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Posts posted by jopoc

  1. This is the thing. The reason this commission was created was to get back the alleged ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses. If, indeed, there was ill-gotten wealth, one of the Marcoses would have been in jail now or, at least, serve jail time. I am befuddled as to why the incompetent president, CC Aquino, didn't even allow Marcos to defend himself in the Philippines if she was so confident that they were gonna nail him.



    how can one dead person defend himself?

    marcos died 1989, some 3 years after cory became president and 2 years after the new constitution was installed.


    how can you bring someone to jail when he is abroad?

    marcos fled the country after he was ousted.


    We'll, that's one point of view, especially if you're one of the detractors.


    But, if let's say Binay won as President, I wouldn't mind nor will I be surprised if he employs the same tactic in social media to counteract the negative propaganda of yellow trolls.


    It's all about winning the hearts and minds of your constituents to prevent their opinions from being swayed by your opposition.



    yup... you are right...


    for the detractors they see Digong as just one of the old ones... same shiyet different color

    for the blind followers, they are like flies who see digong as a different shiyet making him a yummy treat for them

  3. Because they dispense the truth, well most of it anyway, and they do answer most allegations against them, as compared to the yellowtards, hence their supremacy over them.


    who dispense the truth, si Mocha? LOL





    No, that's not what I'm saying.


    Did I say anything about Duterte?


    Read again:


    "...The yellow media has been doing exactly the same thing for the past decades using both the mainstream and social media to vilify Erap, GMA, Binay, Villar,...etc.

    Even in this forum, the yellow troll army are active, especially during the election campaign period. Right after elections, nawala bigla; pero me ilan pang natitira. Alam mo naman kung sino yung mga yellow trolls dito.

    Don't tell me you didn't notice?

    Duterte's supporters also know how to play the game, so what's the problem if they beat the yellow media and trolls in their own game?

    Php 10 million? Wala yan sa ginastos at ginagastos pa ng mga oligarchs and yellow vested interest groups for their own propaganda ..."



    I'm saying Duterte supporters' social media group is better at the game compared to oligarch-paid yellow troll army.



    exactly my point... you are saying that they do the same shiyet...they are the same shiyet.... only in a different color....


    just observe, read and be informed, and not my responsibility to spoon-feed you.

    just stay away from media either making their own stories or giving half-stories.


    i commute, walk, eat, buy around the metro everyday and obviously, media is simply making their own fantasy stories here and there.

    just remove your biases and learn how to separate facts from fakes, you will be ok.

    have a nice day! :)



    i am asking you to be factual and objective... and you still cant.... biases? not me... it seems you are the biased one here.



    Matagal nang pinag aaralan kung papano iregulate ang Grab and Uber way before your said incident. They are not solutions to metro traffic rather they are one of the causes due to heavy influx of Grab ang Uber vehicles in the metro. They only ease commuters easy access to travel. Whats wrong by regulating it?




    i agree....

    imagine like 50k cars roaming around metro manila as if they are taxis


    i dont mind having uber and grab around...but it has to be what it should be.... RIDE SHARING... not a taxi service






    Even way back twenty years ago, you can easily book a taxi in Singapore through phone, and cellphones were not even widespread then and wala pang Grab or Uber noon. I can honestly tell you it was just as convenient to book a taxi in Singapore by landline phone twenty years ago as it is to book Grab or Uber in Manila today by cellphone.


    What we need is not regulation, but a working system. Corruption cannot thrive in a working system, that's why the men and women of LTO and LTFRB are against it.



    there is a need to regulate uber and grab....

    when there are complaints against them, to whom does the commuter run to?




    Duterte did in 1 year what most presidents did in their entire terms



    please give me a factual and objective comparison of what digong did and what most presidents did in 1 year.


  6. Were you surprised? I'm surprised that you are.


    The yellow media has been doing exactly the same thing for the past decades using both the mainstream and social media to vilify Erap, GMA, Binay, Villar,...etc.


    Even in this forum, the yellow troll army are active, especially during the election campaign period. Right after elections, nawala bigla; pero me ilan pang natitira. Alam mo naman kung sino yung mga yellow trolls dito.


