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' date='Mar 13 2003, 07:49 PM' post='94246']

if you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what the Rock is cookin !


and that's the bottom line, cos Stone Cold said so!


Whatchu gonna do when HULKAMANIA runs wild on you ?!!


raves, rantings, news, rumors, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING about wrestling, post them here !!!



Hi All!


I did not know that such thread existed here in MTC. Dami rin palang na-aaliw sa WWE, TNA, WCW etc.

As for me, I prefer to watch UFC if I want to see senseless destruction of the human body. Pero if I want to be somehow "entertained" with story lines and gimiks, WWE is the show that I watch.


I'm glad na may ganitong thread dito sa MTC, at least may iba pa akong makukuhanan nang balita about the world of wrestling entertainment. Does MTC have a UFC thread also?

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- The show opens with WWE Champion John Cena coming to the ring. King Booker and Finlay come out to confront Cena. World Heavyweight Champion Batista hits the ring to make the save. Teddy Long comes out and announces that Cena will wrestle Finlay tonight in the main event.


- WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang defeated WWE Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms, William Regal & Dave Taylor.


- Matt Hardy defeated Joey Mercury.


- Backstage, Mr. Kennedy and MVP argue. They finally agree to work together tonight to take out The Undertaker and Kane.


- A hearse is parked in the entrance aisle.


- The Undertaker & Kane vs. Mr. Kennedy & MVP ended in a Double Count Out. Undertaker and MVP brawled to the back to cause the count out. Kennedy then got into the hearse and looked to run Kane over. The lights in the arena then went out and when they came back on, Undertaker was inside the car with Kennedy. Kennedy ran off and Kane sat up.


- Chavo Guerrero defeated Funaki. Before the match, Chavo got on the mic and said that Chris Benoit owed Vickie Guerrero and apology. Benoit watched the match from ringside. After the match, Benoit attacked Chavo and locked him in the Sharpshooter. Vickie then slapped Benoit. Benoit stared at Vickie and then left.


- Vito defeated Sylvan.


- A segment took place with The Miz eating "crazy food" such as a pig's tongue and monkey brains. He refused to eat a plate full of worms. When Miz went to put the lid back on the pot, The Boogeyman popped out with a mouthful and Miz took off.


- WWE Champion John Cena defeated Finlay.


Post-Taping Bonus Match:


- World Heavyweight Champion Batista defeated Finlay.

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- WWE has released Danny Doring. Doring was a key member of the original ECW, being one half of the final ECW Tag Team Champions when the promotion folded. However, he has had a small role with the new ECW.


- There is a lot of speculation going around that with Paul Heyman and Tommy Dreamer no longer having any power in the new ECW, many other older ECW names could be released or quit soon. WWE has made it clear that ECW is now one of their brands and thus they no longer need a lot of the older ECW names that they brought in just to give the brand credibility with the old fans.

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Amy Zidian released

December 13, 2006


WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.



for those who doesn't know her, she's jimmy wang yang's "girlfriend"


she just started a month ago... i think its a bad move. jim and amy looked good together. coz he's a reeeeed neeeeckkkk! yiha!

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I heard the James Gang talking in TNA saying their disgust over the company and that they have had it. James said that if the company wont find job for them they will find one for themselves and then they were cut off, mic first and on air after. Is this the sign that the original DX will be reformed? Any news about it guys?

Edited by peep_tom
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WWE Armageddon Results - December 17, 2006


