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Former Miami Heat dancer Layla El was crowned the winner of the 2006 WWE Diva Search in an hourlong special Wednesday night.


Michigan's Jen England came in second place, while Arizona native J.T. Tinney ranked third.


Layla won a $250,000 contract with WWE by receiving the largest combination of text and online votes.


When it came to the on-air competitions (neither affected the outcome of the Search), Layla and Jen split victories. The former won a lingerie competition, while the latter was successful in arm wrestling.


Todd Grisham and Ashley Massaro hosted the special.


Sabi na nga ba eh!

Familiar face ung Layla :boo:

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fave wrestlers of all time:

1) bret hitman heart

2) ultimate warrior

3) stone cold steve austin

4) hulk hogan

5) brutus the barber beefcake

6) tony superfly sanuka

7) the dragon steamboat

8) the rock

9) 1 2 3 kid

10) razor ramon

11) ravishing rick rude

12) goldberg


fave tag team:

1) hart foundation

2) the british bulldogs

3) steiner bros

4) the rockers

5) the killer bees

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WWF Legends


1) Hulk Hogan

2) Bret heart

3) Shawn Micheals

4) Razor Ramon

5) Mr Perfect

6) Million Dollar Man a.k.a Ted Dibiase

7) I.R.S

8) Owen Heart (R.I.P)

9) The Undertaker

10) Honky Tonk Man


WWE New Superstars

1) The Rock

2) Austin

3) Mick Foley

4) Rick Flair

5) X Pac

6) Diesel

7) Matt Hardy

8) Triple H

9) Edge

10) Kane

11) Trish Stratus :wub:



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World Heavyweight Champion King Booker vs. Batista


dun sa WWE card sa manila this october, nakalagay na booker will defend his title vs batista, ibig sabihin kaya nun talo si Batista kay booker this SS or booker will get the title back after SS. pero tingin ko booker will beat batista sa ss, maybe help from sharmell or kennedy or ibang wrestler pa. but it will be nice to see him get the title here in manila.


eh ano kya kung ireform ni vince ung NWO to take care of DX! nasa RAW ngaun c Hogan tapos ibalik nia c Bischoff! :cool:


from the picture bro sa bottom part nakalagay survivor series. hindi nga kaya buhayin ang nwo and they will fight DX sa survivor series... logo ng nwo yung pinintahan ng dx with SS logo at the bottom, possible diba... DX might add extra members kasi apatan yunf traditional SS match.

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Raw Results (08/07/06)


taken from http://www.lordsofpain.net :cool:


A recap aired of the finish to and aftermath of the HBK-Umaga match from last week.


The show opened with a few still photos of Graceland, but then the camera cut to the backstage area, where Vince and Shane were dressed up as Elvis. The McMahons said they left DX “all shook up” at the end of last week’s show. Vince said HHH was dancing to the “jailhouse rock” and HBK ended up in the “heartbreak hotel.” VKM said he was going to “be cruel” to Triple H tonight by putting him in a match against Umaga. They proceeded to break out into a rendition of “Hound Dog.” Vince said “Elvis has left the building.”


Match 1: Women’s Champion Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

-(CMV1 note- title was on the line). A lock-up started us off, but just as the two were jockeying for position, WWE Champion Edge (w/ Lita) came to the ring and demanded that the show and the match be stopped. Edge said he was sick of taking a backseat and told Mickie to shut up. He said the match was over and he was taking over Raw. He asked Trish to stay and reminded us that he was a two-time WWE champion. Edge said he was sick of getting no respect and that it wasn’t fair that he had to defend the WWE title against John Cena in Boston at Summerslam. He called the fans mindless sheep and said none of it was fair. He said that he had to put up with more crap than any champ in the history of the company. Edge displayed the Summerslam promotional poster, featuring DX, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and Trish. He then bashed several of those featured on the poster before turning his attention to the cover of the new WWE magazine featuring Trish Stratus. Edge said he was hoping the WWE would make up for leaving him off the Summerslam poster by putting him on the new WWE magazine cover, but instead Trish gets it. Lita then took the mic and called Trish a no-talent slut and asked Edge if she could remove her from the ring. Trish fought her, but Edge grabbed her and placed her out of harm’s way. Lita then speared Trish and set her up for an Edge spear. Carlito then came into the ring and made the save. However, as Carlito tended to Trish, Edge came in and speared the crap out of him. (CMV1 rating- n/a) (CMV1 note- An enjoyable opening segment that will set-up a nice side feud given that Cena-Edge has pretty much run its course)



Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane in a #1 contender match for the IC title

-(CMV1 note- IC Champ Johnny Nitro, w/ Melina sat at ringside for this number one contender match). Kane tried to do his normal pre-match pyro ordeal, but Shelton hit him with a springboard bulldog to start the match. He tried to follow with a leapfrog out of the corner and into a high risk, but Kane countered and tried to snake eyes. Shelton countered into a roll-up, but Kane took control soon after. Kane then splashed SB in the corner and followed with a sidewalk slam. The Big Red Machine went up top and connected on a flying clothesline and set up for the chokeslam, but Shelton countered. Kane regained momentum and tried for the finish again, but SB again countered, this time into a DDT. Benjamin then tried for the T-Bone suplex, but Kane shoved him into the turnbuckle. He tried for another splash, but Benjamin dropkicked his knee and sent his face crashing into the top turnbuckle. The finish came when Kane countered Shelton’s attempt at a flying clothesline and hit the chokeslam for the win. Kane became #1 contender to the IC title at 2:45. (CMV1 rating- *). (CMV1 note- really short, but damn fine work)


John Cena came to the ring to a mixed reaction and said that he was as riled up as the crowd tonight. He said he didn’t like Edge and mocked his quest for respect and his griping about not being on the Summerslam poster. Cena said that Edge was supposed to be on it, but that research showed that Edge’s face scared kids. He said Lita was supposed to be on it, too, but she got on the 711 poster as spokeswoman for Slurpy’s for Herpes. Cena commented that Edge did get to be on the poster for CBI, Crying Bitch Illustrated…he showed a fake cover. He then got a cheap pop by saying he wouldn’t mind if Summerslam was in Memphis before challenging Edge to come to the ring and earn the respect he wanted. Coach interrupted, though, and said Edge would not be coming out to accept that challenge, but rather he’d be teaming w/ Lita to face Carlito and Trish. Given that Cena was hungry for action, though, Coach set him up against Viscera.



