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Posts posted by dibdba

  1. Reminds me of a story I heard about Chavit Singson. Garahe girl's young and beautiful, materially taken cared of.


    But her eyes show how sad she is.


    yeah, same with maria carlson who married someone famous in ilocos. she was a beauty queen and allegedly a battered wife. she eventually was accused of allegedly having a love affair with one of the hubby's bodyguards or staff. di rin pogi. di rin talaga na-prove kung nagka-affair.

  2. Not even for the husband or bf plays with her? That IS sad.


    yeah. i've met some through this forum. :( and it is sad.


    i know an executive who has a beautiful wife. the girls describe her skin as having no pores. but the couple doesn't have kids. instead the guy sleeps around. i asked him about it and he said he's happier with others.


    a beautiful girl who falls in love with an ordinary-looking boy. and the boy cheats. she's probably crying herself to sleep every night.


    you see, even the beautiful become vulnerable.



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  3. Chef Bernard along aguirre st. serves really good home-cooked meals. THey're not exactly in the fast-food-level price range, but the dishes are worth it.


    It's co-owned by randy ortiz i think.




    opened sometime late 2012. excellent food. it's amazing that serves food this good rarely gets filled up.


    just a few steps, you can also go to somerset. at the second floor there's azzurro, known for its ostritch salpicao.

  4. True. What's the point of being with a handsome, rich, mogul when he treats you like an object.


    Financial stability is a plus, so are looks.


    However, the treatment a man gives a woman is the biggest determining factor in making her decide in your favor. :-)


    yeah, this is usually the case with trophy wives or GFs.


    she's put in a case for everybody to see, but nobody to play with.

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  5. It was all about his insecurities, I'd say. I wouldn't have wasted a single minute with him had I not been serious with what we had. And yo make it worse, he was manipulating the situation to make me dependent on him for trust. He devised this character to stalk me online when it was really him. The character would leave messages in my ym and fb. To the point when I got harassed over the text and I was really surprised how that character knew of my personal number when I only gave it to a limited crowd, not even to my clients. I just ignored it despite having the hunch that it was him. Guess I couldn't bring it to myself to admit that it was him since I loved him that much.


    That's one of the burden I had with him. Managing a lot about him... But yeah, I did love the guy.


    oh ok. i understand this better now.


    it is really about how insecure he is. it's almost like he's a professor: always giving you a test. :)

  6. What's slightly unbearable at times were those when you have to keep on explaining yourself again and again. I mean, why else did I get involved with him, right?


    But yeah, some things had to end too despite loving that someone. It's just sad to see it all go to waste. Going in blindly and losing yourself to it can be that much already. And I thought that with him being older, things would run smoother and more mature.


    more than confidence, it seems he lacks trust as well, especially if you have to explain yourself again and again and again.


    age is just a number, especially when a couple is in love.

  7. Insecurity and confidence plays a lot in this kind of relationship. Dont know if it would be fair to demand faithfullness.


    given the huge age difference , there is a natural generation gap.


    i'm thinking that it is the guy's confidence, swagger if you will, that attracts the girl. unless it's the other bulge in his pants--the wallet.


    as to demanding faithfulness, i don't know. faithfulness is absolute of course--either you are or you're not, but can we make an exception: demand "near-fidelity?"

  8. to all GM's who are new to this kind of scenario, take my piece of advise DON'T fall for them. as what i've posted a couple of months ago i don't generalize every one who works in this industry but, more than often they will never change even if you treat them with outmost respect and sincerity. they will still fool around and when you caught them red handed they will lie about it even wala nang lusot and sila pa ang galit(this is based on my experience). i learned a lesson the hard way and doing so i feel so stupid for trusting her. here is a link from eppy halili gochangco from the philippine star. it helped me in someway hope it would help some of you GM's. http://www.philstar....es-bacteria-and


    The guys here have given sensible responses, and the article you quoted is the best I've seen on this topic. Words from this excellent piece in italics and quotes.


