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The Mail Box

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My heart is aching, it is slowly breaking.

It isn't breaking, it is shattering into millions of pieces.

You are the only one who can fix it.

You are the only glue that can keep those pieces stick together.

Where are you?

How are you?

I haven't heard from you.

I am still here.

Holding on to faith and hope like you said.

I am here.

I will always be here.


:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Edited by Zerreit
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Guest gorgeous_23

I'n the morning I wake up

Before I put on my makeup

I'll say a little prayer for you


While brushing my hair now

And wondering which dress to wear now

I'll say a little prayer for you


Forever and ever

you'll stay in my heart

and I will love you

Together, forever

We never will part

Oh, how I'll love you

Forever and ever

that's how it must be

to live without you

It'll only be heartbreak for me


I run for the bus dear

And on the ride

I think of us dear

I'll Say a little prayer for you

All through my work time

And all through my coffee break time

I'll say a little prayer for you


Please darling believe me

When I say

there's no one but you

Please love me true

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Dear Grandma Nena,


I love you.


I wish I said it more often. I hope you can see this wherever you are,


I received the news from dad minutes ago that you just passed away. I was so shocked, I dropped my phone. I had to call everybody in the States and I hated being the bearer of bad news.


I wish I spent more time with you, to take are of you, to be there for you. I wish I hadn't been so moody. I love you.


Don't worry, everyone is coming home now. At least, your wish came true. Although it is such a sad circumstance.


I will miss you and your pangungulit. Yoru laughter, your voice, the home-cooked meals, the recipes, the lessons and knowledge you always impart on us.


I love you.


I never knew that you will be taken from us so abrupt. It was so unexpected.


You don't have to worry now. We will take care of grandpa. He is in good hands. We will take care of your plants. Your house, your dogs.


You can relax now. You can rest now.


Please don't worry. That was what we always told you. And I still would tell you that now, even if you're gone. Please don't worry. Everything will be fine.


Please smile. Always smile. You have a beautiful smile. You are always beautiful. You will always be.


I love you. I will miss you. I already miss you.


Please don't worry.


Touch the stars , the stars, the moon, and the planets for me.


Say hi to God for me.


Please always smile. Please don't worry. I love you.


I am still here in the office waiting for dad and mom to pick me up to go to the hospital where you are. When I come there, I shall hug you and kiss you and never let go.


I love you. We all do.



Your grand daughter,




:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Edited by Zerreit
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i'm so sorry. there is no grief equal to losing someone we love. someone who is so much a part of us.


please know i am thinking of you and praying for your lola. may you find the strength to be strong for your family as they need you now, more than ever.


i'm here, if you want to talk.


take care.






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A Friend's Goodbye


Feelings bared I dare not write

Silent thoughts spoken of joy and grief

Gifts proffered not borne of fright

A league between to be closer to your heart

Sift through sands seen in an hourglass

Awake from dreams to feel the soles of your feet

The kiss of a chill breeze, warmth of the morning sun

No arm for the cold nor hand to hold, yet beside you

Only so bitter, only so sweet

I thank the heavens for slumber so deep

The peace of my dreamless sleep



Edited by Z
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“ Someday I might hurt you with what I might say, and hurt you all over again. And when I tell you to leave me and go away… promise me you won’t listen…tell me you’ll stay”


I wake up every morning, reading that message. I never erased it on my cell phone as well as all the messages you’ve sent. There are 17 of them actually. Those messages lighten up my day, happy knowing that there is someone out there caring, concerned and I even thought for sure… someone loving me.

It gives me hope, inspiration, and even sweet dreams?


There are times that I was feeling down because you don’t want to talk to me, feel discouraged when you’re mad at me and even wanted to quit when you told me to stop and leave you.


But such thoughts I considered as sins, for I have made a promise – in reply to the messages you sent me, “ I will stay, I won’t ever let you go” – a promise of Love.


Last night as we talked, I felt a difference in you. You’re tired and serious. You’ve been telling me that you don’t deserve my love (what I way to turn me down hehehe)

I guess I’m just slow on taking hints. Now its clear to me it’s the other way around.


Everything happened so fast and for the first time I was speechless, unable to absorb what you just said. Hence I just said, rather painfully “ I only want you to be happy”


From that moment on, I broke my promise. I surrendered hopeless and in pain.

I’m a fool to believe in those messages. I’m a fool to believe that someone so wonderful will also feel the same for me… will love me.

But I’m also a feel because I love you still.

I only want you to be happy , even if your happiness can be found to someone else.


When I told you to follow your heart, I really wished that it would lead you back to me.

Ahh.. wishful thinking…

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since miss gorgeous wrote or post a song, ill post this!!