Match 3: John Cena vs. Viscera

-(CMV1 note- remember the days when you got excited to see the top babyface face a big huge guy? Yeah, nevermind, that was a really long time ago). The match started during the commercial break. Cena tried for a sunset flip, but Viscera tried for a butt drop. Cena dodged it, though, and tried for diving shoulder tackle. Viscera proceeded to catch him with a spinning wheel kick and follow with a running splash in the corner. He later hit a falling body slam for a near fall and locked in a modified camel clutch. Cena powered out and fought back with knee lifts and right hands, and then hit the seldom-used Throwback. He tried to follow with the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but ended up caught in a black hole slam. Viscera tried to hump him, but Cena moved, saluted the big man, and gave him the FU for the win. Cena defeated Viscera. (CMV1 rating- ¾ *) (CMV1 note- decent enough action, but I didn’t like that JR oversold Cena being able to FU Viscera…he’s FU-ed the Big Show twice in one minute for crying out loud).


Backstage, Vince McMahon told security officers that they needed to keep HBK out of the picture.


Further backstage, Carlito got a kiss from a fired up Trish Stratus in preparation for their match.


Even further backstage, Shane McMahon asked the Highlanders if they’d seen HBK. He asked Torrie and Candice, as well. No one had seen him, but the ladies flirted with Shane long enough for HBK to sneak up on Shane ‘O and attack him as he was going into Vince’s office. Michaels was immediately apprehended and taken down. Later on, Trips tried to come to HBK’s rescue as he was being handcuffed.



Match 4: WWE Champion Edge and Lita vs. Carlito and Trish Stratus

-Edge tried for a sneak attack, but caught multiple back elbows from Carlito. CCC then hit a jumping flatliner for a near fall. Edge came back with a trip that sent Carlito face-first into the second turnbuckle. The champ followed with a standing dropkick. Carlito then came back with a running knee lift and a hard clothesline. Edge proceeded to tag in Lita, while Carlito tagged in a pissed off Trish. Trish took Lita down with a Lou Thesz press and hammered away on her in the corner. Stratus then tried for a handstand into a double leg flip over in the corner, but Edge ran over to prevent the move. Trish fell to the mat and Lita came off the top with a clothesline. Lita then locked in a chinlock before throwing her down by the hair. The Rated R super Diva continued to dominate as an “Edge is gay” chant broke out. Lita worked over Trish’s knee, but Stratus came back with a head scissor. Edge tried to get involved, but Carlito and Trish delivered simultaneous dropkicks. We then got a dreaded mid-match commercial break. Back from the break, Edge had control thank to Lita pulling the rope during Carlito’s attempted springboard back elbow. Carlito tried for a comeback when he did a back flip off the top rope and landed on his feet behind Edge and then went for the Back Cracker. However, Edge grabbed the ropes in counter. The champ kept control for awhile longer, but Carlito connected on a jawbreaker and a springboard back elbow. Edge then tagged Lita and Carlito tagged Trish. Stratus went wild with chops, forearms, and kicks until Lita went for a Twist of Fate. Trish countered into a spinebuster, though, and went for a cover. Edge broke up the cover and tried to set-up Lita for high risk offense. Carlito made the save while Trish caught Lita with her handstand leg takeover move. Meanwhile, Edge vaulted at Carlito for a spear, but CCC moved. Edge’s momentum carried him into Trish, allowing Lita to pin her for the win. The champ and his woman defeated the other couple at 13:20. (CMV1 rating- ** ¼) (CMV1 note- solid mixed tag match that added some lengthy and better quality wrestling to the show)


Backstage, Randy Orton did an interview on Hogan and their Summerslam match. He told Hogan to heal up the knee injury he apparently suffered and get ready to have his Legend killed.



Ric Flair came to the ring with a book, Mick Foley’s “Foley is Good” in his hand. He took a mic, WOO-ed, and said that for all those that don’t know it, John Cena gave Memphis a nice shout out earlier. He said Ric Flair was born in Memphis. He said that for the last ten years he has tried to find out how to get Mick Foley to stand up and be a man. He questioned how he was going to get him in a wrestling match at Summerslam. Flair said that someone had come up and told him to read Foley’s book if he wanted a match with him at Summerslam. The Nature Boy threw the book down and elbow dropped it. He said the book was crap accept for page 169, where Foley had listed Flair vs. Terry Funk in an “I Quit” match as the best match of all-time. Flair then determined that Foley wouldn’t wrestle him because he either didn’t think he could beat him or knew he couldn’t beat him. Foley then came out to the ramp and said that Flair was absolutely right. Mick said that he did at one time idolize Ric Flair and that Flair was a better wrestler than he could ever hope to be. They don’t like each other, but they can main-event Summerslam because they’d bring out the best in each other. Foley said a match like that would put Flair’s name back at the top, but he cannot let that happen. Twelve years ago, Mick said, Flair was in control of his career and had the chance to make his dreams come true. Since Flair’s dream is to wrestle Foley in a hardcore match, it’s quite the role reversal for Foley to be in control of Ric’s dreams. Foley re-iterated that he got to choose who he wanted to wrestle, when he wanted to wrestle him. Flair asked him if he was really going to walk away from the potential greatness of a match b/t them at Summerslam. He begged Foley…but Foley asked Ric if he really expected him to go back on his vow from 1994 to never do anything to help Flair. How about Foley kicks his ass? How about they face each other at Summerslam in an “I Quit” match? Foley finally accepted the challenge…Flair said Foley was going to bleed to death. Mick said that in a career built of great matches, the bout between them at Summerslam might not only be the best of Flair’s career, but the last of his career as well. (CMV1 note- really strong segment…both men were on this week. Did it make sense that Foley accepted the challenge after what Flair said? No, not really…but it was still a really good segment).



