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Posts posted by thirteen

  1. About this post Im sure an athlon based pc can do its job and really make room for other things in the budget department . But if your gearing up to have a pc that could do the job even better dont settle for anything less ( no offense meant but I still think an Intel processor is still the way to go when it comes to desktop computing power). One thing I know that can match up or even put it a notch higher is a Mac unit but thats an entirely different thing.


    Getting your dream PC is not a thing to be taken lightly, think things through before deciding consider all the factors even after sales issues before letting go of that hard earned moolah.


    Cheers and gospeed :D

    Im working on both Intel and Athlon powered machines, as well as G3 and G4 powered Macs, and when it comes to power, a 1.8 GHz AthlonXP runs so much faster than a 1 GHz G4 Mac. While I haven't tried the new G5 mac, there are head to head comparisons on the net that show the lower end G5s are slower when they run real life programs (ex. photoshop) than a 2.8 Ghz P4. Personally, if it were my money, I wouldn't spend it on an overpriced and overhyped Mac. But if it was the company paying for it, then by all means!


    As for the Athlon vs P4 debate, performance wise, the later AthlonXPs aren't just as powerful as the P4s. BUT, the difference really isn't noticeable in real life, everyday programs (I timed several photoshop filters and commands between a 1.8 GHz AthlonXp and a 2.6 Ghz P4, and the P4 won by only by 3 to 5 seconds on some of the tests). What you're really paying for is the Intel brand when it comes to a Pentium4. Don't even bother with a Celeron. I've worked on 2 different Celerons a few years back, and they were really unstable. Even on Win2k, the Celerons kept on crashing after a few hours of work.


    Personally, go for the AthlonXP. As has been said by many others before, the extra money you save on the chip will allow you to upgrade other parts that will more than compensate for the Athlon's lower performance.



  2. Kung may seryosong nanliligaw sa GF ko, kakausapin ko yung guy. Hindi lang sa phone...face to face talaga. Pupuntahan ko talaga siya sa bahay niya or sa work or sa school. Pero siyempre, ipapaalam ko rin muna sa GF ko. Baka mamaya mag-away kami kasi masyado akong seloso. Afterall, I should trust my GF. She may just be acting polite which is why she has yet to really turn all the other suitors down with a frank "get lost". Basta, resort to violence only when push comes to shove. Never throw the first punch. Makes you look like a neanderthal. Puede ka pa makasuhan.

  3. Yeah, I've cheated before. But only in the subjects that I really, really find no use for--the subjects you're forced to take because they're in the general education curriculum. And I'm not talking about History or Algebra...those stupid PE 101 classes and computer literacy courses (how well do you know Word? Excel?).


  4. dudes! pahabol lang na question, i'm considering upgrading my memory to 1GB, i have 512mb of 400MHz memory right now na naka dual channel. will there be a significant performance boost if I do upgrade? i'd like to invest the money only if i'll see a performance advantage, sayang lang kung gagastos ako tapos kaya naman na ng system ko ang lahat ng applications. although i'm sure it wouldnt hurt to have it, as the adage is, the more memory the better pero siyempre concerned din tayo sa bang for the buck. i'm really leaning on the upgrade side of things coz parang future investment ko na rin kasi baka mahirapan akong makahanap ng same memory modules like the ones i'm using now, and i have to have the same ones to fully take advantage of the dual channel capability of my motherboard. can you give me the final word on this? a final nudge/nod will be my signal for a go ahead. thanks!

    If you're only using Flash and other web dev apps (i.e. Dreamweaver), you won't necessarily see a major change in performance even if you double your RAM to 1GB. The files used in Flash and Dreamweaver aren't that big, which means a lot of your current 512 MB memory is still underutilized (even with multiple windows). Unless you're doing heavy duty photo editing/composition in Photoshop (as in poster size layouts) or editing video in Premiere/Avid Express you probably won't need the extra 512 RAM.


    Also, 400 MHZ will actually slowdown to either 266 or 333 MHZ clockspeed when you use more memory slots on your Mobo. So while you may have more physical memory, the rate at which it is accessed actually slows down. Since Flash doesn't use that much memory, you'll actually want a faster memory clockspeed.


    hope this helps.

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