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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. frankly, i like a lot of crap pop music now compared to the crap pop music they played in the 80's ... i mean, if you miss the 80's or for some reason, think it was a great era, you just need to go to a probinsya karaoke joint to realize how terrible it really was.

  2. di ako sigurado kung "pyramiding" ang term ... pero sigurado ako na "useless piece of excrement" ang produkto. parang nakalagay lang sa Fit n' Right - drinking this product along with good diet and exercise is known to promote weight loss.


    parang ewan lang no? ... kung sino namang unggoy ang mag diet at exercise papayat talaga kahit pa iinom to ng beer


    My thinking was why should I try to loose weight just to be more acceptable for people like them. Health reasons aside, why do you need to loose weight?


    There's my two centavos folks .


    you will only find out when you've lost weight. for now though: proof that you have what it takes to complete a difficult task instead of rationalizing your weaknesses.

  4. no. because i always forget them or lose them ... then i went online and read about stuff that "no gloves" is more macho cause you get callouses and all (which i did). so from then on, i thought it would be cool to be a pretentious bad-ass, and not wear gloves cause it impresses some people i don't know nor care about.

  5. how about paleo diet, anyone who tried this ??thanks in advance



    all diets work, especially if they make you eat less. the thing is, most diets also do not work because you end up starving or not enjoying what you eat that you end up going back to your old, unhealthy eating lifestyle.


    in my experience, the only thing you should watch out for are "trigger foods" - you know, the type of stuff where you completely devour, and you don't even notice it. they are usually different for each individual, but in my informal interviews, here are the stuff i noticed:



    -sweetened drinks

    -fried food

    -chips, popcorn, even peanuts

    -ice cream


    -cheese cake

    -stuff with a lot of cheese (i.e. pizza)

  6. -when you don't heal as fast, especially after a few hard training sessions

    -when you find it embarassing to tell people you play in a band

    -when you don't think a lot of stuff is cool anymore

    -when you think all the music you hear are just different versions of the stuff you have already heard.

    -when you find it moot to argue with younger people

    -when you can't do series marathons for more than 3 hours

    -when you find yourself pretending to like videogames, because you used to play it before

  7. i think its the same reason why some short people develop a Napoleon Complex.


    when you grow up being made fun of for a physical disability, that you either can't do anything about (short people), or seems impossible to change (family or workplace with terrible food habits), you tend to get defensive and hostile when that disability is focused on.


    in the case of fat people, they either develop a form of Stockholm Syndrome (identifying with their antagonists' beliefs), or they refuse to change their state (even if it threatens their health). the ones who refuse to change are the ones who are usually sensitive, and believe in that misguided "i am fat and i am beautiful" slogan (like that song "im all about the bass, all the bass, no treble"). the ones with stockholm syndrome are kinda funny cause they usually are in denial over their obesity. they think there are many levels of fat, and they are better than fat people because they are just "chubby" or "big boned."


    either way, it is impossible to grow up without having esteem issues when you are a fat person.

  8. My flatmates also say that Davao's the best place to wander. Very safe. I think sa april or may 2014 pupunta ako. I just need to know first my class sched.


    Adventure at its best :-)


    while it is safe compared to manila, there are still dangerous areas. just use your spider sense - if it feels dangerous, it probably is!


    as for hotels, check out the Green Meadows behind cosmopolitan. its a dormitel, and not only is it better than marco polo, it is also cheaper

  9. at d end if d day, it all goes down to 1 thing n sad to say, money!



    not true. i have been turned down by a lot of women. the one's who go for money are prostitutes, and "closet prostitutes" ... they are the type of women who do not peddle their services, but they get into monogamous relationships where they drain the guy of their finances. there's a lot of them, and financial status doesn't even dictate whether they are closet prostitutes.

  10. I wanted to learn grapling sana, kaso talagang hindi maganda flexibility ng anatomy ko for it.


    Actually, I dont mind sparring every now and then. I used to spar a little. Sparring teaches you attitude of patience. Kasi huwag ka dapat mapipikon pag napupuruhan ka lagi. At kung kaya mo maging mas mapagpasensya sa taong sinusuntok ka sa sikmura at ilong, mas nagagawa mong maging mapagpasensya sa ibang tao sa labas ng gym. Tsaka iba din kasi yung level ng sportsmanship na after nyo magsapakan, magkakamayan at magaakapan pa kayo.


