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Posts posted by Viola

  1. There is this place in bf paranaque, I forgot the name. It is right beside an art cafe. It looks like an abandoned house from the outside. When you get inside, it still looks like an abandoned house.. only cleaner and this time with chairs and tables.


    More carinderia feel.. and then you get your food and it is sooo good...

  2. I feel like season 8 should have been a full blown season with 10 episodes for the story to be told properly.


    Also, not happy about two character endings...


    If you could change one character endings... Who would it be and how would you end that character's arc?

  3. The last one is in Bacolod with a child and working as an online teacher while still trying to pursue his music career... He is really too old for that already.


    The others, I don't know anymore.


    I'm only curious about one of my ex'es because he is literally the best sex I've ever had... I wonder where he is or if he is married. He is not the marrying kind though.

  4. Because the battle scene happened during the night during a time with no electricity.


    Just torches and candles to light their surroundings.


    Pivotal moments in EP3 were bright enough. We don't need to see how the dothraki screamers died in detail.


    It is much more impactful to know that they rushed into the night to slowly be swallowed by the cold darkness. Their lives being extinguished as seen by their lit arakhs dying one by one.


    When we go back to winterfell, we get a bit of light since this would be where the torches are...


    When we get the crypt scenes, these are well lit since the northernmen took refuge here.


    This episode is truly epic. It might have crushed a lot of people's expectations and if they are disappointed, it is their fault.


    They expected something. They should know well enough to expect the unexpected with this show.

  5. Checking this out ...


    attachicon.gifc1.jpg attachicon.gifc2.jpg attachicon.gifc8.jpg


    With short or long hair ... she's a looker!


    attachicon.gifss5.jpg attachicon.gifss3.jpg attachicon.gifss6.jpg attachicon.gifss4.jpg attachicon.gifss1.jpg


    Doesn't this have a similar premise as bones?


    Anyway, I'm currently watching Touch Your Heart (kdrama). It has only began so I can't really binge watch.


    Any suggestions on what to binge watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon?


    I am looking for Kdrama again so I can say 'kinain ng sistema' again.

  6. Haven't watched the new ep yet but from what my Whovian friends say, Jodie's quite good as the Doctor (complete with an awesome speech).

    Still, it's too early to judge.


    I didn't like the 12th during his 1st few episode. But by his last season, IMO, he was the best among the revival series Doctors.


    yeah it was a slow process with me and the 12th too. not like the 11th. although my doctor is the 10th but 11th and 12th are awesome too. i don't like the companions for this regeneration. the new ep has a meme-able villain. probably ranked as my top 10 favorite villain, just because of its meme-ability(?) hahaha.

  7. I think if we are eating at a fast food, we shouldn't really expect much from them. The most we can expect is that they serve us edible food. Just my own opinion. Anyway, a more recent experience...


    A friend and I were in BF and we have 2 hours to k*ll. Being fans of Harry Potter, we gravitated towards an HP-inspired cafe, The Witches' Brew. I think that's the name of the cafe.


    I wish I could have taken pictures but alas, it was a spur of the moment decision and we didn't take any photos. Anyway, the walls have these customized wallpapers with pixelized artwork depicting scenes from the movie/book. So more likely, they ripped off someone else's artwork and plastered it on their walls. I do hope they gave the artist credit, maybe they did, I don't know.


    Anyway, aside from a few HP-related decors and books, there's really nothing HP-esque about it. The tables and chairs are normal and boring actually. The menu items were named after famous HP characters. They had sandwiches, pizza, salads, coffee and milkshakes.


    We ordered a cheese pizza and coffee frappe.


    The pizza cost us almost P400. What's disappointing about it is, they used frozen pizza dough. the one you can buy off the supermarket. What's good is that they were very generous with their cheese toppings, but the dough ruined the experience already. I think for P400, they could serve us fresh pizza dough. It simply isn't worth the P400. I could buy a more satisfying pizza from Pizza Hut at almost half the prize.


    The coffee frappe is just meh. Nothing spectacular.


    All in all, this is just an ordinary cafe that named their food after HP characters. None really embodied the movie/books.

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