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Posts posted by spitzky

  1. Share ko lang tong Diet na inimbento ko, and this actually worked for me, i lost weight within 3 weeks :)


    It's actually very simple

    1. Eat only 3 meals a day


    Set your meals anytime within 6 hours range. For example, in the Morning within 6am to 12noon eat your breakfast, dont eat too many though, the idea is reduction :). Then from 12noon to 6pm you can have another meal, let's say Lunch. Again, don't eat too many. Your next meal would be from 6pm to 12midnight, which means this would be your dinner. Now just incase you're still awake past 12midnight, you can still take another meal no problem about it :)


    2. Cut-off on Fatty foods


    Always remember the "Do not eat foods" like Cake, Ice-cream, Chocolate... you know it already. If you have to take some, a bite will do.


    3. Merienda's and Snacks aren't allowed, remember, only 3 meals a day.


    4. If you feel hungry and it's not yet your time to eat, drink water to subdue the hunger.


    5. Exercise is important


    If you don't have time for any, or if you're too busy because of work, use the stairs. Instead of using elevators, use the stairs in going up and down the floors. MRT Stairs will also do, and try walking often :)


    6. Discipline is the key :)

    This one worked for me. Good luck :)





    actually, if u distribute those 3 meals into 6 total meals, u wud be even better off... same calories, but different meal timing... 6 hours between meals will stall ur metabolism, make u very hungry, and u will tend to eat more... a 3-hour gap between meals, however, will make sure u r never hungry and ur metabolism never stalls...

    actually, the fatty foods wont make u as fat as the SUGARY foods will... sugar is the enemy, not fat

  2. You can do 100's of sit-ups a day and still not see that flat stomach.  What you will get is a hard stomach with a layer of fat over it.  The end result will be the same when you take off your shirt.  Instead of girls saying ….OH’s and AAH’s.  :wub:  It will be more like ILLL.  :sick:


    The key is to combine those exercises with a low fat diet.  How is that done when you are a typical filipino with the standard diet of fried pork, chicken, rice, soda and beer.  The answer .... You CAN'T.  You need to rethink your diet.  I'm not saying to cut down every now and then, but to drastically convert to a low fat, low calorie diet.  If you can’t commit to this then you may want to keep that shirt on when you’re in public.  It seems harsh, but so are those gigles from the cutie in the 2 piece looking at you.


    low fat diet??? where have u been the last 5 years? :boo: ... the low fat diet is nothing but a 90's fad! :thumbsdownsmiley:

  3. Hey fitness gurus, hope you could provide some much needed help. Anyone here who can design a diet + workout plan which can effectively help me slim down? Emphasis is given to the diet part coz im having a hard time planning which food type to take during a meal. Hope you can give me some info! Thanks in advance!


    PS: Kindly PM all diet programs / workout routines... Thanks! B)


    for the benefit of all other ppl in here, im gonna post it, not PM...

    here are some basic pointers to consider (remember: BASIC):

    1. no more sugary/calorie-filled drinks (soda, juices, alcohol)... yep, that means all u can drink is: water (and maybe a lil green tea &even coffee, bsta unsweetened)

    2. eat every 2-3 hours (for the sake of brevity, this is to make sure ur never hungry and ur metabolism never slows down) for a total of 5-7 meals/day

    3. eat protein with every meal, for a total of 1g protein per pound of bodyweight for the whiole day

    4. eat carbs on the first meal only (a lil oatmeal, brown bread or even rice kung wla na talaga)... if u can manage it, its even better if all ur carbs come from fruits, say 5 servings/day (in this case, u can eat fruits even at night)

    5. for the rest of the day, eat protein + fat (unsaturated; canola, fish, flaxseed) never eat more than 10g of fat & 10g of carbs on the same meal (long story)... so eat carbs+protein for breakfast, fat+protein for the rest of ur meals

    6. as for training, pick compound exercises, not wussy crunches and bicep curls...

    7. train hard... hi-intensity training for shorter durations is better than an hour-long treamill run (not to mention far less boring)

    8. read up! (t-nation.com)


    ill try to find sum relevant articles to post here, i myt have missed sum things...

  4. the thing is, the exact cause of heart disease is still a big mystery... and cholesterol is simply the scapegoat... i mean, we need sumthing to blame dont we? and if government institutions reveal the truth (that cholesterol is simply a scapegoat), big drug companies will lose big money from anti-cholesterol drugs... which in turn will mean lesser campaign contributions to congressmen, senators... so u see, this whole issue not only involves science but a whole lotta politics too... so take everything w/a grain of salt :goatee:

  5. yep it is called a roman chair... but u really cant compare the muscle recruitment of the hanging leg raise to the reverse crunch... depending on wat u read, its either the hanging version hits the lower abs better or u make use of a certain leg muscle too much to gain any quick benefits... try both to find out then... however, exercise alone cant trim down ur waistline... u gotta watch wat u eat... thats d price u have to pay for getting fit <_

  6. well the sad thing is, ab crunches simply dont burn enough calories.... they will mess up ur spine faster than giving u a 6-pack... and although the argument behind muscle fiber types is quite sketchy and heavily debated, its had been shown that abdominal muscles respond better to heavy loads and low reps (coz ab muscles are mostly fast-twitch).....

  7. nabasa ko sa isang magazine, exercise routine ni cesar montano... do ab crunches while having your body reverse suspended in mid air. he uses clasps that secure his feet in a pull-up bar. he does a hundred or so repetitions a day. kaya cguro nakuha nia c sunshine...


    im sorry pare kung parang parati kitang kinokontra sa mga thread dito but........ abdominal isolation exercises are overrated and 100 reps for ur abs wont do you much good, coz the abs respond better to low-rep, hi-intensity exercises... the only reason why mr. cesar montano can do 100 reps is bcoz the INTENSITY IS TOO LOW (the load is too low)

  8. nabasa ko sa isang magazine, exercise routine ni cesar montano... do ab crunches while having your body reverse suspended in mid air. he uses clasps that secure his feet in a pull-up bar. he does a hundred or so repetitions a day. kaya cguro nakuha nia c sunshine...


    im sorry pare kung parang parati kitang kinokontra sa mga thread dito but........ abdominal isolation exercises are overrated and 100 reps for ur abs wont do you much good, coz the abs respond better to low-rep, hi-intensity exercises... the only reason why mr. cesar montano can do 100 reps is bcoz the INTENSITY IS TOO LOW (the load is too low)

  9. nabasa ko sa isang magazine, exercise routine ni cesar montano... do ab crunches while having your body reverse suspended in mid air. he uses clasps that secure his feet in a pull-up bar. he does a hundred or so repetitions a day. kaya cguro nakuha nia c sunshine...


    im sorry pare kung parang parati kitang kinokontra sa mga thread dito but........ abdominal isolation exercises are overrated and 100 reps for ur abs wont do you much good, coz the abs respond better to low-rep, hi-intensity exercises... the only reason why mr. cesar montano can do 100 reps is bcoz the INTENSITY IS TOO LOW (the load is too low)

  10. Atkins allows you to consume animal fat which is high in LDL (Bad Cholesterol). Anything in excess is bad for your body, and a high protein diet in the LONG RUN is no exception.


    i know, but DIETARY CHOLESTEROL BY ITSELF HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL... now if ur eating animal fat all the time, smoking, drinking and sleeping, you WILL definitely increase ur blood cholesterol levels... and another thing, BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEVELS HAVE NEVER BEEN SHOWN TO DIRECTLY INCREASE THE RISK OF HEART ATTACKS... if u have a published scientific study that says otherwise, id love to see it :goatee:

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