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Posts posted by transcience

  1. One has to be careful though because there are too many of us men who are bullshit artists. I can just shake my head sometimes at what they can accomplish or how far they can go with words. Women really have to be very smart and vigilant enough to determine who are the sincere ones and who are the con men.


    true. you have a point there.


    there are men who are very good with words. seen a lot, heard a lot.


    it takes wisdom and intuition to weed out the bad ones.

  2. personally, it means we can talk about a lot of stuff, ranging from the mundane topics to the more serious ones. there is an equal exchange of thoughts. though sometimes, i can't help myself but be awed to the person i'm talking with. meaning the person may dominate the conversation, in a positive kinda way, and i admiringly listen. too much of it though (as in excessively to the nth power), bores me specially if the flow of the convo centers on himself. at this point, i tune him out and become dismissive.


    BUT, there are times i encourage the other party to talk about himself/herself because it tells a whole lot about the person when he/she speaks. it's beyond words.

  3. Just two cents of sharing.... Believe, it's not the physical aspect really that matters. Beauty or good looks is only skin deep. What really matter is the inner self. Something that you just do not know at one instance. Attraction for the looks - YES . but getting to know the person whether good looking or not is another thing. There may be good looking who are also fine & a gentleman & also ugly physically who may also be ugly inside but it all boils down to personality & values. That is why getting into a relationship is not a matter of looks but a matter of choice based on our discernment. Again, we are responsible for whatever decisions we make, the looks are secondary. Let us be reminded that ' We cannot judge a BOOK by its cover" It's incumbent upon us to get to know the person not only physically but emotionally, psychologically & spiritually. The misfortune we may have suffered has nothing to do with the looks of the person but our own inability to discern the real person behind that looks.


    Just my sharing...


    on looks being secondary -

    i think one has to reach a certain level of maturity to appreciate the totality of the person. there's a phase in our lives that we put a high premium on the physical aspect - looks above all things. but then again, this varies from one person to another.


    it's the total package. the looks is equally as important as the person's attitude.

  4. Naaliw naman ako kay Thug. Buti na lang lovey ko niregalo sa kin hindi 2nd hand. Sealed nga po pag brand new. :D


    Delisyus and the rest, can you please explain the uses of those sex toys you have mentioned? I think I'm at a loss here. :unsure:


    use the one that stimulates you best - immense gratification. trial and error lang yan.

  5. yes i do realize that my name is neither spongebobby nor mobius


    if circumstances were different


    I would go for it


    not because I'm an idealist or I believe that "love will conquer all" (which is just bleeding heart propaganda)


    That's just the type of guy I am. I really don't think about what other people may think, I'll just go right ahead and do it if I feel like it (maybe the reason why I get into too much trouble). I always believed that things always sort themselves out for better or for worse; they always sort themselves out.


    I'll worry about the details (introducing her to friends, family, dog, neighbor and so forth) later.


    now this is, if circumstances were different.


    now this is for you Larry, would you mind expounding or qualifying the "different" circumstances.

  6. i want to say absolutely yes, but honestly, i don't know. my idealism says it is possible, but pragmatism dictates otherwise.


    several pages back, i detailed my involvement with an mpa before she became the superstar that she is now. she is one reason i avoid the mp threads: everytime someone writes an fr about her like she's a piece of meat, i want to rip the guys' balls apart and shove it down his throat. yet i know that i have no right to do that, as those frs are among the incidentals of her job.


    it is difficult. for example, how can i introduce her to to my family without even thinking that one of them might've availed of her services. or what will she say if asked where she works?


    i really don't know the answer. when we were together, i felt she was always bracing herself for the eventuality that we will separate. one night, she tearfully declared her love then disappeared, only to reappear a couple of years later as a superstar mpa.


    she left without saying goodbye, changed her number and address.




    same thoughts.

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