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The Mail Box

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I never expected to feel the way I do right now,

I never really thought I'd fall.

And though we're separated only a short distance,

I can't even give you a call.


We're separated not by walls,

not by seas, or oceans, or space.

We're so close, and yet so far,

We're so far out of place.


I long to touch you, to hold you.

Be with you right now.

But the circumstances won't allow it,

Be with you, I don't know how.


Tempted I am to sweep you,

take you from your suffering.

What I may do is right or wrong

But is it good to you I bring?


I love you, you already know that,

can't really be too obvious.

I can wait, I will wait,

Even if your mom's furious!

;) B) :wub: :wub: :wub:


all i can say for now inspite or despite where we are right now is..............thank you...u have opened my heart,my mind, my soul to the real world........at the moment im still learning a lot about myself and recovering what i have left all these years...thoughts and yearning ive had that got lost with "living"........but of most of all i miss u...being with u....really "talking" to u...............but i learn to cope...i learn to live and move on...the thought that u luv me....keeps me going...i hope it never fades..........take care always..................no matter what im here for u always...........as much as i can..............until next time................be on the rampage...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....;)

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Dear Senor Embajador,


I wish I could say out loud that one of your subordinates, who goes by the name of _________, is a GODDAMNED PERVERT!!! It might interest you to know that despite him having a very smart, sensible and beautiful fiancee (who happens to be my friend) AND being a diplomat of high rank, he still finds it in himself to debase his rank and his social standing through covert "undiplomatic activities".


If I were a vengeful person, I would have brought this matter straight to the SFA. But in deference to your office, which has always had cordial relations with the Department, I wish to give you a chance to deal with the matter beforehand.....at your option. I'm hereby submitting a hard disk containing about 300 Megabytes worth of data that would clearly and convincingly illustrate how Mr._____ has managed to show the very low regard he has for Filipino women. For shame Mr. Ambassador! For shame!


Do the right thing Mr. Ambassador. Should you fail to act, I will be forced to submit this same data to the SFA ...and possibly to all major newspapers both here in the Philippines and in _____.


Good day to you.

Edited by Chito
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Una de las cosas mas duras que tendre que siempre hacer es embalar sus cosas y enviarlas a los Estados Unidos. Lamento verdad el tener que decir "cuidado de la toma" cuando le caí del aeropuerto. Deseo que podria tener dicho mas. No sabia que sera la vez ultima que le veo por un tiempo muy muy largo. Le faltare tanto.



Edited by Zerreit
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Ich bedeutete nie, sie zu verletzen oder in ihrer weise zu erhalten. Wenn sie ihn wünschen, können sie ihn haben. Ich bin nicht die art des mädchens, die zwischen zwei leuten erhalten würde, die in einander miteinbezogen werden. Ich bin sehr traurig für, was geschah.



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Hi! How have you been? It's been a while. Were you thinking of me all this time? I have. Maybe not all the time but I still do & each time, you'd always put a smile on my face. I miss you. I miss your face I miss your voice. I miss everything about you. If I can only bring back time, I wouldn't miss the chance to say how much I love you but I'd let it slipped through my hands and it proved to be one of the biggest regrets I have in my life.


I'll never forget you. You were mine ... for sometime. You'll always be in my prayers but I won't count on you doing the same thing for me. I just hope that one day, we'll crossed paths again & you'll hug me real tight & that hug will make me feel that somehow you appreciated everything I've done for you when we were together.


I'll always be here for you, even if you're not.






Haaaaayyyyy!!! Nakalimutan na ko ng anak-anakan ko :cry: Gawa na nga lang ako ng bago para madagdag ako sa mga buntis dito sa MTC. Hehehe :P

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to you.


nothing can ever hurt more than being accused of lying. i always tell the truth no matter what. and for you to even doubt me. doubt what i say and do... is the same as paying me the lowest and meanest insult on this earth.


i dont lie. i dont cheat. all other sins i would admit to committing. except those two. and no one, not even you will make me doubt myself.


i tried. my best. my darndest. my all. to make you understand. but your mind refuses to even acknowledge anything that i say.


and on that note i guess i rest my case.


take care of you.


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i guess it would always be this way...

your absence before used to drive a stake through my heart...

but now i understand.....

it was a strange force which compelled me to love you...

it is now a stronger force which compels me to continue loving you...

as you've always said - there can be only one...

miss you, sweetie



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no words can describe at the moment what you have done for me....no thoughts can match as to how you have changed me.....you have changed me in some way....its not that apparent now but i know that someday it will show....i dunno when my feelings for you will change or subside....i dunno when i can really "move on" but thats my aim for "us"....had to start yesterday...i know u had to the same thing....as i said before...what i feel for u right now will not change....u are a part of me and hope to see u soon in a better time and place....take care always...........you will always be in my thoughts.... :wub: :wub: :wub: B) ;) .....we will live through this.......... :D

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you, of all people, would really know what i am going through right now. sometimes, i am ashamed to reveal to you what has transpired these past few months. but i realize that i don't have to explain anything to you anymore. there is no need for it. thank you for understanding and for always being there when i need you.


i wish you well.



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somebody just informed me.....my mom doesnt want to let go of me and most likely the rest of them will be siding on her too.........i feel so trapped all the more...all they have to do is put me in a box and throw away the key.....as much as i feel crushed with that and all other matters with reagrds to that...i have to move on...do what i gotta do...stick to my plan...which is first of all....to get a job.......after that..hopefully keep or have the job i really want....then maybe find a way to have my time...and the only way is to work abroad.....and i hope she doesn't follow me there...thats about it for now....my mind gotta tired.....later.... <_< :ninja: :angry: :cry:

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I was so out of it this morning. I inadvertently retraced the route we had the last time you were here and it was killing me. How I would remember the time we just sat there inside that Malate church, how we dined at that dimsum place in Remedios, how I would enjoy watching you eat that chicken feet which you so immensely like, how I can not shift gears because our hands were locked....

Now I understand when you say how much it pains you to miss me :(

Miss you so much, sweetie....



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I was watching the news today. I saw you. I know I shouldn't have been surprised; I've heard of it for about two weeks now. As always, you look so handsome, poised, refined. I felt my pulse go a little bit faster. The sight of your easy smile still does that to me.


I am glad we got the chance to clear things up. That was our biggest problem. I could not reconcile with the thought that you belong to the other side of the fence. Politics was never my cup of tea. I'm glad that we managed to still remain friends. As I have promised, I will never do anything to outright hurt you.


I hope that, despite the environment of lies and deceit, you would remain true to all those dreams and plans you long ago shared with me.


I wish you well.



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laging nakabitin sa alanganin

laging inaawat ang pagkadarang


pilit mang labanan ang nararamdaman

nauuwi pa rin sa kawalan


isang ngiti

isang sulyap, kahit na ligaw

ok na sa kin, pamatid uhaw







ang hirap talaga mainlab sa may nagmamay-ari na.....

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