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WWE Wrestling/Usapang Wrestling

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Teddy Long started the show in the ring, no pyro. He announced a series of matches to determine Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights.


Undertaker was shown standing on the outside of the arena up on the edge of the Rose Garden. Paul Bearer will have a challenge for Taker tonight.


1. Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Rey won with the 619 and springboard splash. Rey will join Big Show on Team Smackdown.


Big Show, Hornswoggle, and Kaval were involved in a backstage segment. Kaval wants on Team Smackdown. Show says he can join if he defeats him tonight.


Paul Bearer talked for a while, alluding to a buried alive match.


2. Jack Swagger (w/Eagle) defeated MVP to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Big Show sat in on commentary. Swagger won via tap out by ankle lock in a very short match. The Eagle was thrown into Michael Cole's lap.


Undertaker was shown outside up on the roof of the arena again as we go to commercial. WWE China footage was shown while pyro mats were laid out on the stage.


Big Show was still on commentary.


3. Alberto Del Rio defeated Chris Masters to earn a spot on Team Smackdown.
Del Rio won via tap out after the armbar.


4. Edge defeated Dolph Ziggler to earn a sot on Team Smackdown. Edge picks up the win after spearing Ziggler as he came off the top rope. Big Show remained on commentary.


Undertaker was shown up on the roof again, overlooking the city of Portland.


5. Kaval survived a five-minute challenge with Big Show to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Kaval had to last five minutes to win the spot on Team Smackdown. Kaval survived the five minutes, but just barely, as he was up in chokeslam position as the timer ran out.


Tyler Recks came out while Kaval was still in the ring, and challenged him to a match to take his spot on Team Smackdown. Teddy Long said no, but Kaval accepted, so Teddy made it official.


6. Tyler Reks defeated Kaval to take his spot on Team Smackdown. Reks dominated and won with a modified torture rack/FU type move and takes Kaval's spot on Team Smackdown.


Drew McIntyre comes to the ring. Dashing Cody teaches us how to maintain fingernails.


7. Kofi Kingston defeated Drew McIntyre to win the final spot on Team Smackdown. Kingston won a short match after the Trouble in Paradise kick to become Team Smackdown as the final member.


Taker finally was off the roof and was shown in the backstage hallway with eerie purple lighting.


Kane and Paul Bearer came to the ring for a promo to talk about Undertaker's many failures.



Kane mentioned the buried alive match. There was a BIG Undertaker chant. Taker's music hit. He came down for a face off with Kane. Paul freaked out and Taker went to town on Kane. Kane and Paul ran up the ramp, Taker got a surge of energy and columns of fire burst from the ring posts like Kane's pyro. Kane and Paul go up to the stage and Taker fired down lightning on them.


I think the show ended here, but Kane came back down with the urn and fought Taker for a couple minutes until he ran off, leaving Taker in the ring alone with the urn. Taker eventually posed with the urn and left. No street fight (as advertised), but a fun show.

dude, sino si tyler recks??

bagong wrestler ba??

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He only fought once for the World Heavyweight Championship, at the Elimination Chamber. And he was eliminated immediately! Olats! Hahaha


Oo, sayang si Christian. Ginagawang middle-card wrestler na naman siya


I remember Christian teamed-up with Edge to form The Brood in the WWE during the 90s and they even won tag team titles together.

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yea meron na




miz,sheamus,santino,r truth,john morisson, cm punk and one superstar TBA




The following has been posted over at WWE.com:


"WWE has come to terms on the release of Matt Hardy, effective as of October 15, 2010. WWE wishes Matt Hardy the best in his future endeavors."

wtf?idol ko si matt..he has superior wrestling skills than john cena

sana nga sa tna na sya

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^ Yup. Lalo na Hogan and Bischoff have formed a new one, which includes Fourtune. Weird to see Hogan and Flair on the same side even if its just scripted, knowing that these two really dislike each other.


It's a new nWo.


Alam ko Angel will retire for good after his loss at Bound for Glory. His body is too banged up na. But then again, they always say that :)


Was watching Jeff Hardy talk after his heel turn. Geez, he should just shut up. Doesn't know how to speak like a heel. Much better when he was silent during his Brood days

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Guest eljuego

So is there a new nWo? I liked it when there was the nWo Wolfpac of Nash and the nWo of Hollywood Hogan. I haven't been following the WWE lately. Is DX still there? What about his excellency Bret Hart? The nWo is just 2 sweeeeettttt!!!!!

Edited by eljuego
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10/22 spoiler for smackdown


The show starts with Team Raw and Team Smackdown in the ring with Teddy Long, who said he will let the superstars make the matches. Miz picked a six-man tag featuring himself, Zeke, and Sheamus vs. Big Show, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio. Edge said he wanted C.M. Punk. John Morrison wanted Alberto Del Rio. Jack Swagger got booed and ended up taking Santino Marella. The crowd was popping big for Santino. Long made all the requested matches official.


Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz, Sheamus, and Ezekiel Jackson. Show chokeslammed Miz and had Rey jump off his shoulders for a splash to get the win.


Jack Swagger beat Santino Marella. Halfway through the match, Hornswoggle came in to shoo off Swagger’s Eagle mascot that was distracting Santinto. Santino managed to hit The Cobra on the bird. Swagger won the match via ankle lock.


Alberto Del Rio defeated John Morrison


Laycool came out. Layla was dressed as Natalya with Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart’s beard, and McCool was dressed as Bret Hart. The crowd booed them. Natalya and Kelly Kelly came to a big pop.


Natalya and Kelly Kelly defeated LayCool. For some reason the crowd chanted “Let’s go Oilers, Calgary sucks” for the first bit. Anyway, Natalya won via Sharpshooter. A fan in a Rey Mysterio mask just went up the ramp and was escorted by security guards. He appeared to go after Natalya because it was right after her win.


Edge fought C.M. Punk to a no-contest. The crowd was hot for Edge the whole time. As he was about to spear Punk, Team Raw interfered and then Team Smackdown came out for the save. It ended up with everyone hitting their finishers on someone else. Edge was the last one, and he speared Punk and then posed with Team Smackdown.


Randy Orton defeated Kane in a Champion vs. Champion match. Kane dominated most of the match. The ending was Kane going for a chokeslam, but the bell tolled and the lights went out. When the lights went on, there was no Undertaker, but Orton used the distraction to nail Kane with an RKO for the win.


After the match, Kane was freaking out outside and then the bell was heard again. Kane went back in the ring and Taker came out from the ring by making a hole through. Taker pulled Kane inside the hole. They got out brawled and Kane escaped. Taker posed and then threw the World Title belt in the hole in the ring where he came out of.

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10/22 spoiler for smackdown


The show starts with Team Raw and Team Smackdown in the ring with Teddy Long, who said he will let the superstars make the matches. Miz picked a six-man tag featuring himself, Zeke, and Sheamus vs. Big Show, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio. Edge said he wanted C.M. Punk. John Morrison wanted Alberto Del Rio. Jack Swagger got booed and ended up taking Santino Marella. The crowd was popping big for Santino. Long made all the requested matches official.


Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz, Sheamus, and Ezekiel Jackson. Show chokeslammed Miz and had Rey jump off his shoulders for a splash to get the win.


Jack Swagger beat Santino Marella. Halfway through the match, Hornswoggle came in to shoo off Swagger’s Eagle mascot that was distracting Santinto. Santino managed to hit The Cobra on the bird. Swagger won the match via ankle lock.


Alberto Del Rio defeated John Morrison


Laycool came out. Layla was dressed as Natalya with Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart’s beard, and McCool was dressed as Bret Hart. The crowd booed them. Natalya and Kelly Kelly came to a big pop.


Natalya and Kelly Kelly defeated LayCool. For some reason the crowd chanted “Let’s go Oilers, Calgary sucks” for the first bit. Anyway, Natalya won via Sharpshooter. A fan in a Rey Mysterio mask just went up the ramp and was escorted by security guards. He appeared to go after Natalya because it was right after her win.


Edge fought C.M. Punk to a no-contest. The crowd was hot for Edge the whole time. As he was about to spear Punk, Team Raw interfered and then Team Smackdown came out for the save. It ended up with everyone hitting their finishers on someone else. Edge was the last one, and he speared Punk and then posed with Team Smackdown.


Randy Orton defeated Kane in a Champion vs. Champion match. Kane dominated most of the match. The ending was Kane going for a chokeslam, but the bell tolled and the lights went out. When the lights went on, there was no Undertaker, but Orton used the distraction to nail Kane with an RKO for the win.


After the match, Kane was freaking out outside and then the bell was heard again. Kane went back in the ring and Taker came out from the ring by making a hole through. Taker pulled Kane inside the hole. They got out brawled and Kane escaped. Taker posed and then threw the World Title belt in the hole in the ring where he came out of.

awesome! but i think Team Raw will win this time in Bragging Rights!

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awesome! but i think Team Raw will win this time in Bragging Rights!


yun din ang tingin ko, and im predicting that the sole survior will be the miz, a way to push him up to the main event level.


btw, more or less, wwe is planning to unify the wwe championship and the world heavyweight title at wrestlemania2


john cena will more likely face the deadman at wrestlemania.


vince is actually planning to turn cena into a heel, if that happens, vince not only wants cena to be just a heel but he wants cena to be the biggest heel in the business.

Edited by tempest21
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