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Posts posted by otitismedia

  1. guys ask ko lang po kung ano ba itsura nung discharge na sinasabi,liquid lang ba cia na parang ihi or mejo makapal na liquid?tska gano ba kadalas ung discharge na un,as in maya't maya ba?


    depende sa infection un, meron greenish,yellowish, whitish

    may parang tubig lang, parang sipon, or malapot na nana...

    un dalas...depende sa sitwasyon...kung malala na laging mayroon o puede din naman wala...

    ang maganda patingnan mo na lang....mura lang naman ang laboratory test nito....

    magkakaroon ka pa ng peace of mind .....

  2. I do not know if reading another book will help your son's difficulty in the subject.


    Schools suggest a text book based on its adherence to the curriculum. To add, most exam questions are based on the suggested readings. The suggested text now becomes the reference point for the content of exams. Points of contentions from exam protests will be based on this "bible".


    Reading another book might just confuse the student because different books might offer almost the same content but are arranged in a different outline. Changing the reading material in the middle of a stained review is like shifting gears while overtaking on a blind curve.


    The usual problem of a medical student, as far as difficulty in comprehending his readings is concerned, is their lack of willingness to embrace the book as a learning material. Nowadays, students rely on an assigned transcriptionist for their notes. And most of the time, they have been dependent on these lecture transcriptions that they only start opening their books on the last minute, after realizing that much remains to be read. . Discipline and motivation is the key to his passing the course. They eventually learn, but sometimes it takes the harder and longer way.


    I wish him luck.


    i totally agree with sir easyhard ! all he can do is read,read,read,read,read,read,read over and over again.... and of course comprehend what he is reading. sleep is a luxury in med school. good luck !

  3. hi sir


    i got some sort of wart or something after having sex. its been 3-4 days. but as of now wala pang discharge or anything. ano kaya ito std na ba ito or just a skin fungi lng.


    please help.


    malabo un description mo, san ang location ng "wart" or something? size? shape ?







    thank you sir ! :thumbsupsmiley:

  5. my GF complains of pain (hapdi) the morning after we had sex. the pain is in the vaginal area and is exacerbated by water when she takes a bath and washes the area the next morning. she already went to the OB but found nothing wrong. what do you guys think?


    nasobrahan ata ? nagasgas lang siguro. try using lubricants to avoid abrasions around the vaginal area.

  6. ive been coughing for 3 weeks lalready..and there is blood when i cough hard

    whats the problem with me? :unsure: my lungs hurt everytime i cough

    i dont smoke


    there's blood whenever you cough hard ? then don't cough too hard (seriously speaking). when you force it, some blood vessels may break resulting in blood streaked sputum. have a CXR and consult an Internist or pulmo specialist. Very hard to make a diagnosis without examining the patient.

  7. follow up po sa tanung me, san po mgandang ospital puede mag pa physical examination, kasi duda me sa annual check up namin kasi me nagsabi sa akin na mas prefer nita lagi fit to work ang employee nila kesa bumagsak sa annual check para tuloy lang ang trabaho (kasabwat or me understanding na ata cla sa mga ospital na nagpapaanual sa min , basta di lang malala ang tama ang palalampasin nla)medyo expose kami sa sari-sari kemikal at iregular ang sked namin, lagi kami kulang sa tulog, gusto ko sana ung fair at talagang titingnan kung ok me, para kung me dapat ka nang improve sa health ko ,magawa na ng hakbang, i am planing to go work abroad eh .Help me naman mga kaibigan ====SALAMAT


    kahit saan hospital or medical clinic w/ diagnostic laboratory puede, walk-in ka lang and inquire ka about their physical check-up. Puede ka din consult sa doctor (Internist) para ma-guide ka kung ano ang mga dapat na test.

  8. makikitanung lang po ako, me narinig ako me iniinject lang sa iyo para malalaman me tama ka sa baga, kung meron, san po me ganito, san pong hospital at magkanu ba magagastos?


    salamat po>>


    katulad ng sinabi ni mwah, mas maganda nga magpa-xray at examine ng plema. pag positive ka, punta ka sa mga DOTS center for FREE anti-TB medicine. Un nga lang, araw-araw ka pupunta para makainom ng gamot for 6 months.

