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Posts posted by thirteen

  1. I suggest that you get a dedicated flash first.  a 2.8 f-stop still has it's limits when doing evening indoor shots.  what system are you using?


    Canon 350D. Is the 580EX worth the extra money or should I just go for the 430EX? I also heard Sigma produces Canon-compatible lenses. Kung kulang yung budget, I might go Sigma nalang (unless anyone has any sigma flash horror stories they want to share). many thanks!

  2. If I'm not mistaken, Liefeld was one of the "trinity" back then (the others being jim lee and todd mcfarlane) that left Marvel to start their own company (Image). Considering that he's being mentioned in the same line as lee and mcfarlane means that back then their art was considered awesome... (hell, I thought it was amazing back then) unfortunately I guess, mcfarlane's and lee's art evolved... liefeld's didn't...


    Actually, Jim Lee's style hasn't evolved one bit. Mas madumi nga siya mag inks ngayon, for some reason. It's really sad to see that some artists who used to emulate Jim Lee have actually surpassed him by leaps and bounds (compare Travis Charest's work on the early Wildcats to his jaw-dropping art on Wildcats/X-men).


    Todd Mcfarlane stopped drawing a long time ago. Probably spent too much time on his court case vs Neil Gaiman (which he lost, btw)! Didn't one of his companies declare bankruptcy awhile back?


    And Rob Liefeld....well, let's just say that not only does his art suck (was never a fan), but his professional reputation is very shady. The largest distributor of comics worldwide (Diamond) refuses to carry any of his titles! A few years ago, he tried to relaunch youngblood with Mark Millar (of Ultimates fame)as the writer. Diamond refused to even deal with him, so the only way to get it was to order online or at conventions. The relaunch lasted only ONE ISSUE---but in that issue he had about 6 variant covers.


    Of all the Image pioneers, Jim Lee was the wisest to sell his Wildstorm line to DC. Erik Larsen probably has the biggest b*lls because he still continues to publish, plot, and draw Savage Dragon. He also totally revamped the history so that none of the campy early 90's stuff ever happened.

  3. hindi lang yun. lahat ng supporting cast na ginagawa niya either kamukha si domino, blob or cable. walang proportion yun mga drawing niya. the only thing good i see in his work is... wait... wala ako maisip.


    ah as you mentioned before lahat ng drawings niya mukhang kalansay ang mga characters kasi their lips seem to be always pulled back from the teeth...


    siguro may pang blackmail siya sa mga editors ng comicbook industry kaya binibigyan bigyan pa din siya ng work...


    How the hell did Liefeld get work at Marvel? After the stupendously stupid Heroes Reborn and X-force relaunch (not to mention the entire Captain America-Fighting American-Agent America brouhaha), they should have blacklisted him forever.


    It's interesting to note that the only good thing Rob Liefeld did for his comics was in hiring Alan Moore to totally revamp Supreme (Superman rip-off) and the Youngblood universe. Sad to say, he ran out of money just a few issues after Alan Moore relaunched Yongblood and right before Supreme was coming to its conclusion. Oh, I forgot, most of the artwork on Supreme isn't done by Leifeld. I think its Chris Sprouse...anyway (correct me if i'm wrong), when Liefeld did contribute a few pages here and few covers there, you could clearly see that Liefeld's work was extremely amateurish compared to Sprouse. It was like looking at a teenager's rushed 5-minute work! hahaha!

  4. Question,  yung Mac keyboard ko naghahang after some time of being idle, What I do is I remove the usb cable then kabit ko ulit para madetect ulit yung keyboard... medyo nakakabadtrip, ganito ba talaga to??? may solusyon ba para wag maghang?  help!


    I had that problem before...turned out the USB port was defective. I can't remember though if the tech pinpointed the problem to the USB port on the mac or on the keyboard.

  5. Batwoman---ugggh. Another cheap DC marketing ploy. Sorry to the Batman fans out there, but I really think Gotham is overpopulated with heroes wanting to be like the Batman. There's already Robin, Nightwing (who comes to visit very often) and Batgirl. Plus, there's Huntress and Catwoman, who can't get out of Batman's shadow.


    I don't know, maybe they should have made a totally new character. Or brought back Spoiler (afterall, it is a new continuity). Hopefully, she gets her ass kicked by batgirl or huntress.

  6. Radiohead - OK Computer

    REM - Adventures in Hi-Fi

    Ben Folds Five - The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner

    Weezer - Blue Album

    Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk

    Snow Patrol - Final Straw

  7. wow, tagal ko ng hindi nangongolekta ng comics..i still have the compilation of the 1st 7 issues ng WildCATS, meron pa ba nun?..i have lots of Batman comics, the detective series, the return of batman after being paralyzed by bane, etc, i am a huge batman fan..


    sa dc kumpleto ng bro ko death of superman, eclipso series, etc..


    my bro has lots of comics, kinolekta nya ang xfactor series, xmen, etc..


    i'm a huge justice league fan too, i watch the cartoons regularly, may comic ba siya? bibili pa lang ko ng dvd ng 1st 3 seasons..


    naeenganyo tuloy ko ulit mangolekta ng comics..



    Wildstorm Comics is set for a major relaunch this coming August. Wildcats will return, pencilled by Jim Lee himself, with a story by Grant Morisson! Other titles to be relaunched for Wildstorm are The Authority, Gen13, and Deathblow. Personally, I'm more excited with the upcoming Wetworks, as my current fave writer, Mike Carey (of Lucifer and Hellblazer fame) teams up with Whilce Portacio on this title.