Kane vs. M.V.P. [inferno Match] MVP is introduced first, followed by Kane who sends the flames up high with his entrance pyro. Kane walks toward MVP who looks to escape but the flames pop up and MVP drops to his knees to beg. Kane boots him to the face to start the match off. MVP climbs the ropes but then decides not to as he saw the flames. Kane lands a big right hand. MVP to the ropes and a back body drop on MVP. The flames pop up on every bump. MVP to the corner and Kane clubs him in the back of the head Kane grabs MVPs legs and MVP crawls to the corner but Kane holds on. MVPÕs face nears the flames and instead Kane pick him up and plants him. MVP climbs the ropes and Kane charges, MVP kicks him off and then hits a big splash. Flames splashs upwards. Kane in the corner now and MVP boots him to the face and then clotheslines him. Kane sits up and MVP is upset now. MVP throws rights but it is not fazing Kane. Kane now boots MVP to the face and calls for a Chokeslam. Slaps it on and connects. Flames erupt. Kane takes off the turnbuckle covering and lights it on fire. MVP trips up Kane and he drops the burning turnbuckle pad. MVP tosses it outside the ring. MVP then hits a dropkick to the head of Kane while on the mat to try and get him into the fire. Kane right next to the firs and MVP goes for a baseball slide but Kane moves and MVP is singed by the fire. MVP in the corner and Kane throws punches. MVP sent to the opposite corner and clotheslined. Kane hits a sidewalk slam and the flames erupt. MVP in the corner now and Kane snuffs him. MVP throws a punch back and it does not bother Kane so MVP climbs the ropes trying to escape buy Kane shoves him off and he goes flying to the outside and hits the announcer table. Kane climbs the ropes and connects with a flying clothesline to the outside. One side of the ring has the flames out. Kane tries to push MVP into the fire, MVP reverses and tries to shove Kane into it instead. Reversed again and Kane hits a big boot to the face of MVP. MVP tries to slide under the ring but Kane yanks him out. Kane now slaps on a Choke while standing on the steel steps.. Kane pushes MVP backwards and he catches fire. MVP is on fire and loses the match. Your Winner: Kane


Paul London/Brian Kendrick vs. William Regal/Dave Taylor vs. MNM vs. The Hardys [WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match] Before the match starts, Teddy Long comes out and says that later tonight there will be a Diva Naughty or Nice Lingerie Contest. He then goes on to say that this Tag Team Title Match will be a Ladder Match. He then goes on to say that he is adding 2 more teams to the match. MNM and The Hardys. Crowd is chanting for the Hardys. All eight men start up in the ring as we are going to fight this under Tornado rules. Hardys and London/Kendrick left in the ring. They face off and The Hardys attack first. London/Kendrick fight back. London to the ropes and hits a flying legscissors on Jeff. Jeff hits a Jawjacker on London. Double flapjack by The Hardys on Kendrick. All teams now in the ring. Regal/ Taylor in the ring working on London/Kendrick now. Hardys and MNM battle up the aisle. MNM I setting up ladders on the aisle and now The Hardys are bringing them to the ring. Regal and Taylor kick the ladders back out but to no avail as no they just get tossed in over the ropes. Regal/Taylor send a ladder to the outside into Jeff Hardy but Matt Hardy uses the ladder as weapon now inside the ring and clocks both Regal and Taylor. Jeff hits Poetry in Motion on Dave Taylor but then MNM hits the Snapshot on Taylor. Kendrick clears Nitro from the ring. Jeff Hardy clocks Kendrick with the ladder and a dropkick to LondonÕs face to follow. London fights back and hits an atomic drop to Matt Hardy, as Jeff climbs, London dropkicks Jeff off. London begins to climb. Jeff tries to yank him off but Kendrick takes out Jeff. Out of nowhere Nitro springboards into the ring trying to dropkick London, but London saw him and leaps off and knocks the ladder down. Nitro