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Mac Users Of Mtc (apple: Go Ahead, Take A Bite!)

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Can anyone comment on the lcd screen of the newer macbooks? How's the viewing angle and the brightness? I was checking my friend's first gen macbook and I wasn't impressed with the viewing angle...move your eyes a few inches and the colors noticeably change. the brightness wasn't that uniform either.


I don't know if its just me, but somehow the last gen G4 powerbooks have a better LCD screen than the current macbook. Is it just me?


I wouldn't know about the previous Macs, but I just got a new MBP (my first Mac ever!) last Saturday. Great screen (but then again I'm coming from a PC perspective).


I'm seriously thinking of getting a laptop, but I don't know if i want to spend another 50k for a macbook pro when a macbook can suffice. I'll be using it primarily with indesign, illustrator and some photoshop.


I was debating on that as well -- one of my hobbies is photography, so I wanted to get a Macbook to "get my feet wet" with using a Mac for post-processing. But after trying out my friend's Macbook, I ended up saving up for a Macbook Pro. The dedicated video card was a factor, along with the extra RAM, but the clincher for me was the DISPLAY, for the most practical of reasons -- ANG HIRAP MAG EDIT SA 13.3" SCREEN!!! :S


Your needs may differ, but for me, the MBP was the better choice. Haven't regretted spending the extra amount.

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i actually started my mac experience with a g3 350 powermac. maxed out specs with superdrive and osx. amazingly it works better then my fairly new laptop. that experience was so good that i needed to try more power. so i thought id buy and sell macs till i get a mbp. sold my g3 basic for 6k and sold the rest of the upgrades and made some money. got a good bargain for a powerbook with applecare with the intention of selling it for a better price. but because this g4 powerbook was maxed out as well and performed really good, i ended up getting attached to it and not selling it anymore. any mac is always worth a buy no matter how old.

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Are you a Mac user? I doubt it because your ignorance gives you away. I read the article in the link you posted and nowhere is a Mac mentioned. And I would be surprised if there had been any reference to a Mac.


Ohhh... touchy, touchy.....


Okay, I admit, I mis-typed.... I should have wrote in "the first virus to ever be released in the 'wild' was written for Apple computers on an Apple II computer."


Yes, an Apple, Apple II, Lisa, Macintosh, etc. are different computers coming from a company called Apple, Inc. (formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc.).


It would be in about the same vein as Dos, is different from Windows 3.0, to Win95, to Win98, to WinXP to Vista. all coming from Miscrosoft.


Oh and for your info, I do use Macs and Windows based PC.


Which do I prefer, depends on what I'm doing. Macs do some things better while MS based PCs you can do other things better than with Macs.



And for more info on the "Elk Cloner" virus:






And from the "most reliable info site on the internet"





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wow... they actually pinned this thread...


anyway, i just dropped by to check up on my old thread, and what do you know, theres a sticky on it...


also, i still dont own a mac! napang negosyo ang pera eh... but pag nakabawi, will get a powerbook.. instead of this two year old asus laptop im using now


see yah guys!!!


and thanks for keeping the thread alive!

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Guest lustfortravel

I don't know if this question belongs to this thread but i would appreciate any comments, guys.


I loaded the mac beta version of ym in my macbook and i have two ym accounts - one for official use and one for personal use. i noticed however that when i switch from one ym id to the other, it takes a very loooooong time to load, sometimes more than 10 minutes before i can log in on a different ym account. can anyone probably give me a feasible explanation for this?

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Guest lustfortravel
If you want to do this, create a second login account in your Mac and then use that to access the other Yahoo account. Then you can just switch accounts without even quitting YM and you can even have two instances of YM active in each of your accounts.


I hope this helps.


thanks! i will try to do as you recommended :)

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heads up: PowerMAC's Apple Education Promo for UST, UP, UA&P and La Salle




(I am just passing this info I got from PhilMug.ph; if you have any questions, contact the number provided. Thanks.)







The Apple promo Mac + Ipod is done here. Got a MacBook Black and an IPOD green. The glitch is the rebate will be mailed after sending them the coupon and invoices and UPC cutouts on boxes . It takes about 6-8 weeks before you get your check (the price of the ipod nano.) Ganito rin ba jan sa Manila?



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4th day mac user checking in.


i just wonder what can this little book do?


nice to play around with photos and videos.. but what more things can this baby do?


anybody tried something out of the normal use?


too bad 2 lang usb port ng mga macbook unlike other laptops. im really a newbie and try ko lang mag switch. kinakantyay ako na hnde ko magamit yan kasi medyo kakaiba sya. well so far so good, hindi pa ako sumasablay sa black book ko

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