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Padre Nuestro (Our Father)


Padre Nuestro, que estas en el cielo santificado sea tu nombre venga a nosotros tu reino hagase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día perdona nuestras ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden no nos dejes caer en la tentación, y libranos del mal. Amén.



Ave María (Hail Mary)

Dios te salve, Maria llena eres de gracia el Señor es contigo bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa Maria, Madre de Dios ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amen.


Gloria (Glory Be)

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo. Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

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thank you for the life you've given

thank you for the love you've lived

Dear God if I could only bring back

All the years that I have missed

to give the love that you deserve

that i can live, that i can give

today... today...


Lord thank you talaga for giving me wonderful parents, a brother and a little sister, ge, extraordinary friends and the rest of the people who touched my life. Iba ka talaga sa iba!


cant say much and i cant express how i feel today through words... basta masaya ako! Thank you very much!!!

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dear bestfrend,


help nayko to find more strength.


help us persevere on you paternal protection.


sometimes we wanna give up, but thinking bout you've done for us before,


nahihiya ako sa t'wing pinanghihinaan ako ng loob.


lav u bestfriend, dont let my weaknesses pull me away from u.

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God, i would like to thank thee for all the blessings you have given me everyday...

For your lovingkindness, protection and answered prayers...Thank you even Father for providing my needs and loving me all the way...


No one ever cared for me like Jesus

Theres no other friend so kind and true

No one else could take my sins and darkness from me

Oh how much he cared for me!!!!



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A prayer for batch 25.



Receive, O Lord

and sanctify the gift of myself.

All that I am

is fully commended to Your hands.


Receive, dear Friend

and abide in the gift of our community.

All our familial love

we offer to Your burning heart.


Receive, O Master,

and inflame the gift of our mission.

All our labor in giving You to others

we lay before Your golden throne.

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Guest raine_

Lord, be his shepherd, Keep him with the flock, Watch him and tend him, Be his resolute


rock... Don't let him falter, Don't let him fall, Wait with him, Father, Be there for his


call..Hold his hand firmly, The path grows so steep, Wipe his tears gently, Should he


start to weep. Teach him to follow, In Your humble way, Help him to walk, In Your


shadow each day. Strengthen his body, Weaken his will, Should he deny You, Stay with


him still. Give him Your shoulder, On which he may rest, Embrace him warmly, Next to


Your breast. Please place Your hand, Upon his dear head, And give him Your blessing,


As his spirit is fed. Quiet his mind, Comfort his soul, Put peace in his heart, Make his life


whole. Give him a vision, Of Your tender smile, Let him feel loved, All of the while.

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Guest kizmet

Dear Lord,


I Thank you for A, for the love and trust he shows me.... for the comfort i feel in his arms... and for making me laugh inspite of so many problems we face each day... It maybe wrong for me to ask you to bless our relationship, but.... i hope you'll still do...


Bless and guide him always...



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Dear God,


My little sacrifice for today is to not bore you with all my thank yous and long prayers for the people I love. I'd just like to whisper a prayer for a father in some land far away. He must feel so alone and scared now. He must worry about his family, his wife and his children. Please please hold his hand and let him know you are with him, embracing him throughout this ordeal. But most of all God, please keep him safe. His family needs him, let him be able to continue being a good husband and a good father.


Thank you for listening to me again, you always do.



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