe your infection has resistance to the meds, or maybe it isn't an infection at all. you should come in for consult, that way, you could be sure......

  8. A few days ago while I was on my way home, I experienced chest pains, shortness of breath, palpitations and at the same time I wanted to throw up - that was the 1st time that I experienced that - it lasted for 20-30 minutes. What could i have been? Too much cigs, an underlying heart problem (by the way, i have bradychardia - based from my annual physical exams) or was it just a case of panic attack?



    i'm afraid, samanthajones, that you might have to go in for a consult. there are quite a few conditions that can cause palpitations, chest pains, and shortness of breath. it could be as simple as anxiety to other, nastier conditions. you might also have to undergo some exams to get a good diagnosis. treatment could also vary.

    case in point, my wife was also suffering from episodes like the one described. several tests later, we found out it was due to hormonal imbalances due to early pregnancy :)

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