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You are so cruel. When I think you can break my heart no more than you have, you manage to surprise me ... quite unpleasantly. You are unmoved, beyond care. But the most tragic thing about this all is that I will always carry you with me. And despite the things that hurt me right now, I could love no other like I love you.



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it is strange that love moves in mysterious ways, it is illogical and we laugh out loud trying to define why...


i do apologize for coming into your life in such a wrong time, i myself humbly cannot explain why, i rattle my brains every now and then trying to find out...


i thank you for every wonderful moments we have shared, once again, my heart flutters, this time at the very thought of you...


as we find out are weakness and strong points, heres to hoping that by doing so, will complement us both, not used as a weapon against each other...


that by learning and experiencing my world and me yours, we can combine both by not being me and you but us...


i do not pressure thee, i mustve said that a countless times over, yet the very sight of you, signifies confirmity, for that i am glad...


hoping time will be our ally and not our enemy, hoping that people around us are true, hoping that what we are is true, not just a face, hoping that by understanding, we can be forgiving...


you said so yourself, "let us be content of what we have..."


i do not ask anything more...



for now!




do take care!


Edited by roxysnonie
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dear boo,


as i write this i am in tears again ( not that it matters) because i thought I had it all figured out. I thought I knew what you wanted and I tried to give it the best way I could. I didn't want to leave your side because I remember you worrying I would leave you alone. What I didn't expect was you asking me why I kept on following you and doubting you. We were barely together for a week and of course I would think that at that point we were still establishing our relationship and our bond. How could you have grown tired of me easily? I guess I know the answer to the question. It is just that it isn't easy dealing with it , you know. I tried you know but how can I trust you when we didn't have anything to build our trust on? I would come to you in order to strike a conversation and you'd sit there quietly and would say nothing. You'd say you are not thinking of anything but I could sense it.


There's really no point in going about this over and over but I have to. I have to go through with this, you know? But I will get over you somehow. After all I made the decision to break it up. You were saying you'd think about it first but I didn't want it because I knew you were just delaying or avoiding it. That's why as much as it hurts I broke up with you. I was hoping you'd say you'd rather think about it but you didn't . I have never broken up with anyone before because I feel it is difficult to say it out loud and I don't know if I can do such a thing to someone who has become a part of my life. I might not be that emotionally strong. But I did it with you...break up though my heart was shouting NO! It's all for the better, though. That's what friends tell me and I know so. I am not seeing it right now because of how hurt I am but I will get there and be able to gently accept that we were never meant to be.


You are still young and I know in time you will grow up to be a fine man. Be happy and don't settle for anything less than what you deserve. You owe it to no one but yourself.



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it is strange that love moves in mysterious ways, it is illogical and we laugh out loud trying to define why...


i do apologize for coming into your life in such a wrong time, i myself humbly cannot explain why, i rattle my brains every now and then trying to find out...


i thank you for every wonderful moments we have shared, once again, my heart flutters, this time at the very thought of you...


as we find out are weakness and strong points, heres to hoping that by doing so, will complement us both, not used as a weapon against each other...


that by learning and experiencing my world and me yours, we can combine both by not being me and you but us...


i do not pressure thee, i mustve said that a countless times over, yet the very sight of you, signifies confirmity, for that i am glad...


hoping time will be our ally and not our enemy, hoping that people around us are true, hoping that what we are is true, not just a face, hoping that by understanding, we can be forgiving...


you said do yourself, "let us be content of what we have..."



i do not ask anything more...



for now!




do take care!

waaah naiyak ako dito. bat kasi binasa di naman para sa akin. <_<

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Dearest ****,


Im so happy to see you again ... It has been four years since the last time we met ... you didn't change a bit, you are still the same man i knew way back .... our meeting brought back memories i won't forget ... four years ago i know i like you but four years after i realized i don't really just like you but im in love with you ... you are the man im looking for, the man that would give some directions to my wandering heart ... i don't know if i'll pursue you but my heart is aching for your love to be mine ... im crying the other night for i was longing for you ... your mere presence makes my heart jump with joy ... i miss you so much that i don't want to stop the clock ... but reality creeps back ... my life four years ago was a mess ... now after four years i am afraid to take risk for i have a kid to consider ... how i wish you would accept me for what i am if ever you feel the same way too ... i know it's quite impossible for us to be together ... i'll just keep the good memories in my heart and mind and hope that someday, somehow my dream would come true .... If you only knew that when i've heard you were there where we met four years ago ... i wanna fly to hug and kiss you .... I LOVE YOU!


