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South China/West Philippine Sea

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What about the territorial limits far north - in Batanes where the recent incident happened? How much space of territory are we looking at in that area?


So what about it? Do your own research and post it.


Just be reminded, this thread is about the West Philippine Sea.

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As reference for our future discussions, the maps below shows the overlapping claims in West Philippine Sea.














For the benefit of those who do not know what the UNCLOS economic zone is, I am attaching this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_Economic_Zone


Based on the UNCLOS 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone in the map you posted sir Camiar, it would seem that probably 90% of the islands disputed by China lie in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. The map of China's territorial claims is a bit hard to swallow. Sa tagalog, ang kapal ng mukha. I'm surprised China didn't even go to the extent of claiming the Philippines as part of China!!


Thing is, if China didn't totally repudiate the United Nations definition of what an exclusive economic zone is, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


To push forth its agenda, China needs to ignore the UNCLOS definition altogether. And it has its mighty military to actually defy the UN.


The US hasn't actually told China to abide by the UN definition. It's more concerned now with cyber terrorism. So for the time being, UNCLOS will be in the back burner of American foreign policy priorities. Mainly because the UNCLOS sea zone under dispute doesn't affect American interests one way or another except insofar as safe passage of commercial shipping is concerned. American interests will be compromised if China were to close the South China sea to American shipping because of some future dispute between the two super powers. America wants to preempt this possibility from becoming reality.


I believe we should look at American interests in this part of the world from this point of view.

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There seems to be a lot of Chinese government propaganda aimed at riling the Chinese people against the Philippines. Being a totalitarian state with a controlled media, people are easily convinced that there is only one truth: the statements the Chinese government issues.


I agree this commies should be buried alive inside our archipelago

If they will enforce it. :)

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There seems to be a lot of Chinese government propaganda aimed at riling the Chinese people against the Philippines. Being a totalitarian state with a controlled media, people are easily convinced that there is only one truth: the statements the Chinese government issues.

Read this website: http://globalnation....vs-azkals-in-hk


Then note the following statement: "Philippine officials on Thursday called "unfortunate" the anti-Philippine outbursts from the Hong Kong crowd during a friendly match involving the Azkals and said the crowd's unruly behavior did not reflect the feelings of the people in Hong Kong."


How pathetic is this? If there's anyone who should make a public apology it should be Hong Kong's chief executive and head of this Special Administrative Region Cy Leung. It should have been him who said those words, not Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez, spokesman of the Department of Foreign Affairs



"The crowds unruly behavior did not reflect the feelings of the people in Hong Kong" sounds like the Philippine government is apologizing on behalf of the Hong Kong people.


There's something terribly wrong here. At the very least, Manila should have expressed anger at this incident instead of saying meekly "it was an unfortunate event...." Imagine if Hong Kong's chief executive used these words ("an unfortunate event") after Hong Kong nationals were killed by that psycho cop.


Our government is a weakling and this proves it. Stupid statements like these tell other countries the Philippines is indeed a weakling and encourages these countries to bully the Philippines. Bullies love to pick on weaklings.


As for the recent survey by a Hong Kong university that found the Philippines was the most disliked country by residents in the former British colony well why don't those Hong Kong people send their Filipino maids back to the Philippines if that's what they really feel? Why don't they put their money where their mouths are? Dada ng dada pero let them start hiring Singaporeans, Australians and Canadians for domestic jobs and see how far that will get them.


Then again, to be fair, maybe that "survey" was actually a political statement by the China government in Beijing. Nothing more than mere propaganda. And those hecklers at the football match may have been goons of the Chinese government.


Nevertheless, the incident happened in Hong Kong, SAR of China. PNoy should have issued a strongly worded letter of anger and disgust over this incident. No less than what the Hong Kong government did after that policeman murdered Hong Kong nationals.

Edited by Bugatti Veyron
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Read this website: http://globalnation....vs-azkals-in-hk


Then note the following statement: "Philippine officials on Thursday called "unfortunate" the anti-Philippine outbursts from the Hong Kong crowd during a friendly match involving the Azkals and said the crowd's unruly behavior did not reflect the feelings of the people in Hong Kong."