    Yun nga lang, I was too sissy to want a boxers nose. lol. So I just stuck to the basic drills to have better cardio. Yeah I guess you are right, I am not really looking forward for any competitive fighting. Just something I guess to develop external and internal discipline.


    you are learning grappling for fitness, and discipline. you can learn the lot even if you lose all your matches. it is not as scary as boxing since you can always tap out. the good thing with grappling is that you can spar all you want, and not get as stressed compared to striking arts. however, i noticed some guys just dont wanna hold on to other guys, or are iffy with sweat and stuff.


    you wont get a boxer's nose. you are just nervous of stepping into the ring, probably because you had a bad experience with someone who was trying to destroy you (we all have that experience).


    try getting over that fear ... it would be easier if you sparred with someone you can be friends with. i made a lot of good friends with sparring. most beginners like me as a sparring mate too. i talk to them and teach them while allowing them to hit me, just so they can get a better feel out of it and learn to deal with adrenaline surges.

  11. Hmmm most of what I do is cardio boxing hehehe. Lampa ko no?


    Fight fan naman ako, pero wala naman akong hilig sa trobol. Pero If I could I wanna take up some martial arts lesson. Not really for the sake of self-defense. I just wanna develop better focus, concentration, and stillness. Yeah stillness! May anxiety issues kasi ako eh.


    Suggestion naman dyan mga parekoy


    boxing is awesome for that ... and jiujitsu.


    try to avoid tournament hungry gyms, cause your ass is gonna get whooped there. try going to casual gyms with level-headed guys who SPAR ALL THE TIME. sparring is very important if you want to learn focus and relaxation. yun nga lang, with most tournament hungry gym, you will be going against guys who want to crush you, because that is what they want to do come competition day.


    with level-headed non-tournament gyms, you are after skill development at your own pace... there are also bigger chances for you to find guys that will spar with you at your level.

  12. i am currently in a relationship with a PSP. she is also pregnant with my child (presumably). i dont know how long we would last. but here are some things worth noting:



    -she is 18 years old, and has no children.


    -she never asked for money. but if and when she runs out of money, she will go back to being a PSP. she'd rather be a PSP than ask her bf (me) for money.


    -she is very low maintenance. below 10k living expenses. having said that, she is also very poor. she hates the things that typical girls like. i had to force her to get something from Forever 21. until now, she'd rather shop at divisoria. she is not as materialistic as most PSPs.


    -she doesn't give much money to her family. i made a deal with her that if her family begins treating me like an ATM, she would have to choose between me and them. she told me "ikaw na ang pamilya ko, ikaw ang pipiliin ko."


    -she compromises, although she is very very stubborn


    -if we break up, she is going back to being a PSP. a psp will always be a psp when she is in financial troubles and when someone is still willing to pay for them


    -all psp's have vices, mine is meth. she has given it up because of her pregnancy. i made it clear that i will break up with her if she goes back to it.


    -we would have already broken up if i did not get her pregnant. but being in this situation, we saw ourselves in a different light, and in the process, fell deeper in love. back when she wasn't pregnant, she was still being a PSP, and doing meth. she just gave me free sex but never kept promises. when i told her i was already in love with her before she even got pregnant, she could not believe it. all she knew was that we were playing a game and she enjoyed it, but really could not sacrifice anything for me.


    -we are very much in love, and are doing our best to make it work. she is trying to go back to normal life, trying to finish her highschool and all. while i am preparing myself for our child. i also told my family about it (only half of the story, of course). i am currently in hell for it, but the good thing that came out of it is now she trusts me. she saw what i sacrificed and in turn, she is committing to me too.


    -her motivation is having a normal family, with a child who has a father. that is why she is doing things to keep me in the relationship. i almost left her once. i told her: i am going to leave her because she will always be a PSP no matter what, and i do not have time to deal with a meth addict. i will pay for child support and i will get lawyers involved when the child is 7, so our child will live with me. when i said it, i left her money and broke up with her. she went for me and told me she will do her best to be normal. she also returned my money.


    -i am always ready to break up with her. while i love her very much ... i always keep it to myself that if she betrays me, i will not allow myself to feel bad if she does so. i keep telling her "you have a chance to live a normal life with no financial problems, with a man who loves you very much and is willing to be a family with you. do not betray my trust." i guess you can say it is important to always be prepared with PSPs ... you cant give them your everything and you should not allow yourself to keep on forgiving them for the same mistakes


    -having said that, i am also careful not to betray her trust, because she will go back to her old life.


    the way i see it, MPs and GROs and PSPs are just like us ... they have a lot of things to lose if they commit to a GM and leave their jobs. they are hesitant at first, because after all, it is not the first time they tried to have a relationship with a client, and they have had their hearts broken. if they can trust you, perhaps they can leave their old lives behind.


    but then again, what do i know? ... to be honest, i dont even know what will happen to us.

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