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South China/West Philippine Sea

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It doesnt matter kung tanga sila and tama tayo. Question is what are we gonna do about it? International arbitration will favor the Philippines but all they can offer is a piece of paper. Its up to us to enforce this. China is using the same EEZ argument against Japan in the Diaoyu islands issue, but China for the meantime cannot do anything about it, because Japan still has considerable economic influence and substantial military might to resist Chinese intrusion, not to mention more solid American backing.




It doesnt matter kung tanga sila and tama tayo. Question is what are we gonna do about it? International arbitration will favor the Philippines but all they can offer is a piece of paper. Its up to us to enforce this. China is using the same EEZ argument against Japan in the Diaoyu islands issue, but China for the meantime cannot do anything about it, because Japan still has considerable economic influence and substantial military might to resist Chinese intrusion, not to mention more solid American backing. Malas natin. Sa situation nato, might is right.


Ahh, so the rule is the Law of the Jungle, might is right or survival of the fittest. No wonder some here are promoting militarization instead of industrialization, the formula for economic disaster and bankruptcy. Is that the reason why the Taiwanese fishing vessel was shot by a high powered automatic firearm because the fishermen were unarmed?


Fortunately, wisdom is a lot better than force. We are not acting the role of a leader if we just allow the situation to mold us. In this case, we took a choice.


The USA, which got a chunk of its territory spread in the Pacific Ocean refuses to act like China and claim the sea as it exclusive territory. This prescription was announced on TV by no less than US Officials in order to diffuse the rising tensions created by Chinese Claims at least a week before the incident that killed the Taiwanese fisherman. IN EFFECT, BY SHOOTING A TAIWANESE FISHING VESSEL AND KILLING A CIVILIAN, THIS GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY IGNORED THE PRESCRIPTION OF THE USA AND INSTEAD JOINED THE TROUBLE MAKING AND MILITARY SOLUTION OF COMMUNIST CHINA.


Someone in government will have to take full responsibility for the LOSS of income, the LOSS of jobs of the OFW, the violence that happened after and also the irresponsible statements that wants to gamble away the gains of the Filipino private sector to a senseless provocation created by the incident.



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Some articles are just pure b.s.... You gotta remember one fact about the MEEJA whether it be American, Filipino, Arabic or Taiwanese.... They can be BOUGHT.


A few weeks ago, somebody from the PRC said Japan's authority over Okinawa is also weak, na baka nga di din sya part of Japan, when the Japs reacted, their government spokesmen disowned the statement saying it was just a private view of one of their citizens... (Or words to that effect)


Tingin nyo ba "ONE OF THEIR CITIZENS" would spout such a line on a sensitive issue without their commie government's Go Signal?????


Its been long known that a number of Taiwanese media personalities are on Beijing's payroll...

That's exactly the feeling I got as I read the article. It was so one-sided and wasn't objective at all.

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Recent Sino Summits Fail on South China Sea



Chinese diplomats have been trying to marshal support for their nation's expansive claims to the South China Sea, but at two recent summits Chinese leaders returned home having made no progress on this key issue...


Asking Russia for help.... Ahehehehe.... Supalpal kayo kay Pareng Putin noh???


And Jesus Christ, the Indians of all the people???? Ahehehehehe....


Sobrang laugh trip to....

Yup there's no love lost between Russia and India on one side, and China on the other. They've had their own border conflicts with China in the past.

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Ahh, so the rule is the Law of the Jungle, might is right or survival of the fittest. No wonder some here are promoting militarization instead of industrialization, the formula for economic disaster and bankruptcy. Is that the reason why the Taiwanese fishing vessel was shot by a high powered automatic firearm because the fishermen were unarmed?


Fortunately, wisdom is a lot better than force. We are not acting the role of a leader if we just allow the situation to mold us. In this case, we took a choice.


The USA, which got a chunk of its territory spread in the Pacific Ocean refuses to act like China and claim the sea as it exclusive territory. This prescription was announced on TV by no less than US Officials in order to diffuse the rising tensions created by Chinese Claims at least a week before the incident that killed the Taiwanese fisherman. IN EFFECT, BY SHOOTING A TAIWANESE FISHING VESSEL AND KILLING A CIVILIAN, THIS GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY IGNORED THE PRESCRIPTION OF THE USA AND INSTEAD JOINED THE TROUBLE MAKING AND MILITARY SOLUTION OF COMMUNIST CHINA.


