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Pano Ba Paliitin Ang Tyan

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It would boil down to proper dieting. Meaning, reducing the fatty and processed foods. Eating small, but frequent meals. Avoiding skipping any meal as this wuld slow down your metabolism


If you do heavy free weight compound exercises, you will be able to develop a six pack even if you don't do a single crunch

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abdominal exercises

FREE information on ab exercises, machines and workouts.

There are MANY abdominal exercises... crunches, leg raises, situps, hip thrusts, side bends, weighted situps, crunches with your legs bent, not bent, straight up in the air, 100's of different ab machines, 1000's of ab exercises and workouts on video tapes, 100's of abdominal exercises and machines shown in infomercials, etc. The list goes on and on. BUT, let me ask you a question. Why did you come here to find out information about abdominal exercises? Is it because you want to have a perfect 6 pack? Because you want to get rid of that fat that is on your stomach so you can have washboard abs? Well, are you ready for the truth? Here it is... The truth is, every one of those abdominal exercises that I just mentioned, plus every ab exercise that I didn't mention, will NOT help you have a perfect 6 pack. EVERY one of these abdominal exercises will only help to strengthen and build your ab muscles. BUT, that won't do a damn thing for you if you have a layer of fat covering them! You see, no abdominal exercises burn fat. None of the ones you see in infomercials, none of the machines you see in your gym, no special ab workouts, and even good old crunches and situps, none of these abdominal exercises will burn the fat on your stomach. All they will do is help make your ab muscles stronger, and help build them. You can make your abs as strong as you want, and build them as nice as you want for as long as you want, but as long as you still have fat, even the slightest amount of fat on your stomach, your abs will not be visible. You see, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING will burn the fat off of your stomach to let your abs become visible except for a perfect diet and enough cardio/aerobic work. Most people (maybe even you) think that the key to getting perfect abs are abdominal exercises and ab workouts and ab machines. That is 100% bullshit! The key to getting perfect abs is having a low bodyfat. That is it right there, if you have a low bodyfat, then you have visible abs. Maybe your thinking to yourself, "well, my bodyfat isn't that high and I do all types of the best abdominal exercises everyday, and I still can't see my abs." Well, all that means is your bodyfat might be low, but it is not low enough! You see, you can do every one of the abdominal exercises ever invented, and you can do them with the best form, with the best machines, with the best routines for years and years, but if your diet and cardio/aerobic workout isn't getting rid of the fat, you will NEVER be able to see your abs! I know what your thinking right now, "I saw an infomercial or an ad with these guys and girls with perfect abs doing these ab exercises with these special machines, they all had great bodys, so their product must work right? It must be able to burn the fat on my stomach and give me perfect abs right?" WRONG! If you are thinking that, then you now know how these people make money. They don't want you to know all of the stuff that I just told you, because once you know the truth, you will never buy their useless products, and they won't make money!


di ka nman galit nyan pare...hehehe..peace :P

pre tama lahat sinabi mo..burn fats before you see those abs..!! :cool:

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Making your six pack appear all boils down to lowering your bodyfat by proper dieting and a good enegy system work such as HIIT and tabata method. No matter how many situps or special exercises you do, if your bodyfat is high, your six pack will not appear

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Making your six pack appear all boils down to lowering your bodyfat by proper dieting and a good enegy system work such as HIIT and tabata method. No matter how many situps or special exercises you do, if your bodyfat is high, your six pack will not appear



And even then most people have no idea that abs are primarily fast-twitch muscle fibers....meaning they respond best (i.e. GROW) when subjected to heavy weights that only allow you to complete between 1-7 reps per set.


I'm sure our two posts here will get buried since most people have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe that crunches with high reps will get them 6-packs. I have yet to meet someone who really built their abs doing crunches. In 16 years in the fitness industry, I've NEVER met someone who only did crunches, or even leg raises and side bends and had well-developed abs.




If people want abs, they need to work their entire bodies, meaning legs, back, chest, arms, etc. And even better if the exercises are compound movements with freeweights such as barbells and dumbbells.


Machine training alone will NEVER build abs.

Edited by Eclipseguy
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And even then most people have no idea that abs are primarily fast-twitch muscle fibers....meaning they respond best (i.e. GROW) when subjected to heavy weights that only allow you to complete between 1-7 reps per set.


I'm sure our two posts here will get buried since most people have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe that crunches with high reps will get them 6-packs.  I have yet to meet someone who really built their abs doing crunches.  In 16 years in the fitness industry, I've NEVER met someone who only did crunches, or even leg raises and side bends and had well-developed abs.




If people want abs, they need to work their entire bodies, meaning legs, back, chest, arms, etc.  And even better if the exercises are compound movements with freeweights such as barbells and dumbbells.


Machine training alone will NEVER build abs.


Perhaps you should also cite your story when you were in the navy and did hundreds of situps daily......

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Perhaps you should also cite your story when you were in the navy and did hundreds of situps daily......



Indeed. I was handled by a Marine Corps drill instructor (and other drill instructors) for 13 weeks back in Officer training in 1999-2000. When I went in, I had basically an 8 pack due to my years of heavy lifting and low bodyfat %. When I was finished with OCS training, I had no abs (gained fat), and my core was very weak. Even when I lost weight after 6 weeks of going to the gym again, my abs looked pathetic. It took 8 more weeks of heavy lifting (plus muscle memory from my previous lifting) to get them to resemble what they were before.

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can someone prescribe me a diet.. I don't drink sodas anymore. Only ice tea... I don't eat chops only biscuits.. I regulate my eating habit... But i have a thing for rice... could you help me out on a diet.


Thanks also for the fact that Abs training won't do you good unless you have cardio/aero...

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