Match 5: Randy Orton vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler

-The crowd was very behind Lawler, but Orton still scored first strike points. King came back with a slap to the face, but Orton retaliated with a slap and high back body drop. Lawler hit him with a slap again, but RKO raked the eyes and hit a standing drop kick. Orton proceeded to connect on several mounted punches and lock in that patented rear chinlock. King battled back to his feet and socked Orton with several left handed shots followed by a running forearm and a body slam. Lawler then went to second rope for the fist drop, but Orton moved. Randy then went for the RKO, but Lawler countered and nearly pushed Orton into the ref. The Legend Killer stopped himself, though, and took advantage of the distracted ref with a low blow on the King. The finish came soon after when Orton hit the RKO for the win at 2:03. (CMV1 rating- ½ *) (CMV1 note- good while it lasted, I guess…I don’t know if it could’ve been better with more time, so I’ll just count my blessings)


A hype video aired for the return of Jeff Hardy…


The Diva Search contestants were in the ring, along with Mike “The Tool” Mizanin. I bet Erica gets voted off tonight. Oh, I’m good…BYE ERICA! Miz then announced that the remaining contestants would face each other in “Diss the Diva” tonight. The crowd was DEAD. The one on the right showed charisma. Layla didn’t slur her words, but sounded like an idiot. Cowboy hat talked her ass kicking skills up, but the crowd didn’t care. JT was unfortunately the least skilled on the mic. (CMV1 note- only a week left of this garbage)



Match 6: Triple H vs. Umaga (w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada and the McMahons)

-The two traded right hands early on, but Umaga took early control with a headbutt. Trips came back with a back elbow before dodging the Samoan Bulldozer as he charged at him, thus sending him over the top rope. He then connected on a splash in the corner, but he when he tried to hit another, Umaga hit a spinning wheel kick. Umaga followed with a couple of running head drops before dropping the Game in the tree of woe in the corner. The Samoan Bulldozer then caught him with a running/diving headbutt and a running hip splash. Umaga headed to the top rope and came off looking for a diving headbutt, but Trips moved out of the way. Both men struggled to their feet, but Trips gained some momentum with a facebuster and a clothesline that finally knocked the big man down. The McMahons tried to get involved, but Trips took them out. He then set Umaga up for the Pedigree, but the Samoan countered into a backdrop. Umaga tried to gain control, but Trips caught him with a spinebuster. When HHH went for the cover, though, McMahon pulled the ref out of the ring. Shane came into the ring, but received a spinebuster for his troubles. Trips then got Vince set up for the Pedigree, but Umaga drilled him with a running Samoan Spike. Umaga defeated HHH at 5:12 (CMV1 rating- *). After the match, Vince hit Trips with the Pedigree. (CMV1 note- pretty blah main-event, but gave the McMahons the upper hand again, which is good after 2 ½ months of nothing but DX dominance. Now people have a reason to order the PPV to see DX get their heat back).

Edited by kUrTsKY
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Raw Results (08/14/06)


taken from http://www.lordsofpain.net


The show opened with Lillian Garcia introducing WWE Champion Edge, who came out to the ring with Lita. Meanwhile, JR and King spoke of some disturbing news reported on wwe.com earlier today (involving Edge and Lita going to John Cena’s parent’s house). Edge took the mic and said that the “champ is here.” The former champ, not so much. He said he wanted to tell us a story, as the crowd chanted for Cena. He said the story was about a champion, him, that was stressed out over having to face Cena at Summerslam and being able to lose the belt via DQ. Edge informed us that he’d be facing Carlito later tonight, so all that being said…he’d been very busy. Thus, he and Lita decided to take a joy ride earlier today to the home of John Cena. Edge showed footage of him and Lita in the Cena house. He insulted Cena’s wrestling skills and wiped his nose on Cena’s Larry Bird throwback jersey. They perused the home and talked to Mr. Cena. Edge said that he told Cena’s dad that he was going to beat the hell out of his son. He also smacked the hell out of him. They showed the footage of Edge slapping John’s dad several times. JR said it was pathetic, while Edge commented on Cena being at home w/ his dad. He then gave us a history lesson, taking us back to Wrestlemania 21 (where he won the MITB ladder match to get a shot at the belt), New Year’s Revolution (where he won the belt), Live Sex on TV that brought really strong ratings (truth), the Royal Rumble rematch where Cena regained the title, Edge regaining the title on Raw, Cena sitting at home nursing his dad back to health, and the final chapter w/ a happy ending that’ll see Edge retain at Summerslam. (CMV1 note- started off a little slow, but picked up with that history lesson. Solid promo…not great hype for the title match, but good enough…This feud is supposed to continue past Summerslam, so it’s my hope that they throw something in there to remotivate both guys into freshening this feud up a bit)



Match 1: Women’s Champion Mickie James vs. Lita (w/ Edge)

