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Posts posted by Viola

  1. Im also not the marrying kind.


    Looking at my parents' marriage, i wish they didnt marry at all. My father is a big jerk, and im being nice. He makes my mom miserable. And their marriage trapped my mom because she cant leave him for some reason. And i cant forsake my mom, and so im also trapped in this family.


    Id rather be in a relationship where i am free to walk out anytime i want.


    Unless there is divorce in our country, i don't think, i'll ever want to marry anybody.

  2. Maldita and suplada.

    Im an introvert in real life. I will cry if asked to present in front of people.


    Im not very sociable too. I dont enjoy large crowds, and if i must be a part of a crowd, i'll most often be the silent one.


    I am a geek and a workaholic. Im most often seen working or studying.


    Sexually, im a bit adventurous.


    I do not tolerate stupidity and will not hesitate to turn you down.


    I do not believe in the line "umarte ng naayon sa ganda". As if pretty ones are the only ones with choices.


    My friends tell me im tactless when dealing with people.


    Some think i have an attitude problem, maybe i do.


    I dont like dramas and i hate being lied to. I expect the truth so i can make informed decisions.



    Expensive, made up holiday.

    Pressure to get something for your significant other.

    Then pressure to make the day extra special

    Overpriced cheesy gifts

    Pink everywhere... It becomes an eyesore. Pink and red hearts and cupids everywhere

    Risk of losing the maid.. mag day off tapos di na babalik. Hirap maghanap ng household help


    For the single, reminds you how alone and lonely you are

    For the kabits, you are reminded of what you cant have


    Dami pa reasons

  4. Every relationship is different so every breakup is different too. Im also a different person than i was before and during the relationship.


    There was a breakup when i laughed so hard because i cant believe i was with such an insecure boy.


    But the next one, i asked myself, am i not enough?


    Another one, i thought that was a good relationship but it is bound to end. I'll miss the sex though.


    Right now, at my age,when i think about my ex's.. i just wish most of them well. And one guy, i wish dead.

  5. Hey F,


    I saw one of your posts here today. I havent thought about you in years.


    How are you? Did you finally find what you are looking for?


    When i saw your post, i said to myself, i almost had feelings for you, if only you didnt up and disappeared.


    See i was starting to like you back then. But you were unstable and unpredictable. Or maybe you weren't just into me.


    Anyway, they say almost doesnt count. I just hope you are ok now. You might linger in my thoughts for a few hours. I'll forget you again later once im busy with work.


    Anyway, take care. Writing this here because i dont want to send this to you and start something that might lead to disappointment again.


    Just be happy

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    sa Robinsons Galleria and Trinoma Mall madami na din nag dine in.....Personally, I think you should dine in but observe all the safety protocols...don't let the Pandemic stop you from living your life.....


    anyways, thanks as always for answering this.....what would you recommend pala sa RAMEN NAGI???

    In my opinion, Butao is still their best. However, im not really a ramenagi fan. But they are better than most. Nasa top 5 naman sila for me. :)



    Im crazy about mendokoro ramenba. Super chashu tastes like the ramen gods came dowm from the heavens to watch you eat. Hahaha. Also their gyoza is amazing.

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  7. The same thing that makes me sad everyday. My family or lack thereof. I have a family but we dont function as one.


    Im miserable. And the happiest i am is when im not home. And everytime i come home, the desire to end it all grows stronger.


    Today, in fighting the urge to do it. Trying to find a reason why i shouldn't

  8. I'm craving for ramen!


    My top would be Mendokoro Ramenba. But since they only have two branches, my usual go to is Ippudo. These two are hands down way better than ramenagi.


    Ramen to avoid.. the one being sold for 300-400 in Osaka Takoyaki. Like really bad broth.. tastes like instant chicken noodles.


    Anybody tried the unli ramen in Megamall? I forgot the name. Is it unli ramen or just the noodles. Their marketing is quite misleading eh.


    I'm craving for ramen today!

  9. Starting now, I'm not going to rely on you on anything anymore.


    I won't come to you even if I'm on the brink of death.


    All your words are empty and devoid of real meaning and intention. So just keep saying them if it makes you feel good about yourself.


    But from now on, I'll rely on myself.

  10. B,


    I hope you are doing well in heaven.


    I miss you. There's a lot of good things happening right now, but also a lot of bad. And a lot of big decisions to be made. I miss talking to you as you always put things in the right perspective. When things become too overwhelming, you were always there for me to keep me calm and logical. You were there to challenge my reasoning and guide me make the right decision.


    I wish you were still around. it has been years since you were gone. I just want you to know I miss you my friend.



  11. Being called fat and ugly and having it passed on as "constructive criticism".


    Yeah I gained weight again, and I look tired. But that's because of the long hours and the amount of sugar I needed to take to keep myself awake.


    I already know my flaws. I don't mind how I look like as long as I'm neat and clean and smell nice. I don't need to put on make up or get all fancy with my hair.


    Just a simple powder to keep my face oil-free is enough for me. A simple and practical ponytail is enough for me.


    If I spend my entire day doing coding and data, I think my computer wouldn't mind that I don't go full on glam makeup.


    Does it really matter? To me it doesn't. I do what I'm comfortable with. Zero to minimal makeup and a practical ponytail. And a backpack to hold two laptops. I have no need for luxury branded bags.


    So if I'm not your idea of beauty, just shut up and don't call me fat and ugly m


    FYI, you are twice my size yet you call me fat?!?

  12. We dont need a Sansa hailed as queen ending, she has done nothing significant for Westeros and Winterfell to deserve that right?

    I would prefer a Sansa and Tyrion reconciliation helping Bran run the 7 Kingdoms instead of 6. They both deserved a loving and loyal partner after all they have gone through. Sansa as the new master of coin instead of Bron.


    Dany's death should definitely happen, its the only way to prevent her from being a mad queen. The dragon will rage/blow fire on Jon after killing her, but Jon survives and does not get burned because he is a targaryen. Making him the new rider of the Dragon. Jon then decided to burn the Iron Throne. Then Dany deserves a dramatic and good proper burial with all the unsullied unmasking to pay their respects. Jon was the rightful King now but opted to free Tyrion and agreed with him to make Bran the new king and voluntarily goes to the Nights watch and live his life quietly with the wildlings/free folks and making the wall gate permanently open for anyone.


    Arya returns to the faceless assassin dungeon and be the new leader and train new batch of extreme kids.


    The Dothraki became Kings Landings royal guards


    The Unsullied does the same, return to their previous island and live life as normal persons.

    Wow...that is very detailed.


    Im ok with the finale.i just didn't feel that Bran deserves to be king. If they want to break the wheel, elect someone from the commonfolk with the political knowledge... Sir davos for king! Hahaha.


    But really it makes sense that Arya, sansa and Jon got the endings they got. But Bran? All he did was get Jojen, Hodor and Theon killed. #rememberhodor


    And although it is also fitting that Jamie and cersei die .. I wished Jaime to have lived and lead a quiet life with his wife, Brienne. I didn't get the ending I wished for Jamie.


    Overall, it is still a good season albeit it feels rushed. So 10 episodes sana

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