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We Broke-up Because...

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we broke up because . . .


he fell out of love na daw on me


sakit d ba? . . .




Yeah its painful...but how about this...


We broke up because..she loves her best friend(guy)more than me (her bf).

I thought that she was madly in love with me.And that her relationship with

her best is for frenship sake only.Too bad i was just so trusting.... :thumbsdownsmiley:

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Time and again I asked that we deal with everything out together as a couple. I gave her my heart (and almost a ring) only to find out that her aunt and uncle didn't see me as a future nephew-in-law but rather just a visa. I then found out she was texting this artista wannabe in Bamban that was dying to get into her panties. We argued about it especially when it came out that if this guy, "would have never texted back" I would never have known about his texts to her (so much for honesty and dealing with problems together, eh?). I found that she'd flirted with this guy through text and that she lied about my brother having another gf to this sack of sh*t just to keep the conversation with him going.


WTF happened to just ignoring his texts? Found out the A-hole is just another cheap provinciano who thinks he's something because Daddy owns 2 jeepneys. Wore the fake shades from Divisoria and had his entire style copied straight from the latest FHM with fake brands and cheap knockoffs via the palenke.


I broke up with her and took out my pain on the Richard Guiterrez wannabe. Since I don't hit girls he got double the hits (guess he was just a lover , not a fighter). It felt VERY good to make sure he remembered that nothing comes without a price. He wants my ex, he can have her. If she wants him, fine. As long as she doesn't mind taking care of a guy missing 7 teeth (all in the front) and has a permanent limp.

Edited by ligtasan
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..I was quite immature back then but though I was stubborn, my life revolved around her..until finally and she'd rather be with "friends" than with me. Our last days together were topped off with me reading a text message on her cellphone..it was from someone I don't know, greeting her "happy monthsary"..


..I was quite immature back then but though I was stubborn, my life revolved around her..until finally and she'd rather be with "friends" than with me. Our last days together were topped off with me reading a text message on her cellphone..it was from someone I don't know, greeting her "happy monthsary"..

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