-(CMV1 note- the title was on the line and this may have been the first sign of a Mickie face turn). Lita got first strike points with a headlock and a hurricanrana. She maintained control in the corner, hammering away on the champion. Mickie came back and mounted Lita for several right handed shots. James then connected with a dropkick and headed to the top rope. Lita recovered, though, and threw Mickie back to the mat via the hair. She then draped Mickie’s neck across the bottom rope and came down on it with her knee. James tried for a comeback, but Lita thwarted it with a side-Russian leg sweep. The challenger proceeded to lock in a surf board stretch. James rolled through and kicked Lita in the face. Edge looked concerned as Mickie drilled Lita with a flying forearm and a running back elbow. She then hit a hurricanrana of her own and clothesline for a near fall. Lita came back with a rake of the eyes and tried for a spike DDT, but Mickie held onto the ropes and caused Lita to throw herself to the mat. Mickie tried for a pin with the ropes as leverage, but Edge threw her legs off. Lita tried the same thing, but the ref caught her. Mickie tried for a roll-up with a bridge, but Lita kicked out! Lita then countered the Mickie James DDT finish and took advantage of an Edge distraction by drilling Mickie with the championship belt. Thus, Lita became the new Women’s champion at 5:03. (CMV1 rating- * ½) (CMV1 note- sloppy at times, but the near falls made the match very entertaining. Thus, a damn solid effort, all things considered. The title switch was abrupt, but it was a good way to keep Lita around. She’s not much on the mic, but she’s the most over heel Diva. Mickie vs. Lita is a feud they can build the women’s division around in the future, especially with Trish possibly leaving. In that respect, I kind of like the abrupt title change. I hope they don’t make a habit of it, though)


Backstage, Mick Foley congratulated Lita on winning the Women’s title. He said he’d been very upset with himself for the last week for accepting Ric Flair’s challenge. He said he was comforted only by the fact that he’d get to destroy Flair’s career at Summerslam. Foley said that the facts state that he’d only been busted open 4 times in his ten year WWE career, whereas Ric was a bleeding machine. Thus, may one of them bleed to death at Summerslam. He invited Flair to come to ECW tomorrow night. He concluded by saying that he’d look forward to seeing Melina accompany her man, Johnny Nitro when he faces Flair later tonight.



Match 2: Umaga (w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada) vs. Alex Sage

-(CMV1 note- pre-match footage aired of Umaga beating both Trips and HBK in the last two weeks). Umaga dominated the jobber with his usual offense before getting the win with the Samoan Spike. Umaga got the squash victory. (CMV1 rating- ¼ *). (CMV1 note- nothing but a squash)


JR and King hyped that the McMahons and DX were both in the arena tonight. Meanwhile, live in the parking lot, nothing was happening…



Match 3: Intercontinental Champion Johnny Nitro (w/ Melina) vs. Ric Flair

-(CMV1 note- this was a non-title match). A lock-up started us off, with Nitro backing Flair into the corner and whaling away on him. Flair fought back quickly with a few chops, and then caught Johnny’s foot when he tried to come back with a kick to the gut. Nitro hit an enziguiri and regained control. The IC Champ maintained momentum with simplistic offense until Flair came back with chops and a back elbow. Nitro connected on a back elbow of his own, though, and followed with a body slam. Johnny then went to the top and tried for a corkscrew moonsault, but Flair moved out of the way. Flair gave the champion a chop block, but Foley came down to ringside and eventually threw Ric into the steel ring steps. He tried to toss the steps at Flair’s head, but the Nature Boy moved out of the way. Foley continued and concluded his attack with a few forearm shots. Mick, Nitro, and Melina walked to the back. Nitro and Flair wrestled to a no-contest at 2:44. (CMV1 rating- ½ *) (CMV1 note- other than the impressive attempt at a corkscrew moonsault by Nitro, this was just a set-up for a Flair-Foley encounter. Nitro is quite athletic, though, and if he could get more of a personality, he could be a future star).


The Diva Search contestants and Mike “The Tool” Mizanin came to the ring for the 5th elimination, bringing us down to just three contestants. Milena was eliminated, she said her goodbyes, and then Candice, Torrie, and Victoria came to the ring for the much anticipated “Beat the Heat Water Fight.” The WWE Divas won the contest. (CMV1 note- what a waste of time…)


A video highlight package of Randy Orton’s Legend Killing career was shown and it included bits and pieces of his feud with Hulk Hogan.


Backstage, DX was shown walking toward the arena…


HBK and HHH came to the ring. Shawn was wearing the new DX shirt, while Trips was wearing the classic one. HHH took the mic as the crowd went wild. A DX chant rang out thru the arena. Trips motioned for everyone to calm down and asked the crowd if they were ready. The usual DX schtick followed, except that Trips implied that “Sucking it” was Vince’s favorite activity. Shawn took the mic and said that the last few weeks haven’t been too good for DX, specifically citing his night in prison. He said that the McMahons, though, had forgotten one important thing about DX…there are two things that separate them from everyone else in the industry. They do what they want, whenever they want. For instance, they have a seemingly insatiable need to make fun of Vince’s love of…at which point, they revealed a new t-shirt, reading “Vince Loves…” and displaying a picture of a rooster (a cock, as it were). The McMahons had enough and came out to the top of ramp with some police officers in tow. Shane said they were known for sophomoric pranks and getting systemically taken out by the McMahons. He had footage shown of HBK and HHH getting beaten down after their matches w/ Umaga, of course, at the hands of the McMahons. Vince took the mic and said that the McMahons would be partying after Summerslam and the DX’s party was going to be over. A “You Suck Cock” chant rang out, directed at Vince. VKM continued by talking about HBK and HHH having big names in the wrestling business, but no one having a bigger name than his and Shane’s. Vince talked of having unlimited resources to take care of business and bring the wrath of Satan upon them. Trips interrupted him and reminded him that they were DX, consisting of HBK and HHH…the Showstopper, the Icon, the Cerebral Assassin, the King of Kings…the worst nightmare of the McMahons…Degeneration X. At Summerslam, Trips said, they are going to kick their ass. He said they don’t care who they bring to Summerslam, even if it be Satan himself, for they will look anyone right in the eye and tell them the same thing they’re about to tell the McMahons…and that is that they have two words for them… “SUCK IT!” (CMV1 note- Solid…much like the Edge segment in that it was good enough final hype for their Summerslam match, but it was unspectacular. Frankly, the feud is dragging and it is time to end it. Vince has been in three more matches this year than he has needed to be)


