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Posts posted by spitzky

  1. get a load of this:


    4/7/2005 1:23:00 AM

    Warrior responds to the attacks by those spineless Republicans and World Class Crybaby Liberals from last night's speech




    From the Desk of Warrior


    April 6, 2005


    Santa Fe, NM – This release is in response to allegations made in an email

    from UConn student Russell Passig, as well as remarks made in two press

    releases by the UConn College Republicans regarding Warrior’s appearance at

    UConn on April 5, 2005.


    First, Mr. Passig’s claim that Warrior’s address was tantamount to

    “university-funded hate speech” is absolutely ridiculous. While it is

    certainly true that Warrior’s positions are often controversial, the reality

    is that what people like Passig whiningly denounce as “racist and

    homophobic” is merely what reasonable adults would classify as nothing more

    than being politically incorrect. While Mr. Passig, Mr. Traugh, Mr.

    Moghtaderi, and any others who objected to the substance of what Warrior had

    to say would certainly have been within their rights to challenge Warrior

    during the Q&A period, the truth is that they lacked the class and common

    sense to do so. After repeatedly interrupting Warrior's speech, these

    individuals chose to further instigate Warrior with baseless ad hominem

    attacks - thus eliciting highly-charged responses from Warrior. To top it

    all off, this World Class Crew of Crybabies is now attempting to have the

    UConn administration punish the CRs for words that Warrior spoke. Yet

    another timeless liberal/left-wing/anti-American tradition - when in doubt,

    blame the Republicans.


    All of the above notwithstanding, it is somewhat sad to see how utterly

    spineless the UConn College Republicans have turned out to be. Not a single

    UConn CR voiced any objection to Warrior after the event. The detailed

    emails between Warrior and the UConn CRs reveal that the CRs repeatedly

    encouraged Warrior to single out the Tent City Trash for some re-education.

    Yet, it now seems that the CRs have collectively decided to bow down and beg

    forgiveness from various extremist, anti-American, left-wing groups who

    infest the UConn campus. Perhaps the UConn CRs should refrain from engaging

    in political activism until such time as they develop enough backbone to be

    able to withstand not being liked by their opponents.


    It bears mentioning that Warrior demonstrated considerable restraint given

    the disrespectful and petulant behavior of a small minority of the students.

    These individuals unwittingly illustrated one of the most pernicious

    truths of modern liberalism: that while self-described liberals claim, ad

    nauseum, that they support freedom of speech, the truth is that they only

    support free speech as long as the content of that speech is acceptable to

    them. The moment that a single word is spoken that questions, challenges,

    or otherwise conflicts with their myopic, misguided views of the world,

    their enthusiasm for the First Amendment totally disappears.


    In closing, Warrior emphatically rejects and dismisses any attempt to

    portray his appearance at UConn as anything other than it was – a

    straightforward, honest discussion of Warrior’s philosophical beliefs. That

    his words have been mischaracterized and that the speech was occasionally

    interrupted by a relative handful of students (who, for some reason, all

    seemed to smell like patchouli oil and burnt flag) does not detract from the

    fact that the overwhelming majority of those in attendance had a wonderful

    time and agreed with most of Warrior’s points – a fact that is corroborated

    by dozens upon dozens of emails that Warrior has thus far received from

    attendants. Warrior thanks all of his true fans and all of the true

    Conservatives who took time out from their studies to welcome him back to

    Connecticut, and hopes to see them all again very soon.


    Always Believe,







    he actually refers to himself in the third person... he's nuts... we need mor ppl like him...

  2. kaya parang numipis ang balat mo dahil kumakapal ang muscle... kapag kumakapal ang muscle hindi naman numinipis ang balat, nawawala yun fat. ibig sabihin maganda yun soy protein.


    walang kinalaman ang pagputi at pagnipis ng balat sa estrogen. so ang mga babaeng negro walang estrogen? kasi maiitim sila at makapal ang balat? kung totoo yun so dapat nagka man-tits ang nagtatake ng soy...


    how long hav u been taking soy?

  3. If you are asking if taking soy will give you cancer much like cigarette smoking will give you emphysema.  Then I will have to say no.  There has not been a proven connection that soy has a direct relationship to cause cancer.  Actually the studies have proven the opposite.  Soy has helped reduce the chances of cancer and bone loss. 


    They said soy has the potential to give you cancer.  The studies didn’t show soy itself, but on xenoestrogens.  Unfortunately, xenoestrogens can be found in pesticides that spray the crops and in hormones that are used to fatten cows.  So if you are eating fruits, vegetables, red meat, dairy products (yes, that includes whey protein) then you are exposed to xenoestrogens.  They say soy has shown to lower semen count in rats and cheetahs.  But when they ran a study in humans they found no lowering of semen.


    The studies others have posted here only give you a partial view of the subject or should I say a sensational view.  But when you look beyond the headlines and read how they come to their conclusions then you’ll start to ask more questions.  I’ve posted a wider angle to the subject.  Read the studies and decide for yourself. 


