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Posts posted by otitismedia

  1. hi... had recently a blood check up.. what part of the result of the blood check up should i see to see if i have std/ or hiv ?


    what kind of blood test did you had ?

    hiv test, VDRL, RPR, FTA to be specific....

  2. uhmm lately ang nakikita kong lumalabas sakin na sperm eh konti na lang ung white colored liquid puro clear na lang nalabas ibig sabihin nun low ang sperm count ko at mahirap na makabuntis?


    maybe you are using it too frequently, try to abstain for a couple of days and see what happens....

    you must have it analyze in the lab to know if you have low sperm count... i think 3 days to 5 days abstinence is needed before you collect your sperm for analysis....

  3. i once had gonorrhea. since i am living outside the country my friend doctor told me to take doxycycline. amazingly it works and the sysmptoms of gonorrhea is gone in 3 day.


    during my vacation in the philippines last week, i met up with the same x girlfriend, thinking the she may be clean after not seeing her for 4 year i did it with her again. on my 2nd last day there, i noticed that i have a discharge in my brief. unfortunately, my friend doctor left the philippines so i went to a new one. In my urinary test, it showed that i have UTI/STI/ STD and since i dont have time i should take clindamycin hydrochloride.


    which one is good?


    thanks for the reply!


    better have the discharge examine in the lab , also have your blood test for SY and HIV to be sure.....

  4. Could someone help me out here, please?


    You see, everytime I brush my teeth, I see blood mized with my saliva,

    which has been happening everyday for about 3 weeks now.


    I regularly brush my teeth (3x per day), then I gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide equally diluted with water.

    I floss once a day.


    I'm quite afraid why is this happening.


    Extra info: I'm a chain smoker but I don't know if this is the cause.


    try to lessen your number of stick per day ( as you have noted, i said lessen) then

    change your toothbrush, get one with softer bristle or might as well use a battery operated one like oral b , try not to brush to hard,

    stop using Hydrogen peroxide may affect your teeth,

    try using Betadine Mouth Wash 2 x day...

    if no improvement consult your favorite dentist and ent specialist ..

  5. hello gudpm guys! anybody here have ideas on how to remove/lessen saggy skin esp sa tummy area? but not thru operation. high tech machine to remove excess skin is welcome. my saggy skin is due to weight loss. (from 243 down to 165 lbs). main problem is belly area. thanks for any infos you could provide.thanks.


    good day to you sir ! how i wish there is someone who can invent a machine that can "REALLY" remove or lessen saggy skin... unfortunately there is none contrary to all the "media hype" of drs so and so. if there is a machine that can effectively remove these sagging skin, then you'll probably be meeting let's say 80 yrs old person looking like 30 0r 40 yrs old.... the only way to remove the sagging skin from your belly is by surgery (for now). but if you have the money to "waste" then by all means you can try some of the machine and let us know if it is effective or not. :cool:

  6. any person experience allergy to baby oil for lubricant?


    baby oil is not recommended lubricant , it may lead to yeast infection for your partner and yes some person/s are allergic to it. if you have no choice but to use baby oil, then may i suggest that you wash your organ with soap and water after the deed or better yet use water based lubricant to be safe.

  7. is the morning after pill or known as "plan B" available in the Philippines? Where and how much pls? Thanks


    why waste your money for this drug when you can use condom and still enjoy the morning after rather than worry the morning after ? :thumbsdownsmiley:

    as the alias of the drug implies, it is supposed to be use the morning after the deed not the days after ! :hypocritesmiley:

  8. In addition, I undertook a urinalysis. How do I know if I have gonorrhea? The reaction is 6.0 and the specific gravity is 1.025. The red cells is 3-5 and the white cells is 5-7 /hpf. Thank you.


    urinalysis shows you have UTI, but it doesn't mean you have std/sti. how do you know you have std ? did they do a gram stain of the discharge ? blood test ?

  9. What's your take on genital warts and genital herpes?


    what do you mean ?

    all i can say is, it will be with you "for life" waxing and waning so be very careful !!!!!!!

  10. hehehe nasobrahan nga sa loperamide..i agree with male spud that you should consider pro motility meds rather than stool softener..unless na talagang rock hard stool mo..


    or you can wait until the effect of loperamide wears off, try eating lots of fibers (banana), plenty of fluids. give your bowels a break let it rest for a while....