The End


This is the end, Beautiful friend

This is the end, My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end

Of everything that stands, the end

No safety or surprise, the end

I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be, So limitless and free

Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand

In a...desperate land

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane, All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town

Ride the King's highway, baby

Weird scenes inside the gold mine

Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake

To the lake, the ancient lake, baby

The snake is long, seven miles

Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best, The west is the best

Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us, The blue bus is callin' us

Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on

He took a face from the ancient gallery

And he walked on down the hall

He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he

Paid a visit to his brother, and then he

He walked on down the hall, and

And he came to a door...and he looked inside

C'mon baby, take a chance with us X3

And meet me at the back of the blue bus

Doin' a blue rock, On a blue bus

Doin' a blue rock, C'mon, yeah

k*ll, k*ll, k*ll, k*ll, k*ll, k*ll

This is the end, Beautiful friend

This is the end, My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free

But you'll never follow me

The end of laughter and soft lies

The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

Edited by doctor_ni_tequila
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Dearest Xxxxxx,


Life isn’t the easiest topic for me to go through. My life for one is a very confusing one. I was a wonderer of some sorts, lost and with no direction till that day that I saw you again, like it was the first time. I believe it was your birthday. I can clearly remember how you looked. Long flowing black hair, fiercely piercing brown eyes and a very gentle, welcoming smile. You simply said “hello”, it wasn’t by any means the most romantic of beginnings but I knew, that day I found my direction, where the paths just suddenly became clear. This is a woman I could spend the rest of my life searching for but never find again. By all means...you were perfect.


After that day and the years to come, I can’t really say that my life was a rip-roaring, swashbuckling, high adrenaline adventure I would have liked. It was simple. It was safe. I guess you could say in other words that it resembled a blue-chip stock: fairly stable, more ups than downs and gradually trending upward over time. A good buy, a lucky buy and I’ve learned that not everybody can say this about his life. But do not be misled. I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am merely a common man with fairly common thoughts and I’ve led a common and fulfilling life so far. A boring life some would say, but I dearly enjoyed ever moment of it. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul and to me, this has always been enough.


Once again I am lost, no bearings and no compass, not even a trail to guide me home. I feel like a wonderer, like a child, clumsy and always crashing into things, a little crazy you might say. I don’t like being lost anymore. You are my direction, my home. I could always steer back when I knew you were my home.


Forgive me for my deception; I only intended to shield you from the truth. The truth that was ME before I met you. I had always believed and said that my life begun when I met you. It is the only years I do clearly remember and my life before that was already buried in the past. But when something came, something from my past that threatened to ruin what we had. I was really afraid, not for the consequences but rather, afraid of seeing disgust in your eyes. Your eyes have always looked at me with sincere passion and love, and to see those eyes with disgust of what I once was…is still something I cannot bear.


Yesterday you told me about forgiving myself for what I have done and doing this would help me move on. But I will not move on Xxxxxx, nor will I forgive myself. Not until I have exhausted every ounce of strength and will I have in this body to show you what it is to have an undying love. Now I apologize for being stubborn but it is in my nature. I will stubbornly love you till the end.


You know, sometimes when it’s quiet I get some ideas. Like maybe, a mistake has been made and God would intercede to take things back and correct some events. But then I realize that I wouldn’t like to question what God has in store for us. He knows the greatest plan for us. Like you said once, it could be the catalyst for something greater. Recently I have been avoiding quiet times; I just can’t bear missing you. I think about the hundreds of possibilities of what could have been; had I said things differently. But I am doing better now, my work keeps me occupied. It helps me. Most of all you help me. You come into my dreams sometimes with that smile of yours which always held me, and you rock me to peace like a child. Though all I remember from my dreams is a feeling of peace. I wake up with that feeling and try to keep it alive for as long as I could but you already know what happens next.


I am writing to tell you that I am going on a journey towards that peace, a life long mission of proving my undying love. And to tell you sorry about so many things:


I’m sorry I didn’t try hard enough to tell you the truth that day. I’m sorry I didn’t spend more time telling you how I was feeling. I’m sorry I made you try my ham one Christmas, knowing you are a vegetarian. I made ham again this Christmas but I will not ask you to try it this time. I’m sorry I didn’t apologize enough; I guess I was too proud. I ‘m sorry I didn’t bring you more flowers; I know you deserved it. I’m sorry I didn’t bring you more compliments in everything you wore and everyway you fixed you hair. I’m sorry that the watch came a year late; I have no excuse for that. I’m sorry I didn’t hug and kiss you enough; I thought we had a lifetime to do that. I should have realized that life is too short to waste. I’m sorry that I didn’t hold on to you with so much strength that God could not pull you away from me.



All my love,



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I love you. We all do.



Your grand daughter,




:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



Please accept my condolences. I feel your closeness to you grandmother, so I can only guess how you are feeling right now. She's at peace now, though. No need to worry anymore about sickness or pain or suffering. I believe she is finally home.


Once again, I extend my condolences to you and your family.

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