    One person on this board actually claims that drinking soy turned him into a “faggot” (his words, not mine).  :huh:  I can’t answer that one.  Maybe he was just sexually confused.   


    i was only half kidding... not really a fag, but i was a big, soft gradeschool boy... i recovered in high school, just after i quit soy milk...


    yup, almost everything these days can be considered "carcinogenic"... life sucks :angry:

  4. this is what i did before and i lost weight and slimmed down. i'm doing it again now..


    1. eat a healthy breakfast everyday - oatmeal, fruits, wheat bread.

    2. never miss a meal.

    3. eat more often but lesser amounts. have mini-meals throughout the day but make sure that they are healthy.

    4. it's ok to snack on cookies or choco bars just in modification and don't do it everday ( can't live without chocolate!  :) )

    5. hold your stomach in every second of the day and always maintain a good posture. pinakaimportante ito. when you hold your stomach in palagi it's like your constantly exercising your abs and good posture helps to make your tummy look smaller. sa una mahirap pero masasanay ka din

    6. more water ( water is still the best coz it contains no fat, no cholesterol )

    7. be active ( in sports ha  :D  or whatever you enjoy doing  :lol: hehehe.. ) just make sure that you get those muscles moving


    "in moderation"....

    just keep doing wat ur doing, no need for expensive fat burners kung beginner ka pa lang...

  5. Yes, going back to the topic. 


    There are some who would claim that they are proud of being fat.  But honestly (or deep inside), they still envy those with sexy bodies.  Although they will not say it and still claim that they are proud of of being fat.


    Has anyone made love to a fat one who didn't wish that he is making love to a sexy one?  I doubt it. 


    Maybe they are doing it because it's their duty (as hausband), there is nobody else (and there is a need to dispose of that heat between the legs) or for money (mayaman si misis).  For love?  I doubt it.



    besides, being overweight is simply not healthy... and u wont get laid much either!

  6. pre indi muscle ang corpus cavernosum, tissue lang un napupuno ng dugo. duun nang galing ung reference ko sa knila bilang "balloon". ang muscles ay voluntary and involuntary(ciempre lam mo na un) at lumalaki ang voluntary muscle pag naeexercise ito. ang biceps pag ibinuhat mo at titrain mo ng maige, lalaki. ang lats at quadriceps ganon din. ang etits kahit anung kantot mo at bate, di na talaga lalaki yan.


    para malinaw sa mga geeks dian, eto.


    Three expandable cylindrical formations along the length of the penis hold blood during erection. The two corpora cavernosa lie along the penis shaft, from the pubic bones to the head of the penis, where they join. These formations are made of a sponge-like tissue containing irregular blood-filled spaces lined by endothelium and separated by connective tissue septa. There is one smaller such region (the corpus spongiosum) along the bottom of the penis, which contains the urethra.


    In some circumstances, release of nitric oxide precedes relaxation of muscles in the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum. The spongy tissue fills with blood, from arteries down the length of the penis. A little blood enters the corpus spongiosum; the remainder engorges the corpora cavernosa, which expand to hold 90% of the blood involved in an erection, increasing both in length and in diameter.


    Blood can leave the erectile tissue only through a drainage system of veins around the outside wall of the corpus cavernosum. The expanding spongy tissue presses against a surrounding dense tissue (tunica albuginia) constricting these veins, preventing blood from leaving. The penis becomes rigid as a result. The glans penis, the expanded cap of the corpus spongiosum, remains more malleable during erection because its tunica albuginea is much thinner than elsewhere in the penis.



    oh sorry bout dat, i forgot my anatomy 101....... yes it is tissue, not muscle... :thumbsupsmiley:

  7. yup, but soy protein seems to hav tons of the stuff.....


    xenoestrogens will make u gay! hahaha


    i developed a taste for soy milk wen i was around 6-10 y o, and even tho i was the biggest guy in class, i was also the softest! good thing my fave brand went out of production before the damned thing completely turned me into a faggot....

    ...true story :cry:

  8. Great shoe for balling Xbox boy. But isn't it a bit expensive at 4,000 even for cash and carry. I saw those shoes selling for 2,500 way back in 1994, but hey I know how it feel being a shoe head myself. It doesn't matter how much it cost as long as you look and feel good in them right. Just last saturday I saw a guy who bought the adidas 1 ( running shoe with a microchip and mechanism to control heel cushioning) at gateway mall adidas shop for almost 15,000 pesos. Wow...Oh well I guess some lucky guys are going to be able to get their feet into those..hehe. Very exclusive too because only 50 pairs in the whole Philippines. Anyway back to balling shoes , Nike Philippines had a sale last weekend at Rufino tower in Makati. Saw the shoe you like selling for 30 % off. I think its called the Air Max Operate, but they only had that in the all white with black color way.



    hmm... ano yung bumili, runner talaga or con~o??? hehehe

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