  11. hello doctor/s


    please help me understand why is it that i have fresh blood on my booger and in my nostrils.

    here's my circumstance po...

    when i was a child i was diagnosed to have primary complex.

    my dad (God bless his soul) died of lung cancer and i was his personal nurse for the two years that he was bed-ridden before he passed away.

    i have been living for a year in a cold place, paris france to be exact.

    i have very low tolerance from the extremely cold weather, my upper back aches terribly when i'm out exposed to the elements even on a 10deg celcius day.

    knowing that and to prevent myself from getting ill, i take 1000 mg of ascorbic acid as often as i could especially last winter.

    now spring has sprung, but it is still cold out here. mornings are still 0 degrees lowest.


    the blood on my nostrils first manifested a year ago. i was just a newcomer in france then. it gave me quite a scare because i thought it was mucus which was congesting my nose, but when i tried to gently blow my nose fresh blood came streaming from both nostrils. i raised my head and looked at the ceiling for a few minutes until the bleeding stopped. it eventually stopped. but there were days when i would pick my nose and find clumps of dried blood which i thought were booger(kulangot) but it was all dried solid blood. this went on for about two months.


    ten months later, today, i see the same blood booger. should i be alarmed? is it possible that i have tuberculosis owing to the fact that i had primary complex as a child and that my dad had lung cancer?


    if i go to see a doctor (which is so expensive to do in paris - specialists charge 90euors for consultation alone. ooohlala!), what questions should i ask, how should i prepare?


    thank you for your kindness and time. i hope to hear from you, any of you doctors, soon.


    you may be sensitive to cold weather, try nasal wash with saline solution (1 glass of water w/ 1 tsp of salt and sodium bicarbonate) then spray it in your nostrils using a syringe or atomizer 3 x a day...... to wash off dried blood inside your nose.... but if no improvement...consult your specialist....:)

  12. ahhh okay..thats interesting...it DOES itch some times...whats STI?

    so its not STD?

    ung isang lip kasi laging nakafold pag tinanggal sa brief ...tapos kumukulubot ung skin ng head


    try using boxer , baka masyadong masikip brief mo......

  13. Sweetmind,


    Technically, the physician who took care of your patient may issue a medical certificate in his capacity. However I think your doctor is employed by the hospital and not allowed to do private practice. Any medico-legal transaction has to be under the hospital's care. Also, the doctor who treated your brother must probably not have his own personal printed certificate. If he issues a medical certificate using the hospital's official paper without the consent of the hospital, he might be reprimanded. An official certification issued by the hospital has a better leverage in case a medico-legal suit follows. That is one of the reason why hospitals put a premium on medical certificates.



    It can really be frustrating on your part, but that system of issuing medical certificates by hospitals has probably prevented a good number of abuse from patients or people claiming to be patients. I have had 2 cases of people who claimed to have been treated under the hospital I work showing their medical certificates issued by the doctor. When the employer requested the hospital for verification, it was found out that there was no record of the patient. The certificate was found to have been spurious.



    To answer your question if there is a law regulating the use of medical certificates, my answer is there is none. Issuance of medical certificates are not considered an emergency and any delay in the issuance of it is not considered life threatening. It is the prerogative of the hospital and the doctor as to how the certificate will be issued.


    yes, may bayad talaga un medical certificate..... para hindi abusuhin ng kung sino-sino.... :thumbsupsmiley:

  14. Sino na ba nakapag-konsulta na sa Dr. on "tulo"? Mga magkano ang nagastos nyo both sa consultation and medicine? Gusto ko kasing magpatingin using my Medicard but I heard na di daw covered ang STDs. :huh:




    punta ka sa accredited medicard clinic or doctor, i think covered ang consultation and probably laboratory test too...

    un medicine lang siguro ang dapat mo bilhin..... try mo lang wala naman mawawala eh....


  15. as previously stated by our ent doc, mejo mahirap magdiagnose thru descriptions lng since ang case mo ay mejo visual or dapat makita talaga..it may be caused by trauma sa nose like when you clean your nose or when blowing hard..marami kasing thin blood vessels sa nose natin na prone sa trauma..regarding sa cnasabi mo na tinanggal yung buong mukha.. it is can be caused by fungal elements...i think it is caused by a certain fungi called mucor..mucormycosis may the involve parts of the face which may damage the skin, soft tissues or even bone...



    any comments/reactions to my post is welcome :rolleyes:


    very well said !


