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Posts posted by Viola

  1. i need to focus on my career first.. madami pa ko kailangan patunayan.. magiging hindrance lang kung andyan ka.. saka to be honest ayoko pa talaga.. kaso mahal kita .. ngayon kailangan ko talaga mag focus. pwede dyan ka lang, friends muna tau .. wag kang aalis... kung ready na ko.. mag simula tayo uli.. gusto ko pag ganon may ipagyayabang na ko sayo. wala akong maipagmamalaki sayo eh.

  2. C,


    Last time I posted... it was for Y.. now it's for you. I thought what I felt for Y was intense.. and it was.. but it was nothing compared to what I felt for you.


    It's difficult for me.. I dunno where we stand or what we are. We loved each other intensely and ended so suddenly. I don't understand how loving each other from afar would help us.. I know there are hindrances.. and that you are fighting them alone. You shouldn't fight them alone.. you had me to fight them with you. But I guess that's just how you are... you know that I'll get hurt in the process... so I'll just trust you that this is for us.. and that in time... you and I could continue what we have. Till then, i'm reserving my heart for you.. this is our love story and i hope it goes down in history as an epic one. because i've never loved anybody as unconditionally and intensely as i love you now. I just hope you also realize that being far from you is hurting me more than 'they' can hurt me... and doubts are beginning to appear... please don't take too long. I'll wait for as long as I can.. and im still holding on to my promise to you.



  3. Y,


    I'm missing you. The first few days were easy... but every day that passes by.. it's getting harder and harder for me to accept that you're gone. I know you no longer will have the chance to read this.. but what can I do.. this is the only outlet where I can express how I feel.


    I'm sorry for everything, for messing things up. I tried to leave.. and i was doing fine.. until a few days ago when it hit me that I'm starting to miss you.. and today... I know that I love you.. so much more than I thought before. I thought it would be easy to leave, after all.. i didn't love you that much. But it seems I was wrong.. and now I'm wishing I could turn back time and start over with you. I miss you, and i'm wishing you are still around.


    I love you Y. Don't know how many times I've said that already. I know I was the one to leave.. and I tried to come back.. but you weren't there anymore. So I guess, it'll just be like this. Me loving the memory of you and wishing you were still here.



  4. Y,


    I'm sorry things had to end this way. I would have wanted us to continue or stay friends. But it seems impossible now. Hatred had given way to love. I'm sorry but everything I said were all true. It's cruel... I know you don't like it.. but it's true. And it's unfair. So this is the way it ends. No goodbyes, no friendship. Just plain hatred.


    I still love you Y, but I just can't accept how things were. As I said, you knew how to avoid it, but you still went ahead and did it. Now it's this way.. and I'm sad it had to end. Goodbye love. Take care. I'll miss you. But this really is the end.



  5. Y,


    I can't just leave. I tried but I wanted to stay. I hope you would too. I love you. That's all I can think of right now. And how I want to be with you everyday. I hope it's not too late, don't go. I want you to stay.


    I thought this was just remnants of what i felt for F, it has been 3 years already. You remind me so much of him. But I talked to F, hoping to see if i still love him. But I don't. It's because I love you now.


    These words will probably be left unread or unspoken. I messed up. Hope you could forgive me and stay. I'm afraid though that you've already gone away. Stay.



  6. Y,


    I give up. Sorry, i love you but i think i'm gonna give up. i mean it's a waste of time really. and effort. i'll just move on. i'll miss you and the things we do of course. i'll just think about them when i need to smile.


    take care now. continue having fun.



  7. Y,


    It has been years since i've written little notes like this to anybody. but i now find myself doing this for you. i'm not myself when i'm with you. i wanna be better.. better than the other girls... better than the girls in your past and better than the girls in your future.. i wanna be the only woman for you.


    i'm going crazy i think. because of the things you make me feel. i've never been the jealous type.. but with you... i just want all of you to be mine... because i've given you all of me.. i'm all yours and i want you to be all mine.


    i already love you.. how can i even think of leaving you now.. you'll have to do it for us. leave if it's over.. cause at this point.. i don't want it to end. you need to say goodbye to me so i could let you go.. otherwise.. i'll cling to the chance of maybe.. just maybe it will work out and you'll love me too.



  8. Y,


    Sorry i fell for you. Now I have to leave you.

    I'm sorry for messing things up for us. And I couldn't even say I love you, eventhough that's what my heart is telling me.


    I love you. Shhh.. quiet.. I'm all yours now.. but i have to go.



  9. just a quick question, the 'plan b' or 'morning after pill'.. is it available here in the philippines? is it over the counter or is it prescribed? if it is prescribed.. what type of doctor should one go to to have it prescribed? a gynecologist or would a general practitioner be able to prescribe it as well?

  10. M,


    I thought you were the perfect guy for me. So when you made that request.. i was surprised and i didn't understand what was happening. Now I see everything clearly...


    It was so simple. You were just an ordinary jerk who found a little happiness with me... and now that your down again... don't blame things on me. It was your own doing.. all i did was made you laugh and then you did a 180 on me.


    All these months.. I was trying to understand.. and I was hoping things would be normal again... but now.. i truly and fully understand you. Goodbye M.



  11. i'm just 4'11. so i prefer taller guys.. kasi ang liit ko na nga.. tapos i'll go for somebody shorter pa? that wouldn't look too good. most of my ex-boyfriends are at least 5'10. for some reason i end up with the really tall ones. then i had one bf who's 5'7.. i think he's the shortest.

  12. how am i supposed to forget you when i see you everyday?


    darn it... i still can't understand it... there was nothing but laughter...

    all the plans, all the late nights, all the long talks. i wanted to be with you..as much as you wanted to be with me.. but why did you have to change your mind so suddenly?


    because of your precious freedom? do you think that being with me will mean that you lose your freedom? you let go of something so good just because of your all important freedom?


    now look where we are... strangers. i did something out of character the other day.. hoping it might be what i need to rid myself of everything about you. i was wrong.. i still want to be with you.. now more than anything... i wish you'd just go away.

  13. Hey,


    I didn't but I wanted to. I'm sorry it had to end. I didn't buy your crap last night. I erased all traces of you, now you're nobody. you stopped existing in my world.. but in the inner corners of my mind.. you'll be there.. with me.. laughing like we used to.

  14. I never expected things to happen this fast. But I liked it.. I just hate that after you pursued me.. you have to back off... you almost had me. Now things are different.. and it's all because you chickened out.

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