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Posts posted by transcience

  1. In another realm of thought .... ANG HIRAP naman nga hinahanap mo.....


    hindi mahirap. mahirap hanapin. kaya i stopped looking, i let them come to me then i cull and sift the pool and take it from there.

  2. i don't want to compartmentalize "the one", that is if he exists at all. people are dynamic, people change. what he is now may not be the same tomorrow and the days that'll come.


    this is short of saying, ang hirap naman ng tanong mo.

  3. WOMEN want their share of YES and NO


    POWER is something that makes us feel good ... more to money, wealth, sex, vanity etc.... POWER


    though most will deny this .... and say I am a submissive partner


    Example :

    HE will decide on the BIG ISSUES while SHE gets to on SMALL ONES

    SHE get to decide which are BIG and SMALL (laban?)

    At the end of the day she will say she agrees to the issued you decide upon.....


    and much more


    i still stand firm to these three.

  4. Kala ko pa naman hypothalamus. May isang guy nagsabi kse sa kin nya.. i love you from the bottom of my hypothalamus. Hehe :D


    Anyway, I've always used my brain. I may get crazy in love but always to the right person lang.. yun guy na with great qualifications (hindi good for nothing guy) and most importantly, mahal na mahal ako dapat. :)


    correct me if i'm wrong here but i believe its the pituitary gland and not the hyphothalamus.


    enough geekiness.


    total package pa din!

  5. QUOTE(LoveSpell @ Apr 13 2007, 11:32 AM)


    me? everytime i fell in love to my clients i always included him to all my plans in life, dreaming that maybe this man is the one i can grow old with, im so happy to think that maybe it can be happen someday. Yes, its really hard to move on after the happy moment, having intimate moments the love u earned and give. oh well thats part of life, to love and to get hurt. Thats all i've got.

    ... that is true... we often miskate attraction from love. so its better to learn how to discern.


    an unsolicited advice... it takes a lot of maturity to distinguish mere attraction from love.

  6. Na double post ka maam... :P


    Anyway point taken to each his own, one mans cure can be another mans poison. Yes there are no guarantees in relationships but of course you start with the foundation, and when the foundation is not solid because of differences how can you make it a solid outcome in the first place. Its like your building a sand castle lang pala! :lol:


    Anyway nice thoughts, appreciate it. ;)



    oo nga eh. my pc is acting gay again.. anyhow, back to topic. i definitely agree on the solid foundation of the relationship. importante yun. but hey, don't discount the fact that people can change their ways and improve themselves :)

  7. plus there is no guarantee that she will not stray after committing to her partner. sticking it out in any relationship is a test of character, regardless of the circumstances.


    some people do it for different reasons, some financial, some otherwise.

    perceptions differ depending on each and every guys encounters obviously.

  8. Of course they can, but can you fall in love with them? Of course MP's can have bfs. But will their bf's love them if theyre already old, undesireable and have no money? A CEO can have a mistress, but will she marry her and introduce her to his friends? I believe that we are just playing with emotions most of the time when we indulge with falling in love with an MP. Just the thought of them being screwed by other people, I beleive I cant take that. If you have a quarrel, this issue will come out, believe me it will always will. We only seee their beauty, but when it fades, the ones who will stick with them is the one who truly loves them.



    to each his own.


    can i just share this...sorry for the mush, here goes...


    When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.


    Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No... don't blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it?

  9. Can women of this profession really commit as a partner for life?


    i believe they can.


    what about people not belonging to this profession? can they commit for life?


    what i'm saying is commitment is a decision and whether one is a psp, a ceo, a doctor, a bum etc... as long as they made that decision to commit, the profession is insignificant.

  10. Nakakadala lalo na kung mayroon kang pinaglalaanan ng iyong ipon na pera (tulad ng matrikula ng mga bata, pangangailangan sa bahay, mga plano sa buhay, atbp.) These plans or goals take a hit when friends and/or relatives fail to pay you back.


    Hindi naman sa pag-dadamot pero should the time come na ikaw naman ang mangailangan, tutulong ba sila sa iyo? Ang mahirap kasi these days e nagiging ugali na ng iba nating kababayan na umutang pero wala nang balak mag-bayad. Ang katwiran e mayaman ka naman o kaya e may maigi kang trabaho. They are assuming that you are better off and would be able to quickly recover financially should they decide to not pay back the money they owe you.


    Though you may not get your money back, you still have your self-respect and dignity intact. The same thing can't be said about them.


    yun na nga lang ang consuelo de bobo.

  11. di masama umutang o magpautang. ang hassle yung matapos umutang at oras na ng pinangakong takdang oras ng bayaran- dedma ka na o di na mahagilap at pag pinaalalahanan mo galit pa.


    ay nako, talagang nakakainis yung mga taong ganyan.

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