    OT : ( ganda ng avatar mo, kala ko tuloy girl ka ! hehehe )

  16. mga docs,ung loob ng nose ko may HIWA...as in HIWA tlga hindi ko alam kung saan galing un,pero wla namang dugo(so far) hiwa lang tlga..as in deep cya..tapos sa kamalas malasan ko...may sipon din ako :cry:

    natatakot ako na bka mainfect ung nose ko...kasi may hiwa tapos may sipon...

    do i have something to worry about?


    may napanuod ako sa ripleys believe it or not dati..na tinaggal boung muka nya dahil lang sa isang infection sa nose nya :unsure:


    hmmmm..... mahirap mag-diagnose sa net eh, but if you can post a picture of this "hiwa" then we might be able to help you...

    or better still consult your favorite ENT-HNS for a proper diagnosis.......

  17. dangay medical clinic... near munoz.. pag tanong tanong mo dun.. kay dr. sanchez...

    i think mga 700 ata e...


    typo error siguro mam, baka 70 not 700 for urinalysis ? :mtc:

  18. hi everybody,

    i have this condition called nose polyps which has been irritating me for as long as i can remember, the cause of this is unknown, now, from what i've read, treatment of this includes spraying of steroids (if not effective) then cautery. but based on what i've read on the net, even if we undergo the process of cautery (surgically removing the polyps), it frequently returns... do anyone share the same conditions like this? what have you guys done? if you've have experienced cautery, then how much does it cost? does it recur? if yes then more or less how long? i hope that you guys can share to me if you have similar experience on this condition... thanks...



    your condition known as nasal polyposis / nasal polyps most frequently occur in person/s with nasal allergy or allergic rhinitis, if the polyp/s is/are small you can try nasal steroid but if it is big then surgery is done usually functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) or just plain polypectomy-ethmoidectomy-antrostomy (PEA) followed by topical/nasal steroid for maintenance (maintenance - 6 months or more depends on the situation). Cautery either by chemical or electrical can be done on a case to case basis also if the polyp/s is/are small. Price is dictated by the difficulty of procedure and the location of the clinic... high end clinic or hospital will be costlier than in ordinary private clinics... just visit your nearest otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon (ENT_HNS) for consultation.... :thumbsupsmiley:

  19. Nakakapraning naman magbasa nito..........I've always use condoms when I have sex but I've always had bbbj........I've always thought that I'm covered already as long as the cd doesn't break.....I wish someone would come up with a test kit that can detect the presence of HIV and herpes immediately so that we can administer it to the girl before having sex with her........ :blush:



    meron naman test kit eh, kaya lang ano sasabihin mo sa girl ? heto test ka muna bago kita kan$%^ !!!!

    baka ito ang isagot saiyo, sabay kaya tayo mag-test ?????!!!!!!! hehehehe !!!! :lol:

  20. isa pa pala... whats the best remedy sa blackeye? paano madaling matatanggal yun?



    cold compress first 24 hrs then warm compress after 24 hrs......

    all you can do aside from warm compress is to wait until the black-eye fades away.....

  21. Good day Docs! I have been operated for AP COendectomy(that's what i remember) because i have this hole on my upper jaw where some of the pus has been deposited. I was on Anesthesia and was awake all thorughout the operation. I asked my dentist to lend me a mirror so that i can see the process. Wow,it was hella BLOODY! I wasn't having a hard time while he is scraping my bones(i think) on the upper jaw. The Anesthesia injection hurts though. They drained all the pus and cleaned the hole with a betadine and then they closed the wound. After 2 months of operation i still notice that there is still this pus going out of my gums when i push my finger to the hole. My question is "WHAT CAUSED THIS?" and "CAN I GO BACK TO MY DENTIST FOR A BACKJOB WITHOUT PAYING ANYTHING?"


    I'm not a dentist, but I will try to answer your concern as an ENT - Head & Neck Surgeon, you may have osteomyelitis

    (Osteomyelitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the bone and its structures secondary to infection with pyogenic organisms.) Osteomyelitis is a chronic condition and treatment is also difficult and long. Repeat Incision and curettage most be done,x-ray and oral or parenteral antibiotics must be given to eradicate the bacteria.... there is no such thing as BackJob in medical field just follow-up consultation and of course...you still have to pay consultation every visit.... hope i was able to help you in my own little way.... :mtc:

  22. posible ba na may std kung after mag ejaculate may lumabas na dugo sa penis?

    pls help.


    I'm not really an expert on this topic but generally STD comes with discharge, bleeding may be due to other factor/s that may affect your genitalia,prostate and or urinary bladder, can either be a stone,tumor,trauma or maybe std... then again, just to be sure.... consult your nearest urologist .... :mtc:

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