    Don't tell me you didn't notice?


    Duterte's supporters also know how to play the game, so what's the problem if they beat the yellow media and trolls in their own game?


    Php 10 million? Wala yan sa ginastos at ginagastos pa ng mga oligarchs and yellow vested interest groups for their own propaganda.


    You know why Duterte's supporters are prevailing now? Because the people finally realized how the LP and the oligarch-supported Abnoy administration has betrayed them.



    so basically you are saying that duterte is no different from the yellows when it comes to substance, he is just of a different form......


    i agree

  7. Daphne's post said:


    BEFORE (June, 2016) - 3-Million Backlog on License Cards

    NOW (June, 2017) - No more backlog - 3 Million backlog on license cards fully addressed.


    He was still talking about the 3 Million backlog in 2016.


    You're a lawyer, can you make a false claim case against that? and win?



    i posted a photo of my brother's license dated JUNE 2017

    so this means that as of June 2017 THERE ARE STILL BACKLOGS.



    please feel free to point out in the photo where it states that the "No more backlogs" refers ONLY to the 2016 backlog and not to the current one?

    if you cannot, a palusot will be accepted.

  8. John Lesaca's recent complaint about a lady uber driver asking her customer to take a hike because of heavy traffic created the controversy that clamored for stricter regulations for ride sharing app public transport.


    I can understand that the customer who is John Lesaca's relative has a medical condition and risked a lot by being forced to walk to the hospital destination. But come to think of it, the Uber driver is not really an ambulance and cannot have quick and safe passage on the road. She did try her best and even violated rules to attend to the needs of her customer but sometimes traffic can be next to impossible. Anybody who drives and wants to keep an appointment understands this.


    No one bothered to suggest to the national artist that barangay ambulance services are free of charge. They also have skillful drivers who can choose the route and got sirens and emergency lights that help cut through traffic, move in counter flow direction and beat or ignore traffic lights too. Uber cannot be held liable for such emergencies. Uber drivers are likely part timers and not equipped or skillful for tasks which can be life threatening.


    Ride share apps like grab and uber are welcome solutions to metro traffic since it permits private vehicles to carry passengers when empty on the road. It will ease the need for more vehicles that create traffic pressure on very limited road space. Making regulations just to suit a high profile case got to be tempered emotionally and resist over reaction. Many negative focus on the new public transport system such as rape and robbery are overblown by media and likely isolated cases. Such criminal cases are abundant in the city and happens a lot more in traditional commuter vans, buses or taxis.



    please re-validate your facts. the passenger may be sick, but it was NOT an emergency situation... you only use the ambulance during emergency situations, right?


    The backlog is caused by the supply contract dispute that is still unresolved in the courts.


    In project management, we would look at the clearing of 2016 backlog as a positive development. Once the bulk of the previous backlog is cleared, the new remaining backlog is expected to be resolved faster.


    But I'm still dissatisfied with the Car Plate issue. It's a real big mess Abnoy and Torres left behind.



    point here is this.... if there is still backlog... do not say there is none....

    do not misinform..... marami kasing mga naive people na naniniwala sa mga wrong info.


    For a person who advocates due process, you are conveniently forgetting that the solution to the Drivers' ID and the Car Plates fiasco is the resolution of the supply contract dispute case in court.


    If the government ignore the rights of the car plates supplier, seize the shipment, and proceed to distribute the plates to its owners, without resolving the customs duties, taxation and payments disputes, would you accept it as the proper way to move forward?



    i was just commenting on the post that there is no backlog anymore.... you are straying from that.


    As I understand from Daphne's post, the 3 million backlog as of June 2016 has been cleared in June 2017.


    There's still backlog between June 2016 and the present.


    You see, the backlog was created by the ineptness of the previous administration under Abnoy.


