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The Mail Box

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Dear ,


I cant help but smile at my life right now, looking back at the times I longed to hear your voice, the stupid things I did just to get your attention. I remember the happiness you brought with you when you knocked on my door. You seemed to quench every insatiable need I had. I was happy, not absolute bliss, but I was really happy. You were the first thought when I woke up and the last thing on my mind even after I close my eyes. I dreamt of the future we would have.


Actually, I wanted to thank you for what happened. It made me see myself for what I really am and it made me decide what I really wanted to do and be in this lifetime.


Thank you. I shan't say there will always be a special part in my heart for you, coz that wont be true, coz Ive come to realize, you were never there. :)




Me c,")

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Dearest Dondi,


I'm sorry we never got the chance to have lunch again. I would've wanted to give you one last hug and this time you wouldn't even have to ask for it.


When you came over to the house last year, I told Tricia I found it so strange that I was home early on a workday and that you decided to visit me on your way home from the hospital. I found it eerier that after our chat and as you were about to walk out the lounge, you asked me if I could give you a hug. And as you walked out my gate, I recall reminding you to let's have lunch next week. You just turned your head, smiled that handsome smile of yours and waved. I felt like that was the last time I would see you. It was.


Of course we still spoke many times over the phone after that visit. You would irritate me to high heavens whenever you wouldn't reply to my text messages and I remember berating you for having me so worried and antsy. We both know that when a cancer patient's phone number stops replying to you it can only mean one thing.


I'm sorry for breaking down when you needed a cheery voice on the other end of the phone when spoke before your birthday. When you told me your cancer had spread to the liver I could not help but weep and weep and weep. It must've sounded so strange for you to hear me say repeatedly "Oh God, not Dondi.. God not him please."


But as God would have it, He flew you away in His arms two weeks ago and I didn't even know. It was such a shock to have read it in Rod's column this morning. You seem to have sounded well and cheery last we spoke. But then I guess that's you, that's the Dondi charm -- the world was always rosy despite it's treachery and grime. You always managed to put things in such a positive perspective. You were the epitome of a gentleman's gentleman. They sure don't make 'em like they used to.


Thank you for your friendship ... wonderful 7 years of knowing you, laughing with you, crying with you and hahahaha all those dirty jokes shared with you. Thank you for always reminding me how special I was by the way you treated me. You have enriched my life more than you can ever know. I will miss you very much my friend and I'm glad that at least I was able to tell you how much I loved you.


You were always in my prayers and you will continue to be henceforth. Look Clancy up will ya and tell him what I have told you. Carry that special message to him from me.


I'm going to have a Jack and a smoke right now in memory of the many Jacks and smokes we shared together. I'll be seeing you my friend, maybe not sooner than I want to but I'll definitely be seeing you.


love and embraces,



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I!  Napaginipan na naman kita!  4 straight ka na ha! Kinukulam mo ba ko? :P


Wag mo kse masyadong iniisip si Tiyo Kardo.. matatalo rin natin sa badminton yun balang araw! Hahaha! :D (hey, tutuo ba talaga ang kulam? i'll teach you a chant to make him think of you too.. hehehe)


Dear You,


I do think about you every now and then but my heart don't feel anything anymore.. unlike before that I'd feel millions of needle pins pricking my heart. It's so teleserye no? I hate myself for becoming so. My girl friend couldn't believe that I really fell hard for you. Well, at least I was able to overcome it.. I've managed to emerge as winner pa rin.


Winner nga ba? :hypocritesmiley:



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my dear SL,


again, you caught me by surprise.

twas a different way to end my day and

start another day! yup, you actually caught me

off-guard. thank you for your kind words

and for being super understanding.


i know there are things that we want to change

but time and certain situations limit us at the moment.

i also know it's not easy. sometimes i have low days

but when i get to think of you and what you stand for

in my life, i just know you are more than all the

hard times i face.


i've stopped asking God why he blessed me with

your presence. maybe because i've been through hell before

so he decided i needed someone who can breath for me

when i cant... that i needed someone who can brighten my

day when i feel like heaven and earth is closing down on me...

that i needed someone who will wake me up in the morning

with the sweetest morning greeting.. that i needed someone who will tell

me that bad times wont last long... that i needed someone

who will just hold my hand and i know everything will be



you do that and much, much more. sorry for the times

i dont get to tell you that. i'm still adjusting to having someone

who will do and give up anything to make me happy and

to make things work.


thanks baby! you mean to me more than you can imagine.

... that i swear.






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huy d!


u called! damn, i turned my fon off during the weekend...

well not really, i misplaced my charger somewhre and i couldnt find it... i know u hate it when i misplace things... instinct told me to make up an excuse as if it would matter... so what if u hated that part of me? so what if i forget a lot of the things we use to share? arrrrgh! why should i care even?


next time nalang tayo labas, when j gets back from cebu... it would be nice to finally meet him... and c too... you know where to find me naman e... u always do...



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Alexander Pope wrote this. He stole the words from my heart.


Thou know'st how guiltless first I met thy flame,

When Love approach'd me under Friendship's name;

My fancy form'd thee of angelic kind,

Some emanation of th' all-beauteous Mind.

Those smiling eyes, attemp'ring ev'ry day,

Shone sweetly lambent with celestial day.

Guiltless I gaz'd; heav'n listen'd while you sung;

And truths divine came mended from that tongue.

From lips like those what precept fail'd to move?

Too soon they taught me 'twas no sin to love.

Back through the paths of pleasing sense I ran,

Nor wish'd an Angel whom I lov'd a Man.

Dim and remote the joys of saints I see;

Nor envy them, that heav'n I lose for thee.


I-You...love is stronger than it all stronger than this soul divided. (You know where thats from.)


You're my eternal sunshine.



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dearest d.


pathetic as it may seem,

im happy that...

well you know why.


i still feel like i was torn in two.

im going cynical.

and that is so NOT me.


i hope things get better.

i hope they get better soon.

i hope they get better now.



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