    I'm a little apprehensive of the Wildcats relaunch though, because they want to take the title back to its superhero roots. I've been following the Wildcats over the years, and i'm pretty much impressed to where the are now (no more spandex, no more superheroes--everything is covert or undercover. Lord Emp is gone, the Daemonites are non-existent. They've also got a new direction: changing the world by improving technology--it's kinda hard to explain, but just think how the world would change if the Halo corporation sold batteries that lasted forever, or a car that never needed to refuel.)


    Anyway, Grant Morisson rarely fails to impress. Hopefully he can pull this off like he did with the X-men.

    Jim Lee on Wildcats

    Wildstorm Relaunch

  8. I was pretty disappointed with DC's Infinite Crisis storyline. I was so disappointed I won't even bother with their 52 event.


    Things I hated:

    - It's not self-contained. Unlike House of M or Civil War, where everything is recapped before the story is told, this series assumes you've read all the relevant issues beforehand. Worse, other events are told in spin-off specials, so you never really get the entire story (example: GL Kyle Rayner morphs into "Ion" after somebody semi-significant dies; this is never mentioned in the main series. You suddenly wonder just what happened to him).


    - How can Superboy be so much more powerful than even Superman? Or for that matter, the entire GL corps?


    - Flash & Speed Force disappears--> obviously a temporary thing. Expect a return within a year or two.


    - Horrible aftermath. The last issue was really rushed, they should have dedicated a few more pages to explain what happened to the world after the "crisis". Without it, the entire series seems like another Infinity Gauntlet (where no real changes to the Marvel Universe happened).


    Overall its an exciting read, but it just wasn't enjoyable for me. After thinking about it, the entire series reeks more of a marketing event rather than a major storyline. I'm just glad I didn't pay a centavo for reading it!

  9. X-Men: The Last Stand


    Synopsis: A cure for the mutant gene is found. Jean Grey rises from her grave. Magneto brings together a small army of mutants. Dark Phoenix rises.


    Review: Overall, an exciting and enjoyable film. Considering this movie is geared for the younger crowd, much of the action actually surprised me because of its simplistic brutality (wolverine slashing other mutants, mystique killing her guard, dark phoenix disintegrating so many soldiers, etc). Special FX was done nicely, moving the story along instead of being the star (as it should).


    As an action-packed summer popcorn movie, you really shouldn't be looking for more. As the third movie of the X-men trilogy though, it just plain....sucks. Compared to the last 2 movies, this film lacks characterization and emotion. It's like events are happening without any repercussions to the characters. I hated the fact that a main character dies so early on in the movie, and yet his death was never truly addressed or mourned. I hate the fact that some characters aren't true to their comic book roots (Juggernaut shouldn't be a mutant! He's also Xavier's step-brother!). Most of all, I hate the scene where the X-men take down the Dark Phoenix. The ultimate climactic scene in the movie, which should have been so emotional actually felt empty (and cheesy).


    But that's just me. I'm a fan, so I'm probably the hardest person to please. But damnit! X2 proved you can make a movie that can please the fans and everyone else! Why not this one? Simple. Because director Bryan Singer gave up X3 for Superman.

  10. The main advantage the Canon 5D has is that it is a full frame DSLR. The Nikon has 1.5x FOV crop (meaning, if you use a 50mm lens, it will appear as if you're using a 75mm lens--advantageous if you're want to use it for zoom shots, but very crippling if you need wide-angle shots). The Canon is capable of up to 12.8 megapixels compared to the D200's 10.2.


    The Nikon 200D's main advantage is that it has a built-in flash and that it can take up to 5 frames per second. The 5D needs an external flash and can only take up to 3 frames a second.


    The 5D is definitely designed more for professionals in the field. If you're just dabbling into photography, get the entry or mid-level SLRs. And have enough money for additional lenses.

  11. For the simple reason that the number of games for OSX is appalling (compared to the number of games for Windows).


    For the simple reason that no Adobe products run natively on Intel Core duo. It will be at around 6-12 months before Adobe release their next update, and in the meantime, it makes more sense to run Adobe on WinXP than through Rosetta.


    And there are many programs that do not run natively on OSX...mainly AutoCAD (as I just found out). Running them through a virtual environment is just too slow.


    I say huzzah for Apple for officially supporting a dual boot feature! Now you can get a mac and get the best of both OSes!


    why? why? why install a win xp on mac? no offense, peace. :)  are you using it inside a virtual pc? what is your purpose of putting xp on a mac? to use microsoft office? well, there's microsoft offie for mac running at a 64 bit (i do not know the exact term) against the microsoft office for xp which is only 16 bit (i do not know the exact term) which means the mac version is prettier & better.

  12. What I didn't like with the D50 was that it had no LCD backlight. Napansin ko, i do a lot of my shooting at night (thus my need for large aperture lenses), and having no LCD backlight to check your camera settings is such a hassle!


    well i already bought it last saturday....the kit lens sucks...but the camera itself was quite good in my opinion...no offense to nikon users...but i kinda like it better than the D50....but don't get me wrong the D50 is a good camera.....


    now all i have to do is save another 30k to buy good lenses.....as for now the kit lens will do....no choice eh...hehehehe......

  13. does anyone have a canon eos 350D..? any comments, reviews on it's performance..


    My only problem with the RebelXT is the kit lens. Largest aperture setting is f3.5, tapos 5.6 pag naka-zoom. Best to have around 20K more when buying a 350D so you can get better lenses with better low-light capabilities. Right now, am saving for f2.8 28 to 70mm lens. Masyadong mahal yung wide-angle na lowlight...30k+! Otherwise, its perfectly good camera!

  14. Try Druid's Keep sa Magallanes, same building with the Starbucks besides the South Super Hghway. They accept orders if they don't have them in stock. They've got really reasonable peso to dollar conversions!

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