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Posts posted by otitismedia

  1. Effective ba yung mga breast enlarger sa mga TV ads? Meron pa bang ibang effective way on how to enhance ang boobs ng girls.. Mas type ko kasi yung malaki e. Suggestion please.



    hindi effective un breast enlarger sa tv....wala ng ibang paraan para lumaki ang boobs maliban sa breast implant :mtc:

  2. to rebelchic and to my good ol friend blackcat (although i really don't know what the bra roll means...hehehehe)

    You can lift your breasts and, as a bonus, hone down your bra roll.


    Let's talk about the breasts first. By working out a certain way, you can put minimuscles under your breasts. In other words, you can develop your pectoral muscles in just the right manner to lift your breasts and give you the look of cleavage.

    Standing Boobs/Bra-Roll Lifter


    Position: Stand with your feet a natural width apart. Bend at the elbows, holding a dumbbell in each hand, dumbbells facing away from your body.


    Movement: Flexing your chest muscles as hard as possible, move your forearms together until your side biceps are touching your breasts. Feeling the stretch in your chest muscles, return to start position. Repeat the movement 12 times. Back-To-Front Butt Zapper.


    Position: Lie on the floor on your left side with your left arm extended so your head lies on your biceps. Make sure your body is in a straight line. Bend your left leg under you.


    Movement: Flexing your right buttock as hard as possible, extend your right leg as far behind you as possible. Keeping the flex on your butt, bring your leg back to start position and then extend that same right leg as far in front of you as possible. Bring back to start position. Repeat the movement until you have completed 15 repetitions in each direction. Repeat for the other leg. Repeat both of the above exercises two more times.



    right on the dot ! keep it firm and avoid crash diet ! :rolleyes:

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