  9. my neice is 1yr and 7months old. Pero hanggang ngayon hindi pa sya makabigkas ng kahit isang two syllables word. tinuturuan naman namin syang mag-salita. and lagi namin kinakausap. Wala naman prob sa kanya except yung speech tlga nya lang ang delayed. Nung pina-check up nmin sya..sbi ng Pedia, medjo Dikit daw yung sa ilalim(something)ng dila nya. hmm.. almost 2 months ago na yon. Kaya tinutukan namin syang mg-salita. Pero..Until now wla parin sha maciadong improvement sa speech nya. Ano kaya tlga ang reason bakit ganun. :(


    bring her to an ENT for ear check-up, kung ano lang ang naririnig nya,un lang ang matututuhan nyang sabihin.papa-hearing test din sya (play or other special test) to determine if her hearing is normal. un naman sa ilalim ng dila (tongue-tied) di naman masyado makakaroon ng effect sa speech nya but you can also have it released when you visit your favorite ENT-HNS.

  10. mga bro ask ko lang baket pag in ooral sex ko yung misis ko e kinabukasan may tonsilitis na ako, normal ba yun?


    not normal, pa-gram stain and/or culture/sensitivity mo fluid from your wife's vagina para malaman mo ang problem. then see an ENT to have your throat examined.

  11. hello doctors. I have a thyroid mass, nalaman ko lang 6months ago. Already went to healthway but the eent specialist told me that i have to undergo biopsy. Uhm mejo hindi pako sure if kelangan nako mag undergo agad dun. any advice po?


    you need the following test :

    1.TSH & FT4

    2.Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB)

    3.Thyroid Ultrasound / Thyroid Scan



  12. posting for a (preggy) friend:


    can you please recommend a good product to prevent stretchmarks (sa boobs)? she's currently using palm butter cocoa but its too itchy & she feels (literally) hot , nagka-rashes din.


    tnx in advance...


    cannot really prevent it, stretchmarks literally means marks cause by too much stretching of the skin causing the layers to crack. so prevent the skin from stretching to much "may" reduce the chance of stretchmarks to occur. of course there are other factors involved. :thumbsupsmiley:

  13. gusto ko lan po magtanung...gusto to kc mag take ng supplement to enchance my memory anu po ang mas ok un glutaphos or un memo gold plus...pare din ba silang safe? thanks


    don't know any drugs that can REALLY enhance your memory, you should noticed the remarks before the end of the commercial .... NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC VALUE ! :thumbsupsmiley:

  14. mga bro ask ko lang baket pag in ooral sex ko yung misis ko e kinabukasan may tonsilitis na ako, normal ba yun?


    not normal ! you should wash first what you eat, then remember to brush your teeth and gargle with betadine or any mouthwash after every meal.


    and if it still recur, have a gram stain of your wife's vagina, maybe a culture and sensitivity too....

  15. Mga docs, my son fell down by accident and his bones at his left arm, both the radius and ulna, were broken. It was my ex-wife who brought my son to the hospital and so i didnt see the first xray. They just put my son's arm in a cast and was told to return after 3 weeks. I was the one who brought him back after the 3 weeks had passed and i had him xrayed again before bringing him back to the same hospital. I saw at the xray that both his radius and ulna were really broken and not aligned at all. However, after seeing the xray, the doctor again placed a new cast on my son's arm without even doing anything to align the bones, and we were told to go back again after 3 weeks. I wasnt really convinced about that and so I brought him to the national orthopedic at banawe, qc. We were told that surgery is needed to align the bones since they are really not even near aligning level, and metal screws will be installed. The metal that will be installed is quite expensive. However, i am willing to have it done if it is really necessary. My son is very afraid of the surgery and the pain it will entail afterwards, especially with the metal screws and all. My question is this, is there a possibility that although a surgery is made, that both bones shall be aligned but no metal will be installed? Alignment through hand manipulation and then place his arm in a cast afterwards? I hope to hear your replies as soon as possible as I have already scheduled his surgery for next week. Thanks and hope to hear from you guys... By the way, my son is 12 years old..


    sir, I am not an ortho surgeon but i think that surgery with metal screws and plates and cast is the best way to fix your son's arm. In ENT, we do a lot of maxillofacial reconstruction using titanium plates and screws and to be honest with you, it is very expensive.