JR and King hyped the Carlito-Edge main-event and the possible appearance of Hulk Hogan. (CMV1 note- looking forward to Carlito-Edge…that could be a damn good match, the very thing I’ve been begging for the last few weeks)



Match 4: World Tag Champs The Spirit Squad vs. Eugene and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

-Duggan started off against Mikey and gave him a body slam. Kenny tried to get involved, but he and Mikey got their heads smashed together for their troubles. Interference from the Squad members ensued, causing Duggan to get knocked out of the ring. As the Squad taunted Eugene and Duggan, the Highlanders came to ringside to give help to the faces. Meanwhile, Kenny and Mikey maintained momentum and worked over Duggan. Hacksaw came back with a clothesline and made the tag to Eugene, who came in and gave a Rock Bottom to Mikey and an airplane spin to Kenny. Mikey and Eugene bumped heads. Johnny proceeded to catch Eugene with a spinning wheel kick off the top rope. The Highlanders then came into the ring and gave Mikey the Scot Drop. The finish came when Eugene and Duggan won at 3:21. (CMV1 rating- ½ *) (CMV1 note- ho hum action to further a feud that will be forgotten as soon as it ends)


A video highlight package hyping the return of Jeff Hardy was shown…He’ll be on Raw next Monday…


Backstage, Vince and Shane were talking. Armando came in and told them that if they needed a resource, Umaga was right for the job. Umaga came into the picture and yelled a lot.


JR and King ran down the Summerslam card, which includes DX vs. McMahons, Booker vs. Batista for the WHC, Foley vs. Flair in an “I Quit” match, Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero, Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton, Edge vs. John Cena for the WWE title, plus an ECW title match.


Backstage, Trish told Carlito to kick Edge’s ass. Carlito said he would and gave Trish a kiss. They headed toward ringside…


The WWE Rewind featured the events from last week that led to tonight’s one-on-one contest between Edge and Carlito.



Match 5: WWE Champion Edge (w/ Lita) vs. Carlito (w/ Trish)

-Carlito went to work immediately with a series of right hands and a back elbow smash. He followed with a snap suplex, but Edge poked him in the eye. Carlito came back with a boot to the face and a running clothesline before catching the champion with a knife-edge chop. He then caught him with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle. CCC stayed on the offensive with a body slam and a running leg drop. Edge regained some momentum with a shot to the gut. He tried to back body drop him over the top rope, but Carlito held onto the top rope and landed on the apron. CCC proceeded to ram Edge’s face into the turnbuckle and follow with a beautiful springboard corkscrew Senton. Edge rolled out of the ring to try to recover and we, meanwhile, got a dreaded commercial mid-match commercial break (to be expected). Back from the break, Edge had taken control. He connected on an elbow drop. During the break, Edge had countered Carlito’s high risk from the top rope with a dropkick in mid-air. Edge locked his arms around Carlito’s sternal area. Carlito tried to fight out of it, but Lita got involved. Trish drilled Lita in retaliation. Carlito took advantage and hit a running knee lift and springboard back elbow. He then tried for a springboard moonsault and landed on his feet before catching a running Edge in a hurricanrana. Edge regained momentum with the formerly named Edge-O-Matic, but Carlito eventually came back and tried for the Back Cracker. Edge countered and hit the Spear, but John Cena came down to the ring and tried to tear Edge apart. Carlito and Edge fought to a no-contest at 9:47. (CMV1 rating- * ½) (CMV1 note- man, was this match ever hurt by what felt like a rushed finish. At the end of the day, we can’t get a good match on Raw anymore…everything has to be a set-up to a predictable run-in or a lead-in to a promo segment. A disappointment to be sure, as these guys could’ve put on a really good TV match w/o giving away a future feud)


JR and King hyped the potential for a Hogan appearance.


The WWE Slam of the Week was Orton hitting the RKO on Hogan at last month’s SNME…