Someone in government will have to take full responsibility for the LOSS of income, the LOSS of jobs of the OFW, the violence that happened after and also the irresponsible statements that wants to gamble away the gains of the Filipino private sector to a senseless provocation created by the incident.



Well tell that to the Chinese. They're the ones building up their military force and they've been the aggressors from day one. They're the ones who are causing unrest in this part of the world. They're the ones who threaten the Philippines with war. What do you propose? That we just sit back and take the blows then turn the other cheek?


Get real....





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So sir Mach 83 what you're saying is Filipinos are "legends in their own minds", to borrow a phrase from Clint Eastwood's character Dirty Harry. Well yes, to a certain degree I agree with you here. How many times have we heard media saying "iba talaga ang pinoy..." or, believe sila sa pinoy." Or words to that effect.


I don't think this is due to an "aryan race attitude" wherein the Nazis truly believed in their superiority. No, on the contrary, I think this is due to a deep-seated inferiority complex. Let's face it, many Pinoys aren't proud of their country. They feel inferior. What the media is trying to do is help pinoys feel proud of who they are. To help rid them of their inferiority complex and to help restore national pride. The problem is I think the media is overdoing it. This over compensation on the part of media is what gives many people the impression that we have a "superiority complex" which isn't the case at all. Media tends to exaggerate and extol the virtues of Filipinos to the point that it borders on the ridiculous. Someone should set media straight so we don't come off as being "super believe sa sarili"


Have you ever encountered a person who's super mayabang? Always bragging how much money he has? How important he is? How he's chummy with billionaire so and so and friends with Senator so and so?


That's to compensate for deep seated insecurities. To make up for his low self-esteem and to deceive people into thinking he is something he knows deep in his heart he isn't. Show me a person who loves to brag and I'll show you an insecure person.


To a certain extent, I think that's what media is doing. Over compensating to neutralize the deep seated inferiority complex of the Filipino. This over compensation is what leads many people to perceived that Filipinos as having a superiority complex.


Nothing can be further from the truth.


Oh btw i'm sorry for the off-topic reply. I just couldn't help but react to your post.

Sorry but I couldn't help reply to this off-topic reply. I wonder why Miriam Santiago always thinks she's smarter than anyone else? Could she have a chip on her shoulder? Whenever she's challenged she reacts angrily and her arguments begin to deteriorate into name calling.


Maybe she has deep-seated insecurities and all that bluster is to hide the fact that she's not as smart as she wants people to believe?


Just wondering....Back to regular programming.



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What kind of CRAP are you posting here? People the world over were disgusted about the display of ineptitude and complete disregard for the cardinal rules of TACTICAL police work that the local SWAT team demonstrated. The SWAT team killed the hostages and hurried to remove traces of murder by moving the bodies to a military facility. Even the media cried foul when they did not even search for pulse of the victims since some of them may have been badly injured but alive. Everything was telecast and what you are posting is an INSULT to anyone who watched what happened. Karen Davila had a show that posted all these questions but it seems to fall on deaf ears.






In the meantime, a week after the massacre, the son of Mayor Lim was released for lack of evidence. Apparently, the lone gunman is also the last man standing witness to the conviction of Mayor Lim's son caught with drugs. Most if not all of those called to the witness stand are no longer alive.





We are a Christian nation but unfortunately, many of our leaders are not righteous. They simply won't take a stand against wickedness. But there is justice and if it won't be Filipinos, I suppose the relatives of our criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness.



What kind of crap am I posting here? Ha ha ha. You should listen to yourself. You ramble on and on leading from one topic to the next without connecting any of your statements. You talk about the massacre of those HK Chinese, then move on to insinuate that Mayor Lim had the hostage taker killed because he had incriminating information about his son's drug case. Then you ramble on about wickedness and how the relatives of criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness? Man wtf are you talking about?


Didn't you even read my post? If so did you understand what I was trying to say? And you have the audacity to ask me what kind of crap I'm posting?


I don't think I should even dignify your answer with a response. Because from where I'm standing you're not rational. Anyway consider this the first and last time I'm going to reply to you.


I hope I make myself understood this time.





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It doesnt matter kung tanga sila and tama tayo. Question is what are we gonna do about it? International arbitration will favor the Philippines but all they can offer is a piece of paper. Its up to us to enforce this. China is using the same EEZ argument against Japan in the Diaoyu islands issue, but China for the meantime cannot do anything about it, because Japan still has considerable economic influence and substantial military might to resist Chinese intrusion, not to mention more solid American backing. Malas natin. Sa situation nato, might is right.