How pathetic is this? If there's anyone who should make a public apology it should be Hong Kong's chief executive and head of this Special Administrative Region Cy Leung. It should have been him who said those words, not Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez, spokesman of the Department of Foreign Affairs



"The crowds unruly behavior did not reflect the feelings of the people in Hong Kong" sounds like the Philippine government is apologizing on behalf of the Hong Kong people.


There's something terribly wrong here. At the very least, Manila should have expressed anger at this incident instead of saying meekly "it was an unfortunate event...." Imagine if Hong Kong's chief executive used these words ("an unfortunate event") after Hong Kong nationals were killed by that psycho cop.


Our government is a weakling and this proves it. Stupid statements like these tell other countries the Philippines is indeed a weakling and encourages these countries to bully the Philippines. Bullies love to pick on weaklings.


As for the recent survey by a Hong Kong university that found the Philippines was the most disliked country by residents in the former British colony well why don't those Hong Kong people send their Filipino maids back to the Philippines if that's what they really feel? Why don't they put their money where their mouths are? Dada ng dada pero let them start hiring Singaporeans, Australians and Canadians for domestic jobs and see how far that will get them.


Then again, to be fair, maybe that "survey" was actually a political statement by the China government in Beijing. Nothing more than mere propaganda. And those hecklers at the football match may have been goons of the Chinese government.


Nevertheless, the incident happened in Hong Kong, SAR of China. PNoy should have issued a strongly worded letter of anger and disgust over this incident. No less than what the Hong Kong government did after that policeman murdered Hong Kong nationals.




What kind of CRAP are you posting here? People the world over were disgusted about the display of ineptitude and complete disregard for the cardinal rules of TACTICAL police work that the local SWAT team demonstrated. The SWAT team killed the hostages and hurried to remove traces of murder by moving the bodies to a military facility. Even the media cried foul when they did not even search for pulse of the victims since some of them may have been badly injured but alive. Everything was telecast and what you are posting is an INSULT to anyone who watched what happened. Karen Davila had a show that posted all these questions but it seems to fall on deaf ears.






In the meantime, a week after the massacre, the son of Mayor Lim was released for lack of evidence. Apparently, the lone gunman is also the last man standing witness to the conviction of Mayor Lim's son caught with drugs. Most if not all of those called to the witness stand are no longer alive.





We are a Christian nation but unfortunately, many of our leaders are not righteous. They simply won't take a stand against wickedness. But there is justice and if it won't be Filipinos, I suppose the relatives of our criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness.



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What kind of CRAP are you posting here? People the world over were disgusted about the display of ineptitude and complete disregard for the cardinal rules of TACTICAL police work that the local SWAT team demonstrated. The SWAT team killed the hostages and hurried to remove traces of murder by moving the bodies to a military facility. Even the media cried foul when they did not even search for pulse of the victims since some of them may have been badly injured but alive. Everything was telecast and what you are posting is an INSULT to anyone who watched what happened. Karen Davila had a show that posted all these questions but it seems to fall on deaf ears.






In the meantime, a week after the massacre, the son of Mayor Lim was released for lack of evidence. Apparently, the lone gunman is also the last man standing witness to the conviction of Mayor Lim's son caught with drugs. Most if not all of those called to the witness stand are no longer alive.





We are a Christian nation but unfortunately, many of our leaders are not righteous. They simply won't take a stand against wickedness. But there is justice and if it won't be Filipinos, I suppose the relatives of our criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness.



Are you saying the cop in question didn't k*ll a single HK national? You saying he's not a murderer? If he didn't k*ll anyone, why did the SWAT team storm the bus? Sure the SWAT team was incompetent and many people were killed because of their incompetence. But what does that have to do with the foregoing discussion about how the Philippines had no business apologizing on behalf of the HK people? Sir bugatti was pointing out that the Philippine's weak response to the demeaning behavior of the HK chinese fans was out of order. He pointed out correctly that the spokesman for Foreign Affairs was out of line coming out with such a statement because the impression it gives is that the Philippines was apologizing for HK people. The Philippines could be taken for a weakling. If anyone should have said those lines, it should have been HK's chief executive. And he correctly pointed out that weaklings become the target of bullies.