just meeh,



Edited by Leslie Garcia
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Thank you for your friendship, your prayers and good thoughts. For those who had shed tears for me, know that your tears made my pain more bearable. You all know who you are.


I don't know if my friendship can ever repay the goodness you have graciously extended but do know that when you find yourselves a little lost, far away from what you know as home, I will be right there walking with you.


People here don't really know you guys, they don't know the goodness in your hearts. But I do. I'm the lucky one to have all of you as friends.



Edited by Lipstick
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thank u for the flowers... i was surprised.. really really surprised.. in fact im staring at it right now while typing this message.. im very touched and flattered for the thought, the gesture and just the simple act of showing that u have remembered and indeed u r sorry...

it has been so long now.. yet despite that the knife u used to stab me is still within me deeply embedded, and the wounds arent healing fast... so i am sorry to say that a thousands of flowers wont soothe the pain u had given me, it wont bring back the tears that had fallen from my eyes, it wont rekindle the good memories we had, it might not even bring back the special feeling i once had for you... im sorry. i know u want me back.. but im not sure anymore if that is what I want.. i cant promise u anything...

I guess... all we can do, for now, is stay what we are.. just like this... no expectations, no promises, no sugar-coated words.. just plain like this.

time will tell... until then.. lets remain like this.


i once said... if we are really meant for each other, im sure fate bring us back together, like the way it brought us the first time we met.

so let us just wait, and see what happens.


again, thank u for the flowers. i love it.



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i still think of you. it has been days... empty days since i lost you.


i miss our exchange of missed calls. you'd give me a ring, i'd give you a ring ,we'd do that a number of times and then you'd eventually text me. you always did that. it is so crazy, so silly, and I miss it. More importantly, I miss you doing it.





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If Tomorrow Starts Without Me


If tomorrow starts without me,

And I'm not there to see,

If the sun should rise and find your eyes

All filled with tears for me;


I wish so much you wouldn't cry

The way you did today,

While thinking of the many things,

We didn't get to say.




I know how much you love me,

As much as I love you,

And each time that you think of me,

I know you'll miss me too;


But when tomorrow starts without me,

Please try to understand,

That an angel came and called my name,

And took me by the hand,




And said my place was ready,

In heaven far above,

And that I'd have to leave behind

All those I dearly love.


But as I turned to walk away,

A tear fell from my eye

For all my life, I'd always thought,

I didn't want to die.




I had so much to live for,

So much left yet to do,

It seemed almost impossible,

That I was leaving you.


I thought of all the yesterdays,

The good ones and the bad,

The thought of all the love we shared,

And all the fun we had.




If I could relive yesterday,

Just even for a while,

I'd say good-bye and kiss you

And maybe see you smile.


But then I fully realized,

That this could never be,

For emptiness and memories,

Would take the place of me.




And when I thought of worldly things,

I might miss come tomorrow,

I thought of you, and when I did,

My heart was filled with sorrow.


But when I walked through Heaven's gates,

I felt so much at home.

When God looked down and smiled at me,

From His great golden throne,




He said, "This is eternity,

And all I've promised you."

Today your life on earth is past,

But here life starts anew.


I promise no tomorrow,

But today will always last,

And since each day's the same way

There's no longing for the past.




You have been so faithful,

So trusting and so true.

Though there were times you did

Some things you knew you shouldn't do.


But you have been forgiven

And now at last you're free.

So won't you come and take my hand

And share my life with me?


So when tomorrow starts without me,

Don't think we're far apart,

For every time you think of me,

I'm right here, in your heart.