Randy Orton came to the ring in his wrestling gear. It’s only about 9:55 CT, so plenty of time for Hogan to show. Orton said that he has been waiting all night for Hogan to show up and face him like a man, but he’s not here. He said that if one word could describe Hogan’s decision not to show up tonight, it’d be “smart.” Hogan knows best, Orton said, and it was a good decision for him to back out of coming here tonight. Orton had the video highlight package that was shown earlier played again. Back to live TV, Randy said he had a secret to share with the Hulkster. He said that Hogan was his inspiration for becoming the Legend Killer in the first place, as he used to sit back and watch all the mindless idiots cheer for Hogan…Orton simply never got that. So, he wanted to be the man that killed Hulkamania…the man that destroyed Hulkamania forever. Needless to say, this Sunday is what Orton considers his chance to k*ll the greatest Legend that there ever was. At that point, a fake Hulk Hogan came to the ring. It was the same fake Hogan from a few weeks ago. The fake Hogan did some posing in the ring. Orton looked puzzled, but confident as the fake Hogan cut a mock promo on how Randy was exactly right…Orton was going to k*ll the legend of Hulk Hogan, but not because of Randy…rather, it’s because he hurt his knee on the couch. He asked Orton what he was going to do when Hulkamania soiled itself all over you. The real Hulk Hogan had enough, though, and finally made his rumored appearance. He slowly made his way to the ring. Orton attacked the Hulkster as he tried to get in the ring, but once Hogan made it to his feet, he no sold Randy’s offense and gave him a big boot to the face. Fake Hogan slapped Hulk on the back. Hogan then embarrassingly had some problems getting the imposter to run the ropes. He botched a big boot, and recovered by slamming the fake, elbow dropping him, and taunting Randy to come back to the ring. As the crowd got quiet, Hogan grabbed a microphone and told Orton that he could rest assured that this Sunday, Hulkamania would run wild on him…(CMV1 note- not a good segment thanks in large part to Hogan’s old tired act. This should’ve been switched with the Carlito-Edge match)

Edited by kUrTsKY
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Rumor: Vince McMahon DVD reveals talk of incest angle

Submitted by Brian Cantor on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 6:41 PM EST


Note: The following comes from an isolated web report and has not been verified. Please take the following story with a grain of salt until further confirmation is made available.


Online wrestling fans have spent the past few days buzzing about the new Vince McMahon DVD, but the discussion has little to do with any of the included matches.


Instead, the talk has been about the DVD's revelation of an angle Vince McMahon proposed in which he would father Stephanie McMahon's baby. She rejected the storyline.


She also rejected McMahon's counter-offer, which would have seen Shane McMahon play the father.


The disc officially ships on 8/22.


Again, due to the nature of this report, do not take it as "factual" until further verification is made available.



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Press Release: Brock Lesnar's mixed martial arts debut announced

Submitted by Stu Starrs on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 4:30 PM EST




# The following press release was sent out today by MMA company K-1 on former WWE star Brock Lesnar:


Former World Wrestling Entertainment Champion Brock Lesnar Announces Entry Into The MMA Ring In K-1’s HERO’s Series


Former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) World Champion Brock Lesnar announced his entrance into the MMA ring Saturday night at a press conference at Bellagio following the K-1 “Battle at Bellagio” event. Lesnar confirmed that he had signed a contract to fight for HERO’s, K-1’s new Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) series of events which includes headliners Genki Sudo, Bob Sapp, Kazushi Sakuraba and Don Frye. Lesnar also announced that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu innovator and the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (UFC) first-ever champion, Royce Gracie, will be his trainer.

(PRWEB) August 17, 2006 -- Former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) World Champion Brock Lesnar announced his entrance into the MMA ring Saturday night at a press conference at Bellagio following the K-1 “Battle at Bellagio” event. Lesnar confirmed that he had signed a contract to fight for HERO’s, K-1’s new Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) series of events which includes headliners Genki Sudo, Bob Sapp, Kazushi Sakuraba and Don Frye. Lesnar also announced that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu innovator and the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (UFC) first-ever champion, Royce Gracie, will be his trainer.


“You are a great champion wrestler and I am a great Jiu Jitsu fighter; we are going to be good together,” said Gracie as he eagerly shook Lensar’s hand in the K-1 ring at the sold out “Battle at Bellagio” event on Saturday.


Lesnar’s career includes a number of years with WWE, a player with the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL as well as Amateur Wrestling in high school and college. He won the 2000 NCAA Heavyweight Wrestling Championship and was a two-time All-American amateur wrestler. Lesnar’s professional titles include WWE Heavyweight Champion, WWE King of the Ring Champion, WWE Royal Rumble Champion and the IWGP World Heavy weight Champion.


HERO’s is the new and exciting MMA series brought to the United States by FEG, also the organizers of K-1. Established two years ago in Japan, HERO’S combines all forms of martial arts disciplines including Karate, Kickboxing and Kung Fu, as well as the grappling techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Wrestling. This style of fighting has been developed with the hope of eliminating unnecessary techniques and creating more exciting fights that last longer. The fights take place in a boxing style ring making it easy for the viewers to follow the action.


Over the past decade, MMA events have increased significantly in popularity. Creating a true international flavor by inviting top participants from all over the world, the reputation of HERO’s shows has spanned far beyond Japan. With special lighting and pyrotechnic effects, the HERO’s events are packed with high-energy action and excitement. HERO’s events are currently broadcast in prime time on Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS).


HERO’S will be held four times each year and is scheduled to begin in February 2007. The location has yet to be determined but more than likely will occur at a major venue on the West Coast. HERO’S will televise their events in more than 110 countries worldwide.


K-1 is a martial arts fighting sport that derives its name from its inclusion of a wide array of combat disciplines including Karate, Kung-Fu and Kickboxing (“K”), with an intent to determine one champion in one ring (“1”). After being staged for the first time in Japan in 1993 under the direction of founder Master Kazuyoshi Ishii, K-1 has evolved into the country’s most popular sport and has achieved popular culture status as its athletes are larger-than-life celebrities.



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Rumor: Vince McMahon DVD reveals talk of incest angle

Submitted by Brian Cantor on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 6:41 PM EST


Note: The following comes from an isolated web report and has not been verified. Please take the following story with a grain of salt until further confirmation is made available.


Online wrestling fans have spent the past few days buzzing about the new Vince McMahon DVD, but the discussion has little to do with any of the included matches.


Instead, the talk has been about the DVD's revelation of an angle Vince McMahon proposed in which he would father Stephanie McMahon's baby. She rejected the storyline.