Now you're suggesting the guy who held those hostages on the bus was rubbed out by Mayor Lim's men because he was the sole living witness who could testify against Lim's son in a drug charge? I don't follow you. You care to elaborate on this and explain how this relates to the earlier post of Sir Bugatti?


And while you're at it maybe you could also correlate your statement "We are a Christian nation but unfortunately, many of our leaders are not righteous. They simply won't take a stand against wickedness. But there is justice and if it won't be Filipinos, I suppose the relatives of our criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness."

Exactly what does this all mean and how does this fit into the discussion and argument of sir Bugatti?

Edited by sonnyt111
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Personally speaking and off topic from the thread title (but a response to the statement above), I think the government is playing politics for the moment. The Philippines really doesn't have much to offer the world at the moment, and you can't exactly negotiate from a position of weakness. They won't dispatch their Filipino maids, because to them thats all we are good for at the moment, as maids. I think it would be severely unwise to overestimate our value to the world, even the value of OFW's in Taiwan. Take for example our nurses. We get all these local propaganda that we are the best nurses in the world and blah, blah, blah, and that everyone should get into nursing because the world simply cannot resist our nurses, what happened then is nursing got saturated with people who are more suitable for clerical and office jobs that are 8 - 5 with weekends off, severely decimating the quality of the nurses we export, which led the US (who is desperate for nurses) holding out for suitable alternatives while they can (because no one else wants to be nurses, except for Pinoys)


We have this weird form of Nazi mentality that we are the superior Aryan master race and that the world needs us, but then again, do they really? We better not call the world's bluff, becaus if they do call it, we are the ones on the losing edge.

So sir Mach 83 what you're saying is Filipinos are "legends in their own minds", to borrow a phrase from Clint Eastwood's character Dirty Harry. Well yes, to a certain degree I agree with you here. How many times have we heard media saying "iba talaga ang pinoy..." or, believe sila sa pinoy." Or words to that effect.


I don't think this is due to an "aryan race attitude" wherein the Nazis truly believed in their superiority. No, on the contrary, I think this is due to a deep-seated inferiority complex. Let's face it, many Pinoys aren't proud of their country. They feel inferior. What the media is trying to do is help pinoys feel proud of who they are. To help rid them of their inferiority complex and to help restore national pride. The problem is I think the media is overdoing it. This over compensation on the part of media is what gives many people the impression that we have a "superiority complex" which isn't the case at all. Media tends to exaggerate and extol the virtues of Filipinos to the point that it borders on the ridiculous. Someone should set media straight so we don't come off as being "super believe sa sarili"


Have you ever encountered a person who's super mayabang? Always bragging how much money he has? How important he is? How he's chummy with billionaire so and so and friends with Senator so and so?


That's to compensate for deep seated insecurities. To make up for his low self-esteem and to deceive people into thinking he is something he knows deep in his heart he isn't. Show me a person who loves to brag and I'll show you an insecure person.


To a certain extent, I think that's what media is doing. Over compensating to neutralize the deep seated inferiority complex of the Filipino. This over compensation is what leads many people to perceived that Filipinos as having a superiority complex.


Nothing can be further from the truth.


Oh btw i'm sorry for the off-topic reply. I just couldn't help but react to your post.

Edited by sonnyt111
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Christianity does not remove the ten commandments from their belief system. Thou Shall Not k*ll! Like in the case of the shooting of Taiwanese fisherman, we ought to be enraged by the fact that someone died in a senseless incident that involves the enactment of an MOU, which is not Law. Moreover, it is not Christian to add insult to injury by forcing the issue of territorial dispute when the fact is the area has long been a neutral zone and part of the International Sea Lane to bypass the strong oceanic currents.


If you try to back read, there seems to be a lack of common perception and you simply cannot remove responsibility and claim Third World incompetence as excuse. If government refuses to take responsibility for their glaring patten of blunder, then I do not think that is serving the Filipinos right. This issue of IMPUNITY has been voiced by the CBCP in their pastoral letter to the Filipino people. Perhaps it is time to prepare for People Power now that this country is being SUCKED into one conflict after another faster than our ability to raise a formidable army to protect the nation. While the private sector is robust in opportunity, government is fast creating the reasons for everyone's destruction.