    Let us wait for the opinion of our ortho member/s.

    I pray that your son will get well soon !

  16. sorry nalipat kasi yan query ko..... re: HPV AND VAGINAL WARTS


    Is surgery the only effective way?


    electrocautery, surgery and topical antiviral medication will do.

    condom will reduce the risk of contracting the disease.

  17. Hi any medical professional care to enlighten us about this matter? Just read an article about it and was quite curious about how contagious is it? can condoms prevent it? Is it 100% cureable?


    about what ? :(

  18. heheheh Kung nag standing possition ka mostly saskit talaga mustle mo or any possition that resembles squat...:D


    should be gone in 2 to 4 days after kungmustle pain po yan, kung di nawala iba na po yan


    yup, muscle pain lang :thumbsupsmiley:

  19. this is a common problem among patients..esp males..hehe they go to the doctor rather late..:) i suggest you still see your doctor sir i dont agree that you just visit the doc if its already complicated... unless you have a friend doc who adviced you on the meds....not all medications for uti are effective in every case.. thats why i encourage you to see your doc..its not merely just by giving you drugs but also the correlations regarding your case...like if the meds will still be effective to you..the safety and if you can take the drug...uti is not hard to treat if it is not complicated..in such improper medications taken that is not effective for the case may only contribute to resistance which may warrant stronger and more expensive meds...


    any comments or reactions to my post is acknowledged


    bakit nga ba takot sila sa doctor ? taas nyo kasing maningil ng consultation fee - JOKE !

    sakit na ata ng pinoy un, susubok muna na kung ano-anong herbal at over the counter medication pag hindi gumaling at malubha na at naghihingalo na,saka magpapakita sa doctor. Dami ko patient galing sa ina-advertise na iridology, gumastos ng libo-libo hindi naman gumaling. pagpunta sa akin-tumatawad pa sa consultation fee !!!! handa silang gumastos para sa herbal supplement pero ayaw gumastos para sa gamot talaga... tsk-tsk-tsk !

  20. can one get genital herpes even with condoms?


    good question !!!!


    copy paste ko na lang from center for disease control and prevention



    The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including genital herpes, is to abstain from sexual contact, or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.


    Genital ulcer diseases can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. Correct and consistent use of latex condoms can reduce the risk of genital herpes.

    Persons with herpes should abstain from sexual activity with uninfected partners when lesions or other symptoms of herpes are present. It is important to know that even if a person does not have any symptoms he or she can still infect sex partners. Sex partners of infected persons should be advised that they may become infected and they should use condoms to reduce the risk. Sex partners can seek testing to determine if they are infected with HSV. A positive HSV-2 blood test most likely indicates a genital herpes infection.

    so, reduced lang daw ang risk ! tsk ! tsk ! tsk !


    btw, just a simple question.

    makikipagsex ba kayo pag alam nyo na ang ka-sex mo ay may herpes ?


  21. tanong po... okay lang ba uminom ng buko juice na walang laman ang tyan every morning? meron kase nakapagsabi na nakakagaling daw yun ng UTI..


    ok lang ang buko juice ( include mo na rin un laman) but be sure na fresh not the one in the plastic cups.... about its healing properties I'm not really sure about that (let's wait for what the other md's will say) but it will definitely help in increasing your fluid intake.

  22. whats the best thing to do kapag may sore eyes?


    any suggestions? do's and dont's? or perhaps cure?


    Thanks In Advance...


    best thing to do is to have it check right away(so you will know if it's caused by viral/bacterial/foreign body/etc.....)

    don't/avoid scratching your eyes, don't use your hanky to wipe your eyes use disposable napkins or tissue paper, wash your hands with soap and water after touching your eyes.....

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