She also rejected McMahon's counter-offer, which would have seen Shane McMahon play the father.


The disc officially ships on 8/22.


Again, due to the nature of this report, do not take it as "factual" until further verification is made available.




Minsan talaga may sablay na storyline!

They should take into consideration na there are a lot of young viewers watching the show!

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Just somethingh old regarding Shawn & Triple H


taken from http://en.wikipedia.org




(sometimes referred to as the Kliq) was a backstage group in the World Wrestling Federation of the mid-1990s, which some claim held virtually all booking power (the power to make matches and determine storylines), and were accused of refusing to put over (elevate, usually by losing a match) anyone outside the group. The group was made up of the following members:


* Triple H (Hunter Hearst Helmsly)

* Kevin Nash (Diesel)

* Shawn Michaels

* Scott Hall (Razor Ramon)

* Sean Waltman (1-2-3 Kid/X-Pac/Syxx)


The five were best friends in real life; most of them remain close friends today. Other wrestlers were on the fringes of the Clique from time to time—most notably Aldo Montoya now better known as Justin Credible — but the core group remained the same. After Nash and Hall left WWF for WCW, Michaels and Triple H formed the nucleus of D-Generation X with Chyna, which started out as a heel stable but frequently turned between face and heel, (also known as a tweener).


Some fans use the terms Clique and Kliq interchangeably. "Kliq" was originally used by the WWF to describe Shawn Michaels' fanbase at one period in 1996. It is widely believed that "Kliq" was a nod to smarks who knew of the existence of the Clique.

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WWE Smackdown

Results 8-18-06


taken from http://www.lordsofpain.net




WWE Friday Night Smackdown August 18, 2006 Washington D.C.:


They show a video focusing on The Undertaker and The Great Khali's rivalry. They face in a Last Man Standing Match tonight!


The Smackdown intro is shown. Followed by pyro.


Tonight Finlay vs. Lashley for the United States Championship.


Match 1: Batista vs. Sylvan


Sylvan comes out with a mic and talks in French. He says tonight he will beat Batista in Batista's hometown. Batista immediately spears Sylvan! Batista then spears Sylvan in the corner a couple of times and nails a spinebuster. Batista follows up and nails Sylvan with the Batista bomb and this ones already over! Sylvan never got to take his robe off haha.


Winner: Batista


Rating: No rating (Just a quick squash but made Batista look strong.)


Batista celebrates after his match with his hometown fans.




Footage is shown of Layla El winning the 2006 $250,000 Diva Search. (So I'm guessing she's on Raw? They never said during the Diva Search which show they'd end up on since they were on both shows during the Search. Oh well come next year and next diva search she'll be shipped over here like Christy Hemme and Ashley Massaro were.)


Match 2: Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Sylvester Terkay with Elijah Burke


MVP (Montel Vontavious Porter) is shown watching the show in the sky box with some ladies.


Footage is shown of Terkay demolishing all of his opponents the past three weeks.


Scotty punches Terkay and bails to the outside. Terkay nails a huge side kick that knocks Scotty off the apron. Burke throws Scotty back in the ring. Terkay nails a butterfly suplex and locks in some arm submission move but Scotty fights back with elbows but Terkay nails Scotty with a belly to belly suplex. Burke gives Terkay some water acting as if this was a boxing match. Scotty nails an elbow and kick in the corner but Terkay nails a huge suplex where he caught Scotty off the top rope and held him in the air for several seconds and dropped him down hard to the mat for the win.


Winner: Sylvester Terkay


Rating: 1/2 * (Wow I can't believe I'm saying this but Terkay really impressed me this week. Give him more time and more wrestlers who actually get a chance to fight back and he might go far in this business.)


After the match Terkay applied his arm submission on Scotty as MVP claps on in approval. (I wonder if Scotty will be fed to MVP in his first match?)


Rey vs. Chavo at SummerSlam will happen my friends. They show a video about the relationship of Eddie Guerrero and his best friend Rey Mysterio.




Kristal Marshall is interviewing WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick and Paul London backstage. Kristal gets in their face saying they lost last week to KC James and Idol Stevens. Kendrick said we may have lost last week but it was a non title match. When Paul London was about to speak KC James and Idol Stevens attack London and Kendrick from behind as Michelle McCool bark out orders. Michelle nails London with her yard stick and the number one contenders vicously through London and Kendrick into walls.


Match 3: Mr. Kennedy vs. Tatanka


Kennedy does his usual ring intro cutting off Tony Chimel. (When is Chimel going to get the message and just stop?) They lock up and Tatanka pushes Kennedy. Kennedy rakes Tatanka's eyes but Tatanka chops Kennedy down hard. Kennedy bails to the outside but Tatanka follows and chops him some more. Back in the ring Tatanka nails a nice cross body block and follows up with a clothesline to Kennedy. Kennedy then drop kicks Tatanka's knees and drop kicks once more this time with Tatanka in the corner. Kennedy continues to work on Tatanka's legs applying a some what version of a one legged boston crab and mocks Tatanka. Kennedy drives Tatanka knee first into the mat and covers for two. Kennedy clotheslines Tatanka down and covers and gets another two count. Tatanka kicks away at Kennedy and throws him face first into the turn buckle. Tatanka nails a running clothesline. Tatanka follows up with a back body drop and goes up top and nails the tamahawk chop for a two and a half count. Tatanka goes for the samoan drop but Kennedy rakes his eyes and rolls him up but grabs his tights for leverage and the win.


Winner: Mr. Kennedy


Rating: * 1/2 (This was given the time and both Kennedy and Tatanka have been really impressive lately.)


After the match Tatanka argues with the referee about the decision.


They show Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP) again in the VIP room with some ladies watching the show.