    On top of the Drivers ID backlog, the problem on car plates is so huge and complicated that up to now, the present administration cannot make a headway. Blame it on the late commissioner Torres and her benefactor, Abnoy.



    and i thought change has come.....


    same old thing... blame the past administration.


    yes, i understand the ineptness of the past admin... but 1 year into the digong presidency, and still no progress... the license plates issue... c'mon.... there should be progress now in fixing the problem... but obviously there is none..... it seems the inept governance has continued....




    ah ok... so i get it on the license backlog... they are saying that there is no more old backlog from the Pnoy administration, only a new backlog from the digong administration.... wow... eh di may backlog pa rin. gaguhan lang nangyayari... it is like "nabayaran ko na yung utang kay pedro... pinambayad ko perang inutang ko kay Juan."

  12. yellow idiots.. defend this




    GOOD NEWS: 3-Million backlog sa lisensya, naisaayos na!

    Simula Disyembre noong 2016, nagsimula nang i-distribute ng DOTr - LTO ang inabutang 3-Million backlog sa driver's license cards. Ito ay nakumpleto nitong Pebrero 2017.

    Simula Agosto, maaasahan naman ng mga motorista ang pag-distribute ng driver's license cards na may 5 years validity.




    kaya pala nung kumuha ng bagong lisensya kapatid ko.... papel lang binigay sa kanya... balik daw after six months....



    Sige,,, defend this



  13. Yes, due process need not take long. But lawyers can drag it forever if it suits their client.


    Do you think the findings were not completed months before they were given the closure order? We should not act naive. These mining companies know what violations they are committing. They were counting on being able to bribe the DENR underlings into making sure they are not shut down despite their violations. Unfortunately for them, Gina has a different agenda.


    Ano pa bang due process ang gagawin if you're already caught red-handed? Cease and desist agad. The main intent is to stop the damage immediately.



    if lawyers can drag cases, the fault is with the government, not the lawyers...... if cases take forever, blame the government for being inept...... not the lawyers.

  14. I agree to the balance.


    But I'm also concerned about the urgency to immediately stop the destructive methods used by unscrupulous miners. These miners manipulate the legal "due process" to continue with their irresponsible mining methods.


    I have been to mine sites that are done with the appropriate methods and technologies.


    I have also seen the irresponsible methods and this must stop immediately. Not for us but for the future generations.



    due process does not have to take long


    all Gina should do is give them a few days to respond (normally 15-30) to the adverse findings, and after they respond, she orders the closure or suspension.

    or, if a hearing in DENR or MGB is requred, do a quick one.

    now that is due process


    so even if these mining companies will appeal their cases, they cannot claim due process was not afforded to them.


    all that is need is efficiency on the party of the DENR. again, you cannot skip due process. .







    Mabuhay ang Tsina!





    Duterte: PH can’t stop China from building facilities in Panatag Shoal

    ABS-CBN News

    Posted at Mar 19 2017 05:00 PM

    MANILA- President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday said the Philippines cannot stop China from building facilities in Scarborough Shoal (Panatag Shoal) in the disputed South China Sea.

    Duterte issued the statement when asked to clarify reports that Beijing was building a radar station in Panatag.

    “We cannot stop China from doing its thing. Hindi nga napara ng Amerikano eh,” Duterte said.

    Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio yesterday warned that if China sets up a radar station on Panatag Shoal, it will have complete radar coverage of the South China Sea. Carpio said China may eventually militarize the radar station, like what it has done to Fiery Cross Reef.

    Defense Chief Delfin Lorenzana earlier said that China planned to undertake reclamation work in Panatag Shoal but the United States apparently managed to talk Beijing out of it.

    The shoal, located 230 miles from Luzon and prized by Filipino fishermen for its rich resources, was seized by China from the Philippines in 2012.

    Chinese coast guard blocked Filipino fishermen from accessing the shoal, prompting Manila to bring Beijing to a United Nations-backed arbitral tribunal.

    The President recalled his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping wherein he warned the Chinese leader that Manila will use the arbitral ruling once Beijing begins to “tinker with entitlement” in the disputed waters.

    “I said I will not invoke the arbitral ruling now. But there will be a time, in my term where I will bring the issue back on the table… and it will come,” he said.

    Duterte said just like Russia, Chinese ships are welcome to come and dock in Philippine ports.

    “Bakit ako mag discriminate against China? We are not at war against China,” he said.



    wait natin ang mga ka-DDS para sagutin ito......


