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Posts posted by otitismedia

  1. Hi, sometimes when i talk too loud or with vibrating sounds i feel pain in the back portion of my head near the ears.... is this due to lack of vitamin b? which type of doctor to go to?


    thanks! :online2long:


    see an Ear,Nose,Throat (ENT-HNS) specialist

  2. been using Smartbroken for the past 3 years, the connection is intermittent and the service sucks big time... during the past few days my connection was very limited so i called their hotline and was scheduled for a visit with their technician... after a day, their technician arrived and tinker with my PC and the "antenna". after 1 hour he said to my wife " mrs wala talagang connection, bagsak ang parameters...etc...mas maganda pa-PUTOL nyo na lang !!!!! WTF !!!!! after 3 years wala ng "connection" bigla ?!?! BOBO talaga ang technician na un !!!! ayaw man lang palitan ang "antenna" (don't know the right term) eh pag hampas hampasin mo ang antenna at ibahin lang ang direction nagkakaroon ng signal eh. BOPOL talaga sa row 4 ang bwiset !!!! ngaun smartbroken ulit gamit ko sana ma-connect na ang PLDT dsl at wala ng problema...

  3. ask lang po

    my gf is have white "ice cream like" substance near the opening of her urethra

    makati daw thick sya at nakadakit sa skin near the opening ng urethra nia

    natatangal naman pero nasasaktan daw sia

    she start having it 2days ago

    our last sex is around a week ago

    i dont have any similar symptoms


    better consult an OB-GYN for proper diagnosis, probably a fungal infection or worst an STD

  4. Docs, I had originally posted this in the Watching your BP forum.

    I hope I can get more professional opinons regarding the topic of taking BP Medication for life.


    Thanks in advance.


    QUOTE (green80 @ Feb 12 2010, 04:39 PM)

    I'm 45 years old and have been taking a combination of Lipitor 10mg (Atorvastatin) & Concor 5mg (Bisoprolo fumarate) for the past 8 years now and I am able to maintain my BP in the normal levels. Liver test along with other monitoring tests done every 6-8 months show the results are within normal ranges. I try to do my daily 30 min cardio exercise whenever I can but not as frequently as required. I go to my doctor for my monthly BP checkups and prescription for the drugs. I have been told that these medication are to be taken for life.


    Doc, my question is can I stop taking these medicaton right away and just watch my diet and do regular exercise?


    IMHO you can remove it gradually and you have to monitor your BP... much better under the supervision of your doctor...

  5. skin question...


    my best friend have this dry skin thing on her elbow, index finger (just before the nail), foot, and some spot on her legs, there are times she had to scratch it really hard to relieve herself from the itch but eventually she wounds herself by doing so. Once the wound is healed the itch goes back and the cycle continues. What kind of skin disease is this? She tried katinko, dermalin, and trosyd but all they do is just dry the skin and the itch returns after a week or two... She's so shy to go to a dermatologist with her skin condition is there anything you guys can recommend for a treatment? As far as I can remember this happened after she went to boracay


    most probably fungal infection but then again she must see a dermatologist to be sure....

  6. 1st time ako ng gf ko and lagi kaming naka condom kapag nagsesex nagtataka lang ako bakit nagkaroon bigla ng amoy yung vagina nya


    anong amoy ? may discharge ba ? ikaw lang ba talaga partner niya and vice-versa ? if you want to be sure kung ano talaga ang cause ng amoy, consult an ob-gyn for proper evaluation and management (papsmear ,gram stain,etc)

  7. mga docs,


    good day!


    i have a little problem regarding to my new eyeglass. i went to optic shop for eye check up.. to make a story short.. the doc recommended me to wear a eye glass.... at first its ok and nothing usually... but after one day.... im having an eye/ ache when using my eyeglass...


    is it normal? to have an eye/head ache?


    pls.. help.


    thanks in advance


    better see your Ophthalmologist for further evaluation.

  8. hi doctors,


    Just a question on HIV. I often have sex with multiple partners, all of which are females by the way...and I always use condom on all of them...never did it live with any of them. Do I still need to worry about catching HIV? or do I still need to have myself checked for it once in a while?





    using condom only decreases the chance of getting HIV, one study shows that using condom reduces the risk by 85%. That sounds excellent, but it is not. If you persist in sleeping regularly with someone who is positive or with numbers of unknown people who are possibly positive, then eventually, condom or no condom, you may get AIDS. Vaginal or anal sex using a condom is not a low-risk or no-risk activity. It carries a medium risk at best.