    "To stress my point, I would like to cite the study of Teela Sanders of the journal Gender, Work, and Organization, written in 2005. The position of Sanders tells us that in the workplace of giving sex to men, a woman will have to create a different “identity” from how she really is. This is a necessary mechanism to protect herself from the experience of having to “sell sex.” Also, the woman (or man) will have to show a certain behavior that will attract and maintain his/her clientele, giving the impression to the clientele that they are liked. Unfortunately, these people who sell sex have calculated responses to manipulate their clients. "

    I've long believed that girls in this business have to rationalize what they're doing in order to survive. It may come in the form of doing this for the sake of the family, or putting limitations on the service (e.g. no BJ, limited touching, panties always on, etc.) or that it's just a job. It's the only way to survive. But if she stays too long in the business and doesn't have the maturity, she may be on the path of an irreversible downspin. I know a girl who was bubbly and sweet when she started in a spa around 2008. She was 18 or 19 at the time. Fast forward to 2013. She still gives great service, but has become a nutcase. When you talk to her, you get the impression that there are three or four personalities you're talking to and that all of them want to speak at the same time.

    Gone is the innocence, even the charming naivete.

    "However, Sanders tells you that the probability of her falling in love with you is quite low because your therapist has a certain way of thinking, and that is, “… every male client is an addition to my income.” Therefore, you are a means to her financial survival. If you wish to continue falling in love with her, then you will have to accept that she may decide to be with you for your money, especially because you have shown her that you are willing to spend all your fortune for her. "

    I know girls who would go to lengths to lie about their real status, concealing the presence of a husband to create the impression that she's single. She'll even erase all traces of him from probably one of her personal facebook accounts to gain more credibility.

    This is why I'm cynical about texts or PMs from therapists who say that they miss me. May konting kilig minsan, but after a few exchanges you almost always realize that they just want to visit you at the spa because business has been bad.

    There are some decent girls in the business girls of course. And I've been fortunate to meet two. Love is still possible in this industry. But the odds are like the ones always quoted in the movie Django: Unchained: They're 1 in 10,000.

  9. I've previously been involved with a guy who's 16 years older than I am. It was all OK for me since I got no issues with the age or the gap. But I had a hard time managing his insecurities. When we'd fight, kahit fault nya, he'd say things that would make me look like ako pa ang may kasalanan.


    But yeah, sometimes we take the walk on the road blindly coz of love...


    It's strange that a guy at that age is so insecure...


    maybe he lacks confidence, and when he sees guys looking at you, he knows that they can easily take you away from him. buti na lang labs mo siya.

  10. Im married and currently in a relationship with a 21 year old girl who is 30 years my junior ( ha ha ha do the math for my age). Of all my (past and other present)relationships, this is the roughest and most difficult to handle. Lalo lang dumami grey hair ko. Nevertheless tuloy pa rin kami for reasons I dont know.


    i'm a few years younger, but i feel you bro. :)


    it can get really complicated, but sometimes it's worth it.

  11. i used to think that i can be flexible with standards. I've always been a proponent of grays.....at least in some aspects. You simply cannot box people it, and label things black and white all the time.


    but dating all sorts of guys....it made me think......maybe i'm strict with my standards after all :P


    does it come with profession? does it come with age? does it come with culture and upbringing and all sorts of vague factors that you blame, yet cant even elaborate?


    i'm not sure.


    but yes. guys with good credentials matter. guys who are financially independent, who have brains that are actually put to use, and who do make sense without putting on pretenses, without the need to put their best Bally-clad feet forward.


    does money count? it does to me. Not because i need someone who would spend for me. I can very well splurge on my own, thank you. I never had problems with bill-splitting during dates. I never had qualms about buying expensive stuff for previous ex-special someones.

    Call me prejudiced and biased....but i'd rather not go out with someone who could barely afford to take me to a good dinner. I do eat street food, of course, but taking me to a mall's food court would not necessarily......make a good impression, if i may say so.


    do cars count? i used to say no. i've been with someone who got me commuting from one place to the next. Let's just say it's something i'd rather not do again. I can take the MRT with a date, but i'd rather take the rides for fun. Making me do it out of sheer necessity is...well.....another thing.


    Perhaps i have rightly (or wrongly) associated status with maturity and sense and wit. It will all depend on who's talking....and i speak for no one but myself. We all can argue that a person's ability to converse, to connect with, or relate to the opposite sex has nothing to do at all with his educational attainments and business interests and all. Heck, the CNN hero was simply contented pushing carts and catering to the poorest of the poor.

    There are no studies that show that richer or more successful guys could love more, could make better partners, and would stay loyal all the time.


    But knowing have far i've gone, and how farther i can go, then all the aforementioned would have to be factored in, whether i deny it or not, whether i admit it or not.






    Impressive. Candid. Introspective.

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