~ Author Unknown ~

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Dear L,


You are very much welcome and it was my pleasure. Besides, what are friends for? Everything will turn out for the best and I will be here to support you in whatever way necessary. Thank you for your friendship.



Edited by Z
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I just remembered that last time you ever said anything right...


I was asking you what was going to happen to us, to me, when we split up...


You said, "you'll be alright. you have your friends."


You know what. I do.


And I am alright.


No thanks to you.

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i'm glad we got to talk. i never thought i'd be able to have the guts to call you up and talk to you about something that's been bothering me for the last couple of days. i didn't expect it'd be so easy to discuss things with you. i feel so relieved, yet still confused if what i need is really what i want right now. i suppose taking some time to think about this would do us good.


i miss you.



Edited by mayella76
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hey B,


i had a great time with you last weekend, although it wasn't much. so sorry about that.


you seemed like a whole different person when i saw you for the first time. but i think it's better that way. otherwise, i wouldn't know what to do if you had been that person i thought you'd be. thanks for keeping your promise.


i don't know where this is all leading to. i don't even want to think about it.


it's been a pretty long day without your insistent messages. makes me wonder, really. but then again, i said i wouldn't want to think about it anymore. it just complicates things.





Edited by mayella76
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You told me before that despite the words, the acts of love, and all the sweet thoughts you have of me --- you feel that there should be more that you should be saying, doing, and thinking of just so I'll know exactly how much i mean to you...how much you care for me...how much you love me. I'd have to say that that's one of the sweetest lines someone has ever said to me. And i want you to know that i feel the same way for you - maybe even more.


I love you so deeply and it's so powerful, so wonderful, and so perfect that I sometimes think that if I love you any more than that, it would k*ll me. I attempted to rationalize it, even tried to downplay it by thinking that i can't be this in love because it's only been 8 months. But how does one explain the energy and love that's abound when were together? How does one rationalize a connection as powerful as ours? How does one put into words the beauty that surrounds us when we kiss, hold hands, and especially when we make love?


Anyone who knows me can easily tell that I've never looked at any man as closely as I'm looking at you now. I have never felt more compelled to bare my soul to anyone this early. I have never kissed anyone as passionately...never touched anyone as intimately...never thought of someone constantly that you've become an essential component of the air that i breathe.


What is it about you really? No, don't answer that --- i intend to find out for myself. It's going to be one hell of a journey towards discovery but i promise you it will be worth every minute of it...every inch we cover.


I don't know how this'll end - we both could be headed for a very long trip that would span years, or, this could be just another ephemeral crossing of paths and we might be hitting the dead end sooner than expected. We don't know and i guess nobody knows. And that's the amazing part of it - us not knowing what the future holds. Because then, we are compelled to treat each moment like it's the last - bask in it, relish every minute - thereby making it really, really special.


Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for making me discover a kind of tenacity and strength i never thought existed. And finally, thank you for making me feel so beautiful, so special, so loved, and so cared for. I'm glad you came at the time that you did and I'm more grateful that I recognized what a good person you are and what a blessing this relationship is.


I love you. Always. :*

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To the B!tch I encountered at the MRT this morning,


Put@ng!na naman eh! Bakit yung sumingit sa harapan mo pinalampas mo lang nang walang imik....tapos magagalit ka sa akin dahil uunahan kita dahil ang bagal mo. Meron ka pang sarcastic na "nagmamadali ka yata eh, mauna ka na". Bobo ka pala eh, syempre lahat nagmamadali sa MRT sa umaga. Kung hindi ka nagmamadali sana nag-bus ka na lang. Peste ka! Sinira mo umaga ko. Sana tubuan ka ng bigote.

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you lying biatch!


just stop the deception already. I know you're screwing me ex-office friend/ex-mentor/ex-supervisor. it just makes you look so stupid trying to carry on as if there's nothing going on.


the whole f*ing world knows that you guys are getting something on. why must you persist in "keeping me out of the loop" when I always was in it?


the two of you are deluding yourselves if you think you're fooling anyone by what you do.


so go to hell already, will ya?

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