    The most effective way to prevent sexual transmission of HIV is to abstain, or for two people who are not infected to be faithful to one another, but then again, the decision is still yours to make. Have yourself tested once in a while to see if you are HIV positive or not.

  9. There is an MPA I see once in a while outside of her workplace.

    She let me have sex with her without condom that's why I like her.

    (With her other customers she demands the use of condom, that's what

    she tells me though I don't believe her). Lately, there is a fishy odor

    that comes out of her sex organ once she has orgasm. This odor is very

    strong just before or after her menstruation, so strong I feel like vomiting.

    I am able to smell this when we are in a doggy position.


    She denies she has STD. According to her MPAs in her workplace undergo

    medical check-up once a week. Anyone MPA that tests positive for STD is



    My fear: does she have sexually transmitted disease?


    does she have sexually transmitted disease ? i don't know, but having sex with her without condom is like playing Russian Roulette.

  10. Questions doc re: Birth Control Pills


    Is it safe to stop tablet taking for a week after her last period and then continue on the 8th day?


    However during those 7 days, we have intercourse without any protection. Is there a possibility that she can be pregnant?


    She is taking Gracial BC pills.


    Need your advice docs. Thanks in advance.


    not really my line of expertise, so have to quote "wikipedia" here goes:




    The effectiveness of COCPs, as of most forms of contraception, can be assessed two ways. Perfect use or method effectiveness rates only include people who take the pills consistently and correctly. Actual use, or typical use effectiveness rates are of all COCP users, including those who take the pills incorrectly, inconsistently, or both. Rates are generally presented for the first year of use.[1] Most commonly the Pearl Index is used to calculate effectiveness rates, but some studies use decrement tables.[58]


    The typical use pregnancy rate among COCP users varies depending on the population being studied, ranging from 2-8% per year. The perfect use pregnancy rate of COCPs is 0.3% per year.[1]

    Several factors account for typical use effectiveness being lower than perfect use effectiveness:


    * mistakes on the part of those providing instructions on how to use the method

    * mistakes on the part of the user

    * conscious user non-compliance with instructions.


    For instance, someone using oral forms of hormonal birth control might be given incorrect information by a health care provider as to the frequency of intake, or by mistake not take the pill one day, or simply not bother to go to the pharmacy on time to renew the prescription.


    COCPs provide effective contraception from the very first pill if started within five days of the beginning of the menstrual cycle (within five days of the first day of menstruation). If started at any other time in the menstrual cycle, COCPs provide effective contraception only after 7 consecutive days use of active pills, so a backup method of contraception must be used until active pills have been taken for 7 consecutive days. COCPs should be taken at approximately the same time every day.[19][59]


    Contraceptive efficacy may be impaired by: 1) missing more than one active pill in a packet, 2) delay in starting the next packet of active pills (i.e., extending the pill-free, inactive or placebo pill period beyond 7 days), 3) intestinal malabsorption of active pills due to vomiting or diarrhea, 4) drug interactions with active pills that decrease contraceptive estrogen or progestogen levels.

  11. :upside: dermatological question..


    have pimples since elementary.. they left some pretty bad scars. any remedy for it?


    try to google "dermabrasion" IMHO still the best solution for deep acne scars but you will need at least 2-3 treatments with 6months or 1 year interval. (again it is dermabrasion NOT microdermabrasion nor diamond peel)

  12. Guys i'd like to ask for help on something.


    Last Saturday, we did the deed. I asked if she was safe, if I can shoot in. Sabi nya oo daw. She's expecting to have her period between that day up to tomorrow (Jan 13th). I trust her since alam ko noted nya ang days nya. And we already did it before (usually after the period).


    Kaso, until now hindi pa sya dinadatnan. I am worried since marami rami din ako nailabas with 1 month of not seeing each other.


    2 questions:

    1) How high is the chance of fertilization if we did it just before her expected timeline for the period?

    2) Would you know any pamparegla na safe, and how to use them?





    IMHO, all you can do is wait and pray! Pray mo na delayed lang ang mense nya, na-ddelay din naman yun pagdating ng mense.

    If after a month and still no period then you can do a pregnancy test. I doubt if any of the doctors here at MTC will give you a prescription for "pamparegla". and as usual it is better to be safe than sorry so next time use a condom !

  13. update


    just woke up this morning at wala namang yellow stains

    pero to check,..

    when i squeeze skay junior,parang may liquid na cloudy color

    pero wala naman stains sa undi ko

    do i have "tulo"?




    pa-check mo un discharge sa laboratory for gram stain then consult your favorite doctor when you get the result just to be sure.

