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The Mail Box

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somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond

any experience,your eyes have their silence:

in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,

or which i cannot touch because they are too near


your slightest look will easily unclose me

though i have closed myself as fingers,

you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens

(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose


or if your wish be to close me, i and

my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,

as when the heart of this flower imagines

the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals

the power of your intense fragility:whose texture

compels me with the color of its countries,

rendering death and forever with each breathing


(i do not know what it is about you that closes

and opens;only something in me understands

the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)

nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands


-- e.e. cummings





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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

of leaving and of staying

of wanting and of keeping

of holding on and of letting be

of stopping and of going

of sighing and of crying

of loving and of dying.

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I feel you running in my head

And I think it won’t be long

before the water in my eyes spill upon my pillow

Call it frustrating, call it insane

Why we long for something bigger than us.


As I look outside my window

I look into your name

It’s written in the stars

That fills the emptiest of nights.


If I could find a way to get to you

You know I will be free from the loneliness that haunts me

Like your killer melodies

But the more I try to reach you, the more I try to see

There’s nothing I can do but wait here….

half wishing.

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Dear Snow,


This morning, I received a phone call from our head teacher saying that the school will be closed today! Of course I was ecstatic! who wouldnt be?! Not going to work today and yet still being paid is one of the best things in life noone would want to miss. haha! But like a child curious around here... I sit and wonder how could this soft snow prevents us from going to school? How could this soft white flake that melts in my body when it touches it be a cause of lots of accidents?

How could you do that?

I looked out my window, and all I could see are paths, cars, houses, trees... everything covered with white snow. I just hope this isnt a snow storm. But instead of feeling scared as I often did when floods overflowed our muddy street in my hometown, you gave me pure impression. The impression of the little girl, like myself, picturing the world so wonderful, so perfect and so pure, just like you. When you first landed on the ground, you were so pure and un-touched by the flaws of the world like an innocent child that enters world.

I love seeing kids having fun because of you, laughters echoing the entire neighborhood upon your visit, heck! sometimes I'm even part of them.. I like playing with you.... but not for long... for your beauty can be very deceivng and dangerous... hah! i remember my gothic name... heavenly demonic! i think thats the word that describes you well. you are dangerously beautiful.

You make people shiver in a way nobody or nothing can, oh my mistake... someone can.. you brother - ICE! hah! But i dont like him... he is too cold and rough and hard! Just like a real man... however you personify WOMAN.. you are an icon of what is a woman - gentle, fluffy, soft yet powerful, deadly and treacherous.. bwahaha :evil:

Oh how I wish you wouldnt be too awful today.. I hate shovelling, it hurts my arms.. :( pleaseeee stop now... its almost 5inches now.. thats enough pleaseeee...

thank you.


justme.. alang magawa.

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Oh how I wish you wouldnt be too awful today.. I hate shovelling, it hurts my arms.. :( pleaseeee stop now... its almost 5inches now.. thats enough pleaseeee...

thank you.


justme.. alang magawa.

Hi sweetp! This is dedicated to you 5 inches of snow. Kakatawag lang din ng tita ko and in her place its about 3 inches - nag cancel din yata siya ng class. Good luck with the weather!



White, white

sweetp in white

covered, the town

with flakes of pure white


arms, up and down

legs, side to side

pushing with delight

angels in the morning light


softness, floating

resting on land

five inches, six inches

heavy as sand


shoulders shifting

pushing, pulling

clearing away

to sweetp's dismay


white, white

sweetp in white

covered, our angel

oh, what a sight!



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Mike sent the letter below, and asked that it be forwarded onto his friends/family. We have typed his handwritten letter.


Life’s Little Things

By Maher ’Mike’ Hawash



On the outside, I took things for granted. I know you do, it’s just easy to do…

On the outside, I took people for granted. I know you do too, it’s just natural to do… On the outside, I’ve taken time for granted, so today is gone, there’s always tomorrow… On the inside, it’s a different story, believe me, I know…

On the outside, life’s little things were my right to have; I’m entitled to them. Fresh air is a step away; sunshine is a walk to the patio; a voice to talk to is just a phone call away. A shower, a paper, a pencil, a TV, a computer, a walk, a talk, a hug, a kiss, are all up to me; when I want, where I want.