gets nothing but mat. Mercury now sets the ladder up and climbs. Kendrick runs to the ladder. The Hardys and London /Kendrick up and they actually carry the ladder to the ropes with Mercury on and then tip it over so he falls to the outside. Mayhem in the ring with maneuver after maneuver. Mercury actually fell on Nitro on the outside earlier. Kendrick clears Nitro from the ring. Jeff Hardy clocks Kendrick with the ladder and a dropkick to LondonÕs face to follow. London fights back and hits an atomic drop to Matt Hardy, as Jeff climbs, London dropkicks Jeff off. London begins to climb. Jeff tries to yank him off but Kendrick takes out Jeff. Out of nowhere Nitro springboards into the ring trying to dropkick London, but London saw him and leaps off and knocks the ladder down. Nitro gets nothing but mat. Mercury now sets the ladder up and climbs. Kendrick runs to the ladder. The Hardys and London /Kendrick up and they actually carry the ladder to the ropes with Mercury on and then tip it over so he falls to the outside. Mayhem in the ring with maneuver after maneuver. Mercury actually fell on Nitro on the outside earlier. London sent into the ladder that is propped up in the corner. Jeff then tries to hit another Poetry in Motion but London moves and Hardy gets nothing but ladder. Double suplex by London/Kendrick on Matt Hardy. In the ring, Kendrick races up the ladder quickly y but Matt Hardy yanks him down just in time. Ladder lying across the top rope and London dropkicks Matt onto it. London picks up the ladder that is being held on one end by lying across the middle rope, Kendrick climbs the turnbuckle and hits a double foot stomp on Matt Hardy who is lying on the half-airborn ladder. Ladder now set up lying closed on top of another ladder. Jeff Hardy being placed on the top rope and they set up double suplex. Matt Hardy makes the save and meeting of the minds inside the ring on MNM and the are leaned over the ladder set up as a teeter totter. Jeff Hardy leaps and slams his weight on the ladder which absolutely CATAPULTS RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF MNM. Mercury is legitimately busted wide open and bleeding all over with blood pouring. Mercury immediately gets to the outside and is not around ringside. His nose absolutely must be broken. Mercury has left ringside now and has been rushed to a hospital. Inside the ring Regal tries to mount the ladder but is too afraid and he has Dave Taylor climb up or him but instead Matt Hardy makes the save. Jeff goes to the outside and sets up a super ladder and climbs to leap inside the ring but Nitro hits a dropkick to the ladder and Hardy falls across the top ropes gut first. Nitro then climbs the ladder in the middle of the ring but London flies in and dropkicks him off. Amazing match thus far. Kendrick and Matt Hardy climb the ladder. Matt hip tosses Kendrick off. London runs to the ladder and climbs the other side. London climbs and is back body dropped off the top of the ladder by Matt Hardy who also falls off. Jeff Hardy climbs the ladder with Nitro now and Hardy flips over and powerbombs Nitro to the mat. Two ladders set up next to each other in the middle now and Regal and Taylor beat on Matt Hardy. They hit a double team maneuver on him and both simultaneously climb a ladder each on opposite sides. Kendrick knocks Taylor off and goes on the ladder with Regal. Blow after blow by Kendrick. Taylor yanks down Kendrick and then clotheslines him. London clotheslines Taylor out of the ring now. Regal alone mounting the ladder. Kendrick climbs the other ladder and hits a huge spinning Neckbreaker on Regal and lands a bit awkwardly and falls outside of the ring. London crawls in and climbs a ladder. Matt Hardy in and he climbs the same ladder as well. Taylor crawling in the ring now so is Nitro. London and Matt trade blows on the top of the ladder. London grabbing for the titles and he takes them down and wins the match! Your Winners and Still Tag Team Champions: Paul London and Brian Kendrick