  14. is vertigo similar to tinnitus?? pls advise, i have these humming sound almost 24/7 very hard to concentrate and sleep.


    vertigo - It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is actually stationary with respect to the surroundings.


    tinnitus - It is usually described as a ringing noise, but in some patients it takes the form of a high pitched whining, buzzing, hissing, screaming, humming, tinging or whistling sound, or as ticking, clicking, roaring, "crickets" or "tree frogs" or "locusts," tunes, songs, beeping, or even a pure steady tone like heard in a hearing test.


    consult your ENT doctor for check-up and possible management.

  15. dumadami lang po daw pero no changes sa appearance and characterisitcs..


    doc peter parker is right, consult your favorite md for proper diagnosis and possible management.

  16. Hey docs Ive been having this itch on my right ear and masakit minsan

    Mga 5 months na to. Ive been prescribed to use inoflox but hinde parin natatanggal ung sakit at itch.


    tagal na to ah, di pa rin gumagaling ????? try another ENT for 2nd or 3rd opinion.

  17. just a quick question, the 'plan b' or 'morning after pill'.. is it available here in the philippines? is it over the counter or is it prescribed? if it is prescribed.. what type of doctor should one go to to have it prescribed? a gynecologist or would a general practitioner be able to prescribe it as well?


    AFAIK, morning after pill is not available in the Philippines.

  18. mga doc, question. nasanay ako mag masterbaate 3 times a week sometimes 4. dito kasi ako abroad. ngayon pinipilit kong iwasan dahil gusto ko pag dating ko sa phil. full blast sperm ko sa fiance ko. kasi planning to have a baby na.


    ngayon sobrang gusto ko nang ilabas medyo maskit na din tyan ko. 3 weeks na ako hindi nag mamasterbate. hindi ba ito masama?plan ko after 3 month saka ko ilalabas ito. may tendency bang magkasakit ako and anong sakit pag hindi ko ito inilabas.


    ok lang ba tong ginagawa ko or pinahihirapan ko lang ba tong sarili ko?


    any sugestion para maka buo agad ng baby? how to boost sperm? etc.


    thannks hoping for the reply.


    not really my specialty, IMHO, labas mo na lang muna tagal pa ng 3 months. pigil ka na lang 1 week before ka umuwi.

  19. how about a saline solution like muconase? Is it not good to be used for 3 weeks?


    saline solution either home made or any commercial brand will do , can be use for as long as you want. i prefer home made solution much cheaper for daily nasal washing. just don't forget to take your medicine and/or nasal spray. BTW, topical nasal decongestant will cause rebound congestion when used for more than a week.

  20. hi doc,just want to ask,yung dad ko bglang nagkaroon ng swelling sa may panga nya na feeling daw nya parang lumalaki na parang puputok.tapos yung face nya nag numb and then yung eyesight nya nag blurred.tapos nawawala sya and nung kumain sya nung gabi ng burger nag swell sya ulit then nawala na naman.ayaw nya pa check up e.usto ko sana malaman kung ano klaseng situation yun para mapilit sya to go to a docotr.maraming salamat sir.


    panga ang namamaga ? may sira ba ang ngipin ? any trauma sa affected area ? ilan minuto /hours/days nag blur ang eyesight ? san part ng panga (mandible) namamaga ? nawawala din after ilang days ? madami pa questions and kailangan pa ng physical exam to really diagnose his case. mayron ka picture habang namamaga ? namaga after eating burger (with cheese ba ? joke only) kung malapit sa tenga or sa ilalim ng tenga maybe parotid ang problem, either barado ang daanan ng laway or may stone. but then again, better consult your nearest ENT specialist for better management and treatment.

  21. i dont know if im that late...


    but as for a CS .. with a good doctor.. .. and in makati med.. more or less..



    the damage could lead to around 120,000 ... and dont forget about the prof fee of the doctors...


    there... good luck


    120K just for hospital bill ? if you will add the doctors pf then it would be around 150K-200K ? wow !

  22. Gud pm po. Ask ko lang: Nagkakaron kasi ako ng sugat around the base of my penis at kumakalat ito na hindi ko naman kinakamot or anything like that. Parang una pimple like siya tapos nagsusugat na. May mabahong discharge nga sa sugat eh. Meron did akong parang pimples na tumutubo sa ulo ko na makati naman. Matagal tagal na rin ito naexperience ko. I went to this MP about two (2) months ago. Hindi ko masabi kong may std ako. Medyo makati rin yung inside of my penis. Please help. Thanks so much


    better see your favorite doctor for immediate treatment !

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