Anong situation? yung "weak claim" natin kuno sa Batanes? What are we gonna do about it? Eh di wala lang. Look, some issues are not worth making patol on or even worth discussing. Bayaan mo na lang yan. Yan yung mga hack journalists or bayaran ng mga Chicoms sa Taiwan. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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It was just posted for people to see how the Chinese see things. Who said anything about papatulan yan? When I said "what are we gonna do about it"? I was referring the the thread topic itself.

Some things are better left alone. Refuting the article may just lead to escalation of the word war between Taiwan and the Philippines.

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You don't have to retort to it, but you can't ignore it either. Stuff like this is propaganda, that affects the nationalistic sentiments of the Chinese population, which helps their government to continously further their agenda. You have to be aware and not take things for granted. One of the big faults in Pinas is its capacity to take both big and small things for granted until it grows into proportions it can no longer comprehend, control, and understand.

I agree. I was planning to give my inputs on why I agree but these involve other issues which have no bearing on the China/West Philippine Sea topic. I'm afraid we might get derailed again from the main issues.


But you're right. Small problems are ignored until they get bigger and bigger and all of a sudden you're faced with an impossible situation. Not unlike having a small cavity in one of your teeth which you leave unattended.


Without dental intervention, the cavity gets bigger and bigger. Finally the time comes when there's no choice but to extract the tooth.

Edited by Bugatti Veyron
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True, for example, the rut we are in with the West Philippine Sea issue is not due to legalities or technicalities, but simply our incapability to enforce our interests, which are in accordance with international law. Lack of foresight, and an over exaggerated response to an exaggerated insurgency problem, plus corruption,plus "pagbabaleng wala", has virtually emasculated our AFP and Coast Guard from doing its duty of protecting us against foreign enemies. Ngayon, anything the government does will be nothing more than "too little, too late". Problem has grown to big for the country to handle, kahit sino pang presidente ilagay mo dyan.

Well let's just hope it isn't too late. We need a president who knows how the Chinese think and knows what strategy/psychology to use to pacify them without giving up the interests of the Philippines. In short, we need someone with extremely adept diplomatic skills. Pnoy simply does not fit the bill.

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True, for example, the rut we are in with the West Philippine Sea issue is not due to legalities or technicalities, but simply our incapability to enforce our interests, which are in accordance with international law. Lack of foresight, and an over exaggerated response to an exaggerated insurgency problem, plus corruption,plus "pagbabaleng wala", has virtually emasculated our AFP and Coast Guard from doing its duty of protecting us against foreign enemies. Ngayon, anything the government does will be nothing more than "too little, too late". Problem has grown to big for the country to handle, kahit sino pang presidente ilagay mo dyan.

It's good to see you're still at it Mr. 24 hr sleep proof owl!! He he he. Just kidding. You're right about the lack of foresight and corruption which have seriously undermined the ability of the Armed Forces to deal with the current situation in the South China/West Philippine Sea.


Hope all is not lost and that there's still time to find a solution to the rut we are in. In the meantime, try to get some sleep ;)

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Seems Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has hinted that BFAR/Coast guard personnel who shot up the Taiwanese boat are going to be charged both criminally and administratively. She stopped short by saying she wants Pnoy to make the formal announcement.

Edited by maxiev
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Bat kakasuhan? San ba exactly nagkamali? Mahirap kasi dito double edge sword. Kung nagkamali sa rules of engagement, dapat parusahan. Kaso pag pinarusahan mo, baka naman maging masyadong timid ang PCG sa next time naman. Nakaka demoralize yan ah.

I'm afraid I missed watching the news this evening. But I guess you're right. Next time something like this happens, the Philippine Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources may hesitate to do their job even if they're in the right. I mean why risk losing their job or even worse when they can choose to not do their job. Nobody will be any wiser that they did not do their job. But if they did their job they'd be putting their necks on the chopping block especially if their own government does not support them.

Edited by maxiev
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I'm afraid I missed watching the news this evening. But I guess you're right. Next time something like this happens, the Philippine Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources may hesitate to do their job even if they're in the right. I mean why risk losing their job or even worse when they can choose to not do their job. Nobody will be any wiser that they did not do their job. But if they did their job they'd be putting their necks on the chopping block especially if their own government does not support them.

So punishing the PCG ad BFAR personnel for this tragic event may backfire on the government. A demoralized border patrol is going to invite more interlopers who will take advantage of this fact.

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