The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali in a Last Man Standing Match is next!




At SummerSlam Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero will happen. They show us a video of Chavo's relationship with Eddie Guerrero.


Teddy Long is backstage talking to MVP's agent when Vicky Guerrero comes in. She begs him to cancel Rey vs. Chavo at SummerSlam. Long says his hands are tied. Vicky said in the name of Eddie Guerrero you have to stop this. Long says I'm sorry but the match is still on.


Match 4: Last Man Standing Match

The Great Khali with Daivari vs. The Undertaker




Taker and Khali lock up. Taker nails right hands. Khali chokes Taker in the corner and nails some elbows. Taker kicks at Khali's knees. Khali kicks Taker threw the ropes to the outside as a you can't wrestle chant starts for Khali. Khali slams Taker's head in the steel steps. Taker comes back and hangs Khali's neck on the top rope and lands a leg drop on the ring apron. Taker applies a triangle choke on Khali between the ropes and Khali is passed out. The referee starts the count but Khali gets up at 7. Khali falls back down again and Daivari nails Taker with a chair from behind. Taker chases Daivari to the entrance way but Khali follows and ditracts Taker as Daivari gives Taker a low blow. Khali and Taker are both on the platform where Rey jumps out on before his matches. Khali bounces Taker head first into the Smackdown set and throws Taker into some tables set up about 10 feet down! Taker is out as the referee starts the count but Taker gets up at 9 and a half.




Khali continues the attack on the outside and throws Taker face first into the fan barricade. Khali throws Taker back into the ring. Khali ties up Taker's arms in the ropes and chops away at his forehead numerous times. Taker finally breaks free and Nick Patrick starts the count. Taker sits up at 9. Taker comes back and clotheslines Khali over the top rope. Khali counters Taker and throws him knee's first into the steel steps. Khali throws Taker back in and throws the steel steps in as well. Taker grabs the steel steps and nails Khali with them! Taker punches Daivari in the face and grabs Daivari's chair that he had and placed Khali in between the steps and nails him with the chair twice! Khali is busted open! The referee counts but Khali gets up at 8. Taker then nailed Khali twice with the steel chair in the head and chokeslams him! The referee counts to 10 and Taker wins!


Winner: The Undertaker


Rating: ** 1/2 (Now this wasn't bad at all. It should have been on PPV. It was Khali's best effort to date.)


Taker celebrates the slaying of Khali after the match.




The Boogeyman is coming back video is shown. JBL looks frightened.


The SummerSlam card is shown.


Match 5: Vito vs. Scott Fowler


Vito is wearing a green and white dress this week. Vito pulls up his dress to scare Fowler and nails a clothesline followed by a leg drop. Vito with a headlock takedown. Vito follows up with another headlock takedown. Fowler punches away at Vito. Vito puts his feet up in the corner and kicks Fowler in the face and follows with a clothesline. He nails Fowler with a back body drop and lifts his dress up again and nails a huge DDT. Vito places Fowler's face in his crotch and applies his arm lock submission and Fowler taps.


Winner: Vito by submission


Rating: 1/2 * (Vito's a good sport with this gimmick, but this like all of his other matches are to short to really care about.)


Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley for the United States Championship is next.




Match 6: United States Championship

(champion) Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley


Finlay and Lashley lock up but Lashley pushes Finlay to the outside. They lock up again and both perform some mat wrestling holds and takedowns. Lashley rakes Finlay's eyes. So Finlay fakes an eye injury and nails a huge forearm to Lashley who fell for it. Lashley comes back and military presses Finlay unto his knee. William Regal comes down and distracts Lashley so Finlay can take the advantage and pushes Lashley face first into the ring post while Lashley was standing on the ring apron.




Finlay throws Lashley shoulder first into the ring post. On the outside Lashley back body drops Finlay. In the ring though Finlay comes back and nails a clothesline. Finlay drop toe holds Lashley and applies an arm lock submission while taunting Lashley. Lashley comes back with a huge belly to belly suplex. Lashley follows up with two clotheslines and a huge delayed vertical suplex. Lashley punches Regal off the ring apron and Finlay clotheslines Lashley. Finlay brings out the Little Bastard and holds him but Lashley spears the Little Bastard out of Finlay's hands! Lashley nails a running powerslam and covers but Regal pulls the referee out of the ring.


Winner: Lashley by disqualification


Rating: ** (Fine action. Finlay hasn't had a bad match yet and Lashley just keeps improving.)


The Little Bastard nails Lashley with the shillaleigh. Lashley moves and Finlay nails Regal with a steel chair. Lashley punches the chair into Finlay's face and clotheslines him over the top rope. Lashley throws the chair out of the ring and directly into Finlay's head on the outside!


Backstage World Heavyweight Champion King Booker and Queen Sharmell are making their way to the ring.




In the ring Booker is sitting in his throne as Sharmell bows. Booker says he will walk in this Sunday and beat Batista to a royal bloody pulp. He says Batista has no heart, no passion, and no idea of what King Booker is all about. He says he will prove Batista can't beat the King. Booker says ther is an option B. He invites Batista out to the royal ring. Batista's music hits and he comes down to the ring. Booker asks if Batista is interested in option B. He says it will save Batista to not embarass himself by getting beat by Booker. He says option B is to bow down and get on your knees and kiss your King's royal feet. Booker sits in his throne and Sharmell takes off his shoe and sock. Batista acts as if his feet stink. Batista slowly gets on one knee and pretends to get ready to kiss it when he gets up and stomps on Booker's foot! Batista then clotheslines Booker over the top rope and puts on the King's robe and sits in Booker's throne! Booker and Sharmell are enraged as Batista smiles and the show comes to a close.

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