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Writings of the Heart

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Guest Riveria

Can't stand it no more or can't stand it anymore...


If only I can tell you how happy and sad I was in person..


I guess 1 day will not be enough...


Wishing you all the good things to come your way


For you to be happy and successful to your chosen path...


I have this up on my room...Better yet; I'll post it here.


I know that life seems to be a struggle after another.

Our scenery is constantly changing, but there is one thing that remains constant…my love for you.

Please don’t be angry at what life has done to us, because for the first time in my life…I can be free.

Romer, I want you to emerge into your greatness.

I’ve always had faith in you so be the best that you can and believe in your dreams as I believe in you.

And although I won't be there to see you shine even more and be a part of your future and dreams, know that in the distance...

I will be there with you.

Edited by Riveria
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I make this solemn promise to you:


To be your lover when you need to be loved,

your doctor when you are ill,

your army when you go to war,

your umbrella when life rains down on you,

your rock when you get weary,

your shield when you need defense,

your spirit when you are drained,

your pillow when you need to rest,

your voice when no one can hear you,

your ear when no one will listen,

your comfort when you feel pain,

your hero when you are under duress,

your sunshine when darkness falls,

your answer when questions arise,

your inspiration to overcome obstacles,

your hand to hold when you are frightened,

your kiss that wakes you everyday,

and your "I love you" each and every night.

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Guest Riveria

Sometimes i find myself thinking of you more than i should but i wont stop myself even if i want to. Thinking about how i wish i could feel your kiss again, your warmth, your presence making me happy. Is this a sin? Every time i see you i want to show you how i feel. I want to hold you and show you what we had was real. I remember the first time you said i love you and i said i love you too. You were there through the good and bad times. You were there if i was mad or sad because i could always count on you to make me smile. When you act like there is nothing between us it's just you in denial but the truth is no matter what you still have created an impact on me. It just took me a while to see that there's still a place for you in my heart when ever we decide to began from a new start. I'm hoping...I know it's not right. :(

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Guest Serenity12

someone wrote this to me recently :

Was just listening to this old summery song with a refrain that ends " There's a warm wind blowing the stars around. and I'd really love to see you tonight." Made me think of you, again.



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Guest Riveria




Now I'm just hoping maybe tomorrow that maybe tomorrow there will be no sorrow. Maybe tomorrow you'll give me a glance that maybe tomorrow you'll give me one last chance.




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I just want to tell you, I'm the one who was supposed to take care of everything. I'm the one who was supposed to make everything okay for everybody. It just didn't work out like that. And I left. I left you. You never did anything wrong. I used to try to forget about you. I used to try to pretend that you didn't exist, but I can't. You're my girl. You're my little girl. And now, I'm an old broken down piece of meat... and I'm alone. And I deserve to be all alone. I just don't want you to hate me.

-Randy 'The Ram' Robinson


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Guest Riveria

I'm just gong to have to leave you alone once and for all. I don't want to do it but I want things the way they used to be and it looks like that won't happen. I love you and obviously your love isn't as strong as you say it is.

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"It's not an addiction or a need to be in love. I just love you."


Thank you for this gift. i will never have anything like it again. That's how special a person you are. It's not because i think so. You just are.

Edited by JHP
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Guest Riveria

It's part of my foolishness that I am afraid of the rain now but maybe it's just that it makes me depressed and my heart is aching. There's the sad music on my side. When are you coming back home? The music cuts off and there's the train whistle -- it's all impossibly sad. I feel like some little animal, I'm jealous of the cat for being able to sleep. Come home and me feel safe again. What do you think?

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Guest biancaanne

To the wound that will never heal,


I'm supposed to be asleep now but this nightmare woke me up. It's been awhile since I've had night terrors. It takes some getting used to sleeping at night, alone. It was just a frenzy-fast replay of every moment we ever spent with each other. The only difference was that just before I woke up, I dreamt I was in church, in a wedding gown, while you were at the altar with another woman. I was at the end of the aisle screaming my lungs out...but no sound came out. I screamed and reached out for you, my legs frozen in place, until I started transforming into something like sea foam.


I'm still crying, at the thought of losing you and keeping my interactions with you friendly but fond, funny, and brief.


I gotta get a hold of myself. These walls are crumbling, ever so slow and painful.





Still your buffet, your beer, your baby

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