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Posts posted by thirteen




    If you're a Hellblazer fan, you will hate this movie. First off, they make John Constantine an American, turn his hair black, and get rid of his trademark trenchcoat. Keanu still acts like Keanu, meaning he's just showing you another version of Neo. Horrible. But the worst part is that the film DOESN'T portray John Constantine as an assh*le. That's just wrong. That's like giving Spiderman the attitude and swagger of Rambo. John Constantine is a jaded assh*le through and through because people around him die because of him. Those people who claim that this is one of the best comic book adaptions made have probably never even read a Hellblazer story--probably the same people who LOVED the matrix sequels.


    OK, so what about for those who aren't Hellblazer fans? Production is top-notch, and while I have a few qualms about the CGI demons (they just aren't scary!), the special effects complement the film without stealing the show. The plot is nothing special...bits and pieces from other stories mixed together. All in all, not a BAD movie, but not GREAT movie either.


    Bottom line:

    If you've got nothing better to do, go watch it. It is nonetheless entertaining and when compared to the mindless drivel of the other movies that were showing at the movie house (ie Let the Love Begin), its actually worth seeing.

    Rating: 3.5 out of 5





    Miles is a failed writer living a meager existence in San Diego as an English teacher. With his career seemingly fading and the fate of a book hinging on a publisher's decision, Miles is depressed with himself and what he hasn't achieved. Jack is a television actor whom some recognize but not many do, as if he were a minor actor who got a taste of success. With his best friend Miles, the two embark on a road trip through California's wine country. Miles wants to give his friend a nice sendoff before married life, while Jack simply wants to have a fling beforehand.

    (from www.IMDB.com)



    First off, don't watch this movie if you're not in the mood for a movie that is talk heavy. That said, please don't be a bitch and spoil the movie for the other movie goers by making loud comments on the movie's slow pacing or otherwise "boring" dialogue.


    Sideways is easily one of the top ten movies of the year, and while the humour isn't in the same vein as White Chicks, it still manages to put in several snickers and howls of laughter in its own right. The humour is both situational and witty, often times making you laugh at the awkwardness of the characters. Paul Giamatti's performance as Miles steals the show and is a pleasant surprise--this guy should have been nominated for the Academy awards and not his co-star! This film is sublimely painful to watch...and yet you stay glued because you feel a certain connection to the characters. And while the ending may leave some wanting for more closure, it is just so perfecttly done that to show more would have actually taken away something from the film.


    Rating: 5 out of 5

  3. Was with my college friends at this resort in Antipolo...was getting really late and we were all having fun by the pool, sharing stories and dirty jokes. As we were having fun, we each left the groupat one time or another to go to the nearby CR to take a piss. Each time another person came back, you could see them either walking really fast or just plain running. Of course, they never said anything and were for the most part really quiet for a few minutes after rejoing us. Anyway, so when I felt the call of mother nature, i naturally went for the CR. On the way up the stairs, I could hear the footstep behind me as i climbed up. When I reached the 2nd floor, all the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood up. What really freaked me out was when i was taking a piss, i could again hear footsteps going down and up the stairs. I peeked out of the room, and saw no one. On the way down, again my hair stands up. damn! So i join the group again, and one of us suddenly falls silent...he saw a pair of pale feet and a black dress floating behind him...Just as the girl beside him suddenly falls forward, as if pushed by an invisible force...according to her, it felt like a slap to the back of the head. Thats when we call it a night and hurriedly go back to our cabins. Eventually, we all find out we had the same individual freaky experience the next day...none of us have ever returned to that resort again!

  4. I've always loved adventure games...Got hooked ever since King's Quest 1. Then came Lucas Arts with the Monkey Island series, Sam n Max, Day of the Tentacle....Best series ever was Gabriel Knight.


    It really saddens me to know that Lucas Arts had a sequel planned for Sam n Max and Full Throttle but decided to cancel it mid-production. And Sierra has n plans to continue the Gabriel Knight series....(sigh)


    Hopefully, adventure games come back...not in the tried and tested form...but mixed in with some other genres.

  5. Right now i really hate:

    Evanescence...especially when that damn rapper starts hogging the mike!

    All Lito Camo's dance-pop-novelty-trash. He is the bane of the local music industry.

    Bamboo's Noypi. Hearing it once is cool. Twice is ok. After that, pffeeeh.

  6. size wise, get the altis.

    engine wise, get the altis.

    fuel efficiency wise, get the altis.

    maintenance wise, get the altis.

    spare parts availability, altis has more spare parts available (although konti lang ang lamang....the city also has parts available, kaya lang medyo mas mahal kesa sa altis. but since, you are a new car owner, i will still prefer the ease and reasonable price of altis compared to the city...)

    in short, get the altis....


    While I generally agree with you on most of those points, there is no way an Altis beats a City on fuel efficiency. On a trip from Manila to Laoag and back, the City we were using consumed just past half a tank of gas (20+ liters).


    But between the altis and city rid_dick2005 mentioned, the city seems rather expensive even if you consider the low mileage.

  7. There are rumors about resellers selling overclocked processors with motherboard on a lesser price. Let say a 1.7GHz AMDAXP2100+ processor clocked to 2.0Ghz making it appear AMDAXP2400+ and selling at the cost of a AMDAXP2400+. To determine such fallacy you need to have a program which identifies the CPU ID such as a bundled software for the mobo (e.g. ASUS PC Probe for ASUS mobos) or commercially available WCPUID by H. Oda, fresh diagnose, dr hardware 2003 etc. Search the inet for more programs.

    In your case, your CPU should run fine at 1.733 GHz Clock Speed (XP2100, Thunderbird), 1.75v Vcore, 13x133Mhz FSB, 266 or 333DDR. Maximum of 85C cpu core temp. A 300W PSU is enough for you setup but a warning using generic PSU is that it cant sustain a 300W output. If you are experiencing "program hangings" it may be that your PSU is not giving enough juice to system. Try investing on a good PSU (HEC, ENERMAX or ANTEC).

    There was an article in businessweek a few days ago (between Feb 9 to 13) about how several PC shops were raided and found to have been selling FAKE AMD chips. While the article was vague on how the chips were faked, its probable that the chips were overclocked and restamped/relabeled to show a higher native clockspeed.


    What's really disturbing is that PCExpress (Shaw) and a Villman branch were among those raided and found to have fake AMD chips. If one branch has fake/overclocked chips, you can assume that the other branches have them as well.

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