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Posts posted by transcience

  1. The sky's the limit when you risk it all. Foolhardy, I was. I have done it in the past and fell flat on my face.


    It was like the final seconds of having to bungee jump. That final shove to free fall when you suddenly find yourself jolted back to reality. Too late. The plunge towards the earth's core is closing in and immensely overwhelming. You can't stop the pull of gravity.


    At that moment, it made you re-think what triggered the final "yes".

  2. You mean "blonde" pa? Sure! :cool:


    Will you still love me if you find out that I'm a frequent guest at a nudist colony?


    oo blonde syempre. :blush:


    no prob. i'm a guest there myself but not as frequent as you are.


    will you still love me if i was a former porn star?

  3. You don't have to. I'm not into that anyway. :lol:


    Will you still love me if I like chicharon bulaklak for dinner everyday?


    wb-pls don't tell me that you apply merthiolate on your toenails first then finish it off with a colorless nail polish. :lol:


    me likey chicharon bulaklak. basta hati tayo.


    larry-describe spontaneous orgasms.


    will you still love me i sleep lots during weekends?

  4. thanks to your avatar I'm picturing phyllis quek saying this to my face

    yeah dentists work wonders these days

    as long as I don't have to call you mom


    will you love me if I get drunk on spoiled milk?


    i'll lock you up in the bathroom in case you have to go anytime.


    will you still love me if i paint your toenails? :hypocritesmiley:

  5. as long as you use it to buy me comi....porn yeah porn


    will you love me if I can use the thumb part of a latex glove as a condom?


    don't be shy. it's okay. i'll buy you comic books. there.


    the thumb part??? :lol:


    will you still love me if i feed you lucky me pancit everyday so i can buy expensive shoes?

  6. not if its the game winning drive of a football game....

    how bout if i spend more time watching football ... sept -feb


    then i'll spend more time in the parlor or mall to do more shopping.


    will you still love me if i max out your credit card? :hypocritesmiley:

  7. cheap mondays



    try these .. theyre cheaper than TR's by half .. and better imo.. most skaters i know swear by these


    brand is cheap mondays?


    not sure if they're available here in pinas.


    skinny jeans doesn't look good on me. i'll still go for the straight cut or bootleg/flare type.

  8. Frugal in the sense that I will make sure that some money is set aside (after all monthly bills are paid) for other plans such as buying a home, kids' tuition, saving for our retirement, family vacations, etc.


    I love the powerpuff girls. I think it's one of the smarter cartoon shows out there. I find the show a bit artsy too. :cool:


    Will you still love me even if your friends think I'm a bit old for you?


    i decide for myself, not my friends. i'm 20 and you're 25, so what? :lol:


    will you still love me if i dated your brother?



    @lene - no problem. i'll buy another one.


    same q as above!

  9. I will work my hardest to provide for you so that you won't have to continue working as a striptease dancer. However, if you're doing it for the love of the job, you and I would need to have a talk. :)


    Will you still love me even if there are times when I would need to be by myself?


    that is fine. i'm generous when it comes to personal space. i need that too once in a while.


    will you still love me if nose drips whenever i eat spicy food?

  10. :lol: I will. Just be careful when you ask me to pack stuff. :hypocritesmiley:


    Will you still love me if I am not handy around the house?


    like fack stupp nyahaha!


    no worries, i am handy around the house.


    will you still love me if i moonlight as a striptease dancer?

  11. How can you fix my kabobohan? :D


    Yes, I will. I'll even enroll in a cosmetic surgery class just for you. :)


    Will you still love me even if my relatives annoy the hell out of you?


    not the kabobohan, the oven! or the lack of gas in the oven. if you spoke in metaphors, sorry dense ako :hypocritesmiley:


    nice and sweet. you'll cut me up, suction the fats up and insert the silicone implants in me.


    i have high tolerance for annoying people.


    will you still love me if i have a "p" and "f" defect in my pronunciation?

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