To date the record for impunity is glaring and it includes the death of 2 police officers from CDO who was murdered and counted among the fatalities of the flood that killed thousands because the DENR issued permits to allow several long haul tractors used for logging despite a log ban. In the case of the Taiwanese fisherman, the trigger-man seems to be absolved and the evidence of this incident is twisted to prevent the proper investigation Paraffin tests were deliberately delayed by our government to conceal identity of the trigger man.





If you still cannot understand, then maybe spend an hour or two watching CSI channel on TV and realize that our government is no longer acting properly. Something strange is going on. Perhaps Justice is no longer the official reason for government?










Are you saying the cop in question didn't k*ll a single HK national? You saying he's not a murderer? If he didn't k*ll anyone, why did the SWAT team storm the bus? Sure the SWAT team was incompetent and many people were killed because of their incompetence. But what does that have to do with the foregoing discussion about how the Philippines had no business apologizing on behalf of the HK people? Sir bugatti was pointing out that the Philippine's weak response to the demeaning behavior of the HK chinese fans was out of order. He pointed out correctly that the spokesman for Foreign Affairs was out of line coming out with such a statement because the impression it gives is that the Philippines was apologizing for HK people. The Philippines could be taken for a weakling. If anyone should have said those lines, it should have been HK's chief executive. And he correctly pointed out that weaklings become the target of bullies.


Now you're suggesting the guy who held those hostages on the bus was rubbed out by Mayor Lim's men because he was the sole living witness who could testify against Lim's son in a drug charge? I don't follow you. You care to elaborate on this and explain how this relates to the earlier post of Sir Bugatti?


And while you're at it maybe you could also correlate your statement "We are a Christian nation but unfortunately, many of our leaders are not righteous. They simply won't take a stand against wickedness. But there is justice and if it won't be Filipinos, I suppose the relatives of our criminals from abroad will punish such wickedness."

Exactly what does this all mean and how does this fit into the discussion and argument of sir Bugatti?

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I had to backread. Ang off topic na natin. hahahaha


Uulitin ko na lang yung pinost kong article. mas relevant for this thread.




Some articles are just pure b.s.... You gotta remember one fact about the MEEJA whether it be American, Filipino, Arabic or Taiwanese.... They can be BOUGHT.


A few weeks ago, somebody from the PRC said Japan's authority over Okinawa is also weak, na baka nga di din sya part of Japan, when the Japs reacted, their government spokesmen disowned the statement saying it was just a private view of one of their citizens... (Or words to that effect)


Tingin nyo ba "ONE OF THEIR CITIZENS" would spout such a line on a sensitive issue without their commie government's Go Signal?????


Its been long known that a number of Taiwanese media personalities are on Beijing's payroll...

Edited by heatseeker0714
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Recent Sino Summits Fail on South China Sea



Chinese diplomats have been trying to marshal support for their nation’s expansive claims to the South China Sea, but at two recent summits Chinese leaders returned home having made no progress on this key issue...


Asking Russia for help.... Ahehehehe.... Supalpal kayo kay Pareng Putin noh???


And Jesus Christ, the Indians of all the people???? Ahehehehehe....


Sobrang laugh trip to....

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I had to backread. Ang off topic na natin. hahahaha


Uulitin ko na lang yung pinost kong article. mas relevant for this thread.




Ansabi? "Weak" daw ang claim natin sa Batanes Islands. Talagang puro mga tanga lang sila. Hindi nila alam sinasabi nila.


Batanes Islands lie on the northern continental shelf of Luzon, and therefore inherently our territory.

This is the picture of the continental shelf.




You can see clearly that the Taiwan continental shelf is separated from the Luzon continental shelf by the Taiwan-Luzon trench. Malas lang nila walang isla dun sa side nila.


In principle, we assert our mineral and land rights to our continental shelves, since this region of the ocean is rich in natural resources such as marine life, mineral ores, and hydrocarbon deposits. Minerals in this area are also significantly easier to extract since it is relatively shallow by comparison. By convention, the Philippines, like many other marine countries, should defend our own continental shelves as territorial waters, since they are ours to use as natural resources.

Edited by camiar
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