    In the Philippines, if donot implement cease and desist order immediately, the resulting damage from a few weeks of wanton destruction of the environment takes decades and centuries for nature to repair.


    The mining companies can use brilliant lawyers like you to drag the case indefinitely -- all in the name of "due process", while at the meantime, destruction continues.


    The key to responsible mining is to stop current destructive methods immediately and allow them to re-start only after thorough evaluation of the technology and methods to be used, as well as agreeing on how rehabilitation shall be done after mining activities are finished.


    due process is part a constitutional right.


    we cannot fault the private individuals if the government is slow to act on due process.

    Gina should balance both due process and environmental protection



    if she does not, and the matter is brought to the SC and the SC nullifies her actions on due process, the mining firms win in the end.

    do things the proper way, meaning, no arbitrariness

    • Like (+1) 1


    Ang hilig mo talaga sa mga trick question at rhetorics.


    Political reality ang pinaguusapan dito.


    Ibig sabihin kahit hindi naman "Duterte" pangalan ng presidente yan pa din mangyayari. Sus naman o


    O di lumalabas nga na me problema ka dito kasi "Duterte" pangalan ng presidente? Pano kung binay?




    Kay biiiiiiinaaaaay gaganda ang buhay whohohohoo



    ang hilig mo talagang umiwas pag naiipit ka na sa simpleng tanong.


    tapos kung anu-ano na sasabihin mo imbes na sagutin ang simpleng tanong. HAHAHAHAHAHA




    I know a lot of eyebrows rose from anti DU30 here when Du30 appointed Gina Lopez as Sec.of DENR. What are your comments on her stance against mining?


    im ok with full enforcement of mining laws. but there must be due process as well.

    hindi pwede arbitrary yung pagtanggal o pagcancel ng mining sites for some violations.


    responsible mining is a balance of nature and technology.

    we still need mining the same way we need to save the environment



    yung gusto total mining ban... wag gagamit ng cellphone... wag gagamit ng computer, ng kotse, kahit ng kaldero.....




    Parang tanga ito mga taga-magdalo. Nagfile ng impeachment kay Duterte.


    Hay naku! Parang hindi pa natuto sa lessons ng GMA administration. UNANG UNA IMPEACHMENT IS A NUMBERS GAME. Duterte has the numbers! Kahit nga si GMA na sinusuka na ng publiko after ZTE and hello garci hindi maimpeach impeach. Si Duterte pa kaya?


    Pangalawa, papanong susulong ang impeachment na ito eh ni walang suporta mula sa publiko? Wala namang sunod sunod na pagkilos para patalsikin si Duterte. Hindi ba nakikita ng mga ugok na ito, na all the more hinahatak nila si Duterte, sila ang mas minumura tuloy.


    Trillanes and his magdalo are the dumbest destabilizers in modern history. They should read social science books and see how its really done.



    iniisip ko nga pakawala ni duterte si alejano.


    he will file a stupid impeachment complaint para magkaroon ng 1 year ban for another impeachment complaint.


    style ni GMA yan nung time nya... yearly nagfi-file ng kamoteng complaint si Lozano.

  17. Ang sa tingin ko kay DU30, pinagbibigyan ng mga posisyon yung nakatulong sa kanya at yung mga luma niyang naging kaibigan. Pero kapag pumalpak at nabahiran ng corruption ang pangalan nila tanggal din agad. Kita niyo nangyari kay Peter Laviña



    eh si Cesar Montano?




    But President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday confirmed that he was willing to offer Sandra Cam a government post in return for her help in his campaign and that he was leaving it to the people to judge her after the airport incident.

    “She helped me during the last election. I’ll be frank. Her behavior? Let the public judge it. She helped me and I will help her. That’s a debt of gratitude,” Mr. Duterte told reporters in Baguio where he led the inauguration of the government channel PTV Cordillera hub.

    “If she would ask for work, I’d give her work. It’s not because she was shouting there. That’s her business,” he added.


    Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/879836/duterte-defends-cam-after-airport-scene#ixzz4b3R0LEfG

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    mga ka-DDS.... anong masasabi nyo?

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