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Posts posted by miggyE

  1. Inalis naba MTR RTC clearance bro? May balita ba kung pinapayagan na renew mga expired na lics? 2 units ko expired at di ma-renew kahit may LTOPF ako

    July is going to be the Amnesty daw. you can register it then

  2. i still keep a library of D&D (includes ravenloft, dragonlance) 1st and 2nd ed manuals and campaign modules,if given time, wud like to play again back then the game was more simple....


    lol, same here! since may mga torrent na, even have those! plus the original and mongoose editions of traveller, Mechwarrior/Battletech, Rifts, TopSecret/D20 Modern, plus of course Shadowrun

  3. @ Darkseed- resonance went down to 2, but was able to spend the Karma i earned for Submergence, so i could lift my Karma back up to 4 (but it costs as much as getting an 8). Submergence is the Technomancer version of Initiation for Mages and Adepts.

  4. lol, big Pathfinder fan myself. didn't really like 4th Ed also.


    currently playing Shadowrun though. like the idea of Elves with cyberware. although my character in the current game is a human technomancer (able to manipulate the internet/wireless domain with his mind) which is very good in the age of drones and wifi. although he lost a large chunk of power when my character had to take cyberware due to "health reasons" (like being near a 155mm arty shell when it goes boom). now it also means i have heavily enhanced muscles, bones, and lightning reflexes to go along with a little cyber mojo.....

  5. I play dungeons and dragons with frinds at Dragon Forge in katipunan


    welcome shimekops! which edition did you play?




    ^ Classic World of Darkness gamer. tries the 20th edition ng VTM. mas malinis at mas balanse na siya ngayon compared sa dati.


    games usually become better as time goes along with the help of critique from regular gamers. you do have backslides now and again (like 4th Ed D&D).

  6. Yes, hopefully they stop the sk elections since it is the means for corruption


    hindi pa pala signed, sabi ng tito ko sa Comelec, but there is no way that it could be held this first half of the year.....

  7. Robust like an original Ak47 (no china)

    Straight recoil like a carbine or diverted recoil like a kriss

    Modular and lightweight like a masada

    compact like a tavor



    parang napupunta ako sa MP5...hahaha

    may polymer version ba yun?


    only the H&K UMP and MP7 are polymer

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