On the inside, it’s a new life, trust me, I know.

Things are less, options are less, people are less, IQ is less, words are less, my entire world is less, except for time.

Time is definitely more; the day got longer since I went inside.

In solitary, my world is limited, controlled, mandated. My universe is an 8x12 cell. My new home has an attractive bunk bed just right for my size; a window with bars for my security, a chair/desk for my studious pleasures; a sink/toilet assembly, and a door with a tiny window for my privacy; all made of fine iron for durability.


I’m treated like a king, royalty inside. People bring me food of their choice, turn the lights on/off when they happen to pass by, and escort me to take a shower, or anything else for that matter. They are very protective of me, you see!


I no longer have to strain my head with choices, options, or decisions. People are taking care of that for me. Life on the inside is a bit different as you can see, but there is more, please read…


On the inside, I learned to appreciate life’s little things a little more than I used to. I love to pick up the phone to call home anytime during the week, once a week. I look forward to food like a hamster, three times a day; it takes time away. I can’t wait to go outside for my ‘rec’ time. Five hours a week. Fresh air is not to be taken for granted anymore, it’s truly a privilege. It’s a privilege to step outside the cell, into a larger dog cage for recreation. Believe me, it is recreation, something that I and every guest in this place looks forward to, day after day…


On the inside, I needed a new attitude, different perception, and low expectations. After all, it’s a new life. I can glimpse the sunshine outside my window, but I can’t touch it, and it cannot touch me. Still, I am grateful that I can see the shine of the sun. The moon is a different story. I haven’t seen it since I went inside. I miss the moon.


On the outside, it’s only natural to take people for granted…I’m sure you do.


On the inside, it’s a different book, a new chapter. It really makes you think and appreciate what you have, it did for me, I hope you learn too. A 2500 sq. ft. house, not big enough? Trust me, it’s BIG, HUGE!! Kids are bouncing in your lap, jumping on your back, running between your legs…bothersome? Noisy? Annoying at times? Listen to me, enjoy it before you don’t have it. Patience my friend, patience! Patience with your wife, because she works hard raising your kids; patience with your kids because they’re the joy of your life; patience with your neighbors because you’ll miss their sight, their sound, their laughs, their cries. Patience with your friends, because you never know who’s your friend…until…you’re inside.


These are the times of truth, all masks are lifted, and only friends emerge; they stick around and show their necks. My friend Lisa, my wife, my life, is here standing by like a rock. Every single day, I wonder….how is she holding on? What’s keeping her together? A strength I didn’t know she had. I know of such strength, it only comes from inside, from the heart, from every bone in the body. It comes from outside, from people around her, true friends, that give, and give, and only give. The thoughts bring joy to my heart…and agony too…


Joy of the thoughts of my wife and kids as one family. Joy of the days we lived together, good and bad. Joy of the smiles drawn on their faces. Joy of the love we have for on another; joy of my companions in life; my partner who gives me peace and tranquility, strength and hope, love and tenderness…All shadowed by the pain they’re going through today, yesterday and tomorrow…


Once inside, these little things in life become crisp and clear. I share them with you from my inside. I hope you’ll ponder on them from the outside.

Edited by sweetpsyche
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Dear D,


please let him be. let him go.

if u do love him. let him fade.

u're too strong a temptation

he might one day can not resist.

so please stop it now

both of you will just end up hurt.

and im sorry to say

but he loves his girl

and he cant afford to lose her

so let it end there.

stop it now before its late..

for the more you go on,

the more you will be hurt,

he loves her so much -

i know - he told me.

so please set him free.

what you had may be wonderful

but babe sorry... it aint real.

just like you and him together -

a prince and a princess

living in your imaginary world -

stars of a fairy tale

never to be told.



a friend who knows.

Edited by sweetpsyche
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