The Miz vs. The Boogeyman Boogeyman starts by eating some worms. Miz kicks but gets caught and Boogeyman clotheslines him twice. Boogeyman with a scoop slam and a kick to the gut. Miz sent into the corner, Boogey charges but gets an elbow. He then charges again and gets sent to the turnbuckle shoulder first. Miz with a cross arm breaker and a clothesline, two count. Boogeyman looks like heÕs never wrestled a match before in his life. Single arm DDT by Miz and a two count. Miz sent to the corner. Boogey charges, Miz gets the boot up and climbs the ropes but Boogey man catches him, picks him up and drives him to the mat for a two handed chokeslam and pins Miz for the victory. Your Winner: Boogeyman After the match Boogeyman eats the worms then spits them back in MizÕs mouth.


Chris Benoit [c] vs. Chavo Guerrero [united States Championship Match] Chavo attacks Benoit from behind to start the match. Benoit clotheslines down Chavo and hits a snap suplex. Two count for Benoit. Benoit bounces off the rope and hits a driving elbow drop. Chris tosses Chavo in the corner and hits a huge knife-edge chop. Chavo to the ropes and a back body drop for Benoit. Chris tries a Sharpshooter now but Chavo kicks him off. Benoit now catapults Chavo over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Outside now he sends Chavo back-first across the barricade. Benoit now hits the Trifecta of German Suplexes on Guerrero and then goes to the top rope. Chavo runs to the ropes but gets headbut and then runs back up. Chavo sets up a superplex and connects. Chavo in charge now, sends Benoit to the corner and Benoit bounces off on impact and meets the mat. Chavo stretches Benoit across the turnbuckle ribs-first then he runs inside and baseball slides into the small of BenoitÕs back as he is wrapped around the post still. Chavo with a Camel Clutch on Benoit. Benoit powers up and hits a back suplex to reverse out, but to no avail as Chavo lays Benoit across the bottom rope throat first and chokes him. Pace slowed now. Chavo goes for a knife-edge but Benoit catches it and turns it into a Crippler Crossface but Chavo turns around and gets his foot on the ropes. Chavo back in charge now and hits a Back suplex on Benoit, and another. Two count for Chavo. Benoit planted on the top rope now, and pulled back in a Tree of Woe. Chavo chokes Benoit with the boot and dropkicks him to the chest. Chavo back-peddles and charges but Benoit pulls up allowing Chavo to baseball slide into the ringpost, straddling it. Benoit maneuvering away from the rope now but Chavo puts him on his shoulders. Benoit leaps of and chops Chavo. Chavo rakes the eyes to regain momentum. Chavo with a kick to the gut and a suplex, spins around a-la Eddie, but now Benoit floats over and hits the Three Amigos German Suplex , and actually hits a fourth, he tries for another and hits a fifth, and is GOING FOR SIX! HE HITS IT! STILL HANGING ON AND SEVEN!!! STILLL!! HANGING ON AND He HITS EIGHT CONSECUTIVE GERMAN SUPLEXES!! Benoit releases. Benoit now goes for a Sharpshooter but struggling to turn him over. Vicki Guerrero grabs the US Title Belt and slides in the ring. Benoit yells to her not to do it. Benoit lets it go and Vicki falls out of fright. Benoit grabs Vicki and is about to apply the Sharpshooter but is just staring at her. Chavo from behind roll him up and grabs the tights. Two count. Benoit rolls over and applies the Sharpshooter to Chavo and Chavo taps!! Your Winner and Still Champion: Chris Benoit


Gregory Helms [c] vs. Jimmy Wang Yang [Cruiserweight Championship Match] Yang goes for a kick but Helms backs off. They lock up and shove into the corner. Helms shoves Yang and Yang shoves back. They lock up again. Yang with a waist lock, standing switch. Yang hip toss takeover and they stalemate and break. They lock up again and break. Yang sends Helms to the ropes and hits an elbow and then sends him to the opposite corner. Yang moonsaults but lands on his feet as Helms slides out. Helms flips off Yang. Yang with a suplex and a cover for two. Armlock now to slow the pace. Back up now and Helms to the corner, Yang follows and is lifted up over the ropes to the outside. Helms hits a baseball slide into YangÕs face and then heads outside. Swinging Neckbreaker on the floor for Helms. Rolls him back inside and Helms with a two count. Helms in control and drops a leg on a fallen Yang, then applies a chinlock. Back up and Helms. Yang fights back with a big right hand. Yang to the ropes, Helms charges and Yang back body drops Helms out. Yang climbs the ropes and hits a flying cross body to the outside onto Helms. Back inside now and Yang is laid across the top rope throat-first. Helms with a blatant choke on Yang. Helms takes Yang down. Yang sent to the corner now, Helms charges and Yang powers out with a big lariat. Both men down. Yang to the ropes again, hits a cross body. Helms to the ropes and Yang back body drops him. Yang firing up. Sends Helms to the corner and Yang hits a spinning heel kick, followed by a missile dropkick. Both men climb the ropes now and Helms hits a Super Swinging Neckbreaker from the top ropes. Helms back to the top now, flies, and Yang catches him with a Spinning Heel Kick and gets a two count. Yang planted on the top ropes he battles Helms off and misses a Corkscrew Moonsault. Helms gets right up and hits a Powerbomb and scores the pinfall to win the match. Your Winner and Still Champion: Gregory Helms


