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Posts posted by miggyE

  1. first thing first, the US has the Second Amendment. we don't.


    secondly, the US does not have ongoing insurgencies. we do.


    as it is, the gun laws have already been loosened much. 40 years ago, owning a gun was outright illegal, and only those with money could afford it. now, all you need is a single license to buy all the legal guns your heart desires.....


    as it is (again) most Filipino citizens have no problem procuring firearms as long as you go thru the process. but you are considered a resident alien. after all, you gave up your naturalized Filipino citizenship for an American citizenship. also, what guarantee does the Republic have that you will not be buying firearms to act as a fifth column?

  2. in your case, sorry no. even if you were born in the Philippines, the Citizenship Law here is determined by blood. in other words, to be considered for natural citizenship, your father and/or mother must be Filipino citizens at the time of your birth.


    as for citizenship in two or more countries, even if the US says you must choose, international law is pretty open in the matter. there are many precedence. an example would be, American citizens are not allowed to hold knighthood from foreign nations, but many Americans do hold honorary titles. the fib is that Pres. Eisenhower of the USA, and Sir Eisenhower of the Order of the Garter are two different people, they just share one body.......

  3. was going to jump in, but seems Ermita Rojo already answered azraelmd. suffice to say, ermita has fellow attached in front of her Society/College, and has been posting here for quite some time.


    truth do tell, she posts more often here than most of us old hands :rolleyes: :D :D

  4. I am a Balik Bayan with a US citizenship. Is the current Philippines Gun Law prohibits me from owning a firearm? How then would I be able to defend myself in case when it is needed?

    ilukaok is correct. if you really want to own a gun here, best way would be to get dual citizenship, then you could apply for the LTOPF

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