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Latest Gadgets U Have Bought ?

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a client paid part of his payables with a brand new ipod touch 32gig.


it rocks coz if this toy will take care of my entertainment and if my samsung camera for all my picture taking, that means i don't need to upgrade my cellphone every now and then. heck, i can even buy the CHEAPEST phone without guilt!


it's just day 1 so i loaded it with videos, applications (kindle + books, motion-sensor based maze games, autodesk sketchbook, astronomy programs, diet and exercise, to-do productivity programs, etc). man, with so many FREE apple apps and games, what more can you ask? this is HEAVEN! right now i'm watching math videos (free and courtesy of itunes university of course)


HEAVEN? no, it's one step short. it doesn't have a gps antenna!!! guys, don't buy maps from ITUNES Store is selling. if you are in a wifi zone, tap on MAPS, bring the cursor to metro manila and you'll see the metro manila map is as complete as you want!

Edited by remoteworld
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that's cool itto. if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that?


it's been a while since i last bought a gadget. that's if you don't consider a watch a gadget which i bought 2 weeks ago on holiday.


oh yeah, i bought a new lens for my camera a month ago. hope that counts. :)

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that's cool itto. if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that?


it's been a while since i last bought a gadget. that's if you don't consider a watch a gadget which i bought 2 weeks ago on holiday.


oh yeah, i bought a new lens for my camera a month ago. hope that counts. :)

thanks, saer.

just some of the stuff i encounter using StumbleUpon.

you can google up PRIVATE CLOUD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wacom fun and touch tablet. takes getting used to, after all, i'm a 'mouse person'. anyway, it's fun using it until i used autodesk's autosketch pro. the cursor is 3" 45-degrees to the left. i must admit it's quite sensitive -- hovering on top of it drags some icons around, very unnerving to a guy who's been using a tablet for 20 years

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