Undertaker vs. Mr. Kennedy [Last Ride Match] We get things started after lengthy introductions. They start quickly with Taker in the center and Kennedy trying to get away. Kennedy slides outside and runs around the ring and back in now. They size up and Kennedy tries to run away but Taker catches him and clocks him then kicks him to the outside. Taker goes out after him and sends him into the steel steps. Taker then flips Kennedy onto the Spanish Announce table and pummels him. Taker now brings Kennedy back inside the ring. Taker slaps a choke on Kennedy in the corner. Taker charges the corner and goes for a big boot but Kennedy drops down and Taker falls over the ropes. Kennedy goes to work with kicks and punches on Taker on the outside. Kennedy climbs the apron and charges Taker, leaps, and is caught by Taker, and rammed against the post. Taker carries Kennedy all the way to the hearse and they battle up the aisle by the hearse. Kennedy with punches now and opens the door to the hearse and tries to put Taker in. Kennedy has Taker in and tries to close the door but Taker wonÕt let him, and instead boots Ken to the skull. Kennedy tries to escape through the crowd but Taker catches him and drags him back to ringside. Kennedy inside the ring now and laid half hanging out the ring, face up. Taker on the apron and he hits a big leg drop across the throat on Kennedy. Taker plants Kennedy on the top rope, and hits a Superplex. Taker sits up after impact and sends Kennedy to the outside of the ring and takes him toward the hearse. Kennedy slaps on a Rear Naked Choke though. As Taker tosses Kennedy over his shoulder. Taker motionless on the floor now. Kennedy trying to bring Taker to the hearse. He tosses him in and closes the door. Kennedy goes to get in the drivers seat of the hearse to drive it out but Taker gets out of the front seat when Kennedy opens it and clocks him. Back to ringside now and Taker is removing the monitors on the announce table. Kennedy takes a chair and clocks Taker in the ribs four times. And sends Taker inside the ring, and he brings the chair with him. Kennedy clocks Taker with the chair. Taker sits up though and Ken runs down the aisle past the hearse. Taker follows. Kennedy climbs the set now and Taker follows him. Kennedy is woozy up top about 15 or 20 feet high. Taker throws punches. Kennedy is teetering and Taker calls for the Chokeslam and slaps it on. Kennedy tosses Taker off the set to the mat. Kennedy climbs down the set and walks around toward Undertaker. Kennedy opens the door of the hearse. Kennedy goes back to Taker and drags him to the back of the hearse. Kennedy tosses Taker in the back of the hearse and closes the door. He goes to the driverÕs seat and gets in. He starts the hearse but The Undertaker sits up in the hearse as we have a camera in the hearse. Taker drags Kennedy through the back of the hearse and they are both out. Taker has his second wind and pummels Kennedy. Taker gets a steal pipe and swings but Kennedy moves and he breaks the rear window of the hearse. Taker with a chair now and absolutely clocks Kennedy in the head. Ken is busted open now and Taker delivering rights and lefts to Kennedy. Taker now has Kennedy on the top of the hearse. Taker calls for a Chokeslam and he connects onto the roof of the hearse. Taker now calls for a Tombstone and HITS IT ON THE ROOF! He tosses Kennedy off the roof Taker tosses Kennedy in the hearse and closes the door. Taker in the driver seat now. Taker has a deranged look on his face and slowly pulls away for victory. Your Winner: The Undertaker



Diva Naughty or Nice Lingerie Contest Santa Clause comes out to the ring. Santa says that he is going to heat things up because it is time for the Diva Naughty or Nice Lingerie Contest. Kristal is introduced first, followed by Layla Jillian, and Ashley. Kristal goes first and is wearing a white lace outfit with some fluff around the chest. Pretty hot stuff. Layla is up next wearing her non-Christmas black bra and panties. She does some kicks and twisting and sheÕs done. Jillian is next and disrobes to show her Mrs. Clause outfit. Then she removes the top to reveal a red braw. She actually starts grabbing her own chest and licking it. Pretty hot as well. Ashley is up last, and disrobes to reveal some plaid and fishnet underwear with a barely there mini skirt. Then she takes off her mini-miniskirt and has a barely there underwear bottom. Kristal now gets some boos. Layla gets a pretty big ovation. Jillian gets a half and half response, even though her act was the hottest. Ashley then gets the biggest response but Santa says that the fans decided the winner is everyone. Santa now says to hit his music and he disrobes and it turns out itÕs big Dick Johnson who rips off his clothes and starts to dance on all the girls. Yikes



