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The Mail Box

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Dear God,


So much to do with so little time

I only have 2 days left to decide. If You already have sent a sign can you send it again and send it twice. I know that it is a gamble but since you are already all knowing can you at least give me an inkling. mahirap talagang magisip. Kung yung professional life at financial status at future ko di ko maayos paano pa kaya ang personal life ko.


Please help me God. Sana pagsend ko makuha mo na....



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Guest gorgeous_23

Love doesn't have to have a happy ending, 'coz love doesn't have to end at

all. When you love someone, don't expect that person to love you back the same amount. One of you will be ahead, the other behind. It's either you catch

up or the other waits.

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Guest gorgeous_23

To you my dear Sweetie...


...I may have took you for granted

...I may have not given you enough of my time

...I may not be around too much


but i want you to know that uve always been needed and missed...very badly!!!



sweetie mo!!

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

warm blood rushing through me with every thought of you cold chills down my spine with your every touch heat coming off my skin with every loving thrust my body aches for you come and heal me keep me warm and my spirit soaring oh for the love of you i give everything i give you my soul all for the love you

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the thoughts of a person talking to himself....





if only thngs can be more simple... if only all the cards are down on the table... if only all the words we've said are more direct... if only i can tell you i cannot go around in circles forever...


thank you for putting a smile on my face for sometime. no regrets as i enjoyed those times. i wish it can last longer but there are just matters we cant take for granted anymore.


maybe we'll stay in touch.... maybe we'll lost touch... it doesnt mean i am mad at you or i dont want you, it only means that though u're special to me, IT AINT RIGHT FOR ME TO LOVE YOU.

Edited by c3
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You sit there in your imagined world, with your pretentious stance whispering flowery words that are not your own. You mask all that you are but underneath that veneer exists such a vile person. You move among the decent, passing yourself off as one of them. Have you not broken enough people for your fancy? Or will you not be content until you have broken all of them and reduced them to the sad miserable person you are?


I pity you because you know not what true love is for your love is imagined as well. You are not capable of real emotions, you are not capble of moving from there to here, everything is make believe. You shall always be the imagined pixie forever stuck in the imagined forest.

Edited by Lipstick
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Goodnyt my love,


I shall be sending my guardian angels to protect you tonyt, so you may find peace in your sleep..Morpheus seem to have not been kind.


I am sending kisses to soothe your pain..if only in your dream will you find the happines I once brought you.


Oh how I love you so.


And though you do not know, I will be here, there.. and everywhere you go.

Edited by swit_lass
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please stop pretending you love me. you are on the rebound. just three days after you said you loved me, i heard you were relentlessly pursuing the girl you truly love. nothing wrong with that. but please, be honest. stop pretending i'm the cure to your heartache. she broke your heart. do not expect that i can cure it. you are hurting me more by pretending further. enough of the i love you BS already. i can't bear hearing it any longer.

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you only need a friend. and i can be that to you. don't expect much from me. because like i told you, i cannot commit to you now. you need to have time to discern what it is you really want in life. your priorities. you cannot just imagine me as some great love. because it's not the truth. how can i be the one for you when i know for a fact you're in love with another.


i would rather we be friends. i'm not ready for a relationship. not a serious, committed one.

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I’m sorry for the things I might have said

To you in anger or in frustrations


I’m sorry for those times

When words of mine

Have been sources of provocation

… I’m sorry


I’m sorry for unkind actions

Thoughtless deeds or inconsideration

For jumping into conclusions

For rejecting moderation… I’m sorry

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