Finlay & King Booker vs. John Cena & Batista Cena and Booker start off and lock up. They back into the corner and break. Booker throws a punch. Cena ducks it and slaps on an armbar. In the corner now Cena with punches and sends Booker to the ropes and a hip toss. Finlay and Batista tagged in now. They lock up and Batista gets Finlay in a headlock. Finlay tries to get out but Batista reverses him back. Short Arm thrusts by Batista. Finlay to the corner and leaps off the rope at Batista but caught in mid air. Batista puts him down and slaps Finlay. Finlay goes for a kick. Batista catches it and sweeps him down. Then he catapults Finlay into the ropes. Finlay seated on the top rope. Batista hits a Suplex. Two count for Batista. Booker tagged in now and he and Batista circle. Booker with a kick and a chop, and a punch, and a chop, and again and again. Booker sends Batista to the ropes. And Batista clotheslines Booker down. Cena tagged in. Booker sweeps Cena down and gets a two count. Cena in the corner and a HUGE knife-edge by Booker. Cena sends booker to the opposite corner and hits a Bulldog on Booker. Cena then hits a Swinging One Arm Powerbomb and calls for the Elbow Drop and hits Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the FU but Booker gets out. Cena then slaps on the STFU but Finlay breaks it up. Batista in and he takes out Finlay. Referee is trying to get Batista and Finlay out of the ring when Sharmel gives booker the scepter and he clocks Cena with it. Booker hits a Side Kick on Cena and gets a two count. Finlay tagged in and he clotheslines Cena down. Finlay slaps on a choke and Cena powers out, goes to the ropes and gets clotheslined by Finlay. Small package by Cena and a two count. Finlay cheapshots Batista. Little Bastard slides in and goes to kick Cena but he moves and LB kicks himself in the head. Finlay sends LB outside. Booker tagged in now. Booker has arm lock on Cena but Cena powers out. Booker tries a slam but Cena floats over and hits a DDT. Both men are down now. Batista tagged in now and he is cleaning house. He slams Finlay and Spears Booker. Spears Finlay. Batista clotheslines Booker in the corner then goes to clotheslines Finlay in the opposite corner but Finlay gets the boot up. Finlay holds Batista back for Booker who kicks but Batista moves and he hits Finlay. Batista hits a Spinning Sideslam on booker. In comes Cena who belly-to-bellyÕs Finlay. Finlay and Cena go outside. Finlay takes a chair and hits Batista with a chair. Batista kicks Finlay off the apron and whips booker to the ropes and hits a Spine Buster. Batista calls for the Batista bomb. He hits it! 1É2É.3! Your Winners: Batista and John Cena.

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30 Men Royal Rumble match with the winner headlining WM


WWE Championship match - No DQ:

John Cena vs Umaga


Edge vs Randy Orton <---- sana hindi totoo dream heel team to eh! hay

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According to a new report by The Pro Wrestling Torch, the following is an early idea of what the card for WrestleMania 23 on April 1, 2007 will look like next year: John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Title, Batista vs. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title, Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam or CM Punk for the ECW Title and Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show. Of course, plans can change at any time, but these are believed to be the early ideas for the top four matches (possibly more down the line) for WrestleMania 23.


John Cena vs. Triple H is said to be a tentative plan at the moment as there is no plan to turn either heel. It is possible that someone like Randy Orton could be put into a mix since the WWE isn't very hot on a babyface vs. babyface main event at WrestleMania. But as of now, there is no plan to have John Cena lose the WWE Title heading into WrestleMania (although that was the same plan last year and that changed quickly when the WWE did a quick feud between Edge and Cena for the title).


As for Batista and The Undertaker, the idea is to have Batista put his title on the line against Undertaker's winning streak at WrestleMania. Another co-main event if everything goes to plan is Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show. Big Show recently turned down a five-year, seven-figure-per-year deal to stay with WWE, but has stated he is open to returning for one more match.


In regards to the ECW Title match, the original pitch by Paul Heyman was to have a heel Bobby Lashley defend the title against a babyface Rob Van Dam. McMahon wanted the direct opposite to take place as he preferred to have Lashley as the babyface and RVD as the heel, something Heyman was strongly against and one of the main reasons for his departure from the company recently, among other things. Given the ECW roster, it is possible they could throw other names into a big ECW Title match involving CM Punk, Hardcore Holly, Test and others.


Looking at this early lineup, it still leaves off many names from both the Raw and Smackdown sides including Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton, King Booker, Chris Benoit, Kane, Finlay and many others. Getting Mr. Kennedy into a big WrestleMania program is also a top priority for the company as he looks to be pushed heavily throughout 2007, with one idea being pitched already of having JBL come out of retirement to face him. Either way, we will continue to follow this situation as it develops.

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com

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