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Posts posted by Chito

  1. Si diether ocampo kagaya din ito ni bernard palanca na isa ding feeling rocker.. :thumbsdownsmiley:


    Ah Deither bashing :) You'll like this one, I posted this in another thread :D


    Do you guys remember the film "Jologs" produced by Star Cinema? (or was it Viva Films?)  Well, this is one film that completely missed the concept behind the pinoy pop-cultural term "jolog" by a MILE.  And if I remember right, it was peppered by young actors and actresses that did not remotely resemble the run-of-the-mill jologs that we see in Ever Gotesco Malls.


    Anyway, Diether Ocampo was part of the cast of this movie.  Consistent with usual showbiz practice, he tried to plug this movie in all public appearances that he participated in...... until one fateful day - THE N.U. 107 ROCK AWARDS.  Whoever it was who suggested that Diether Ocampo should present an award in this show should be congratulated :D


    The idiot walked up the stage and, with sheer clueless bravado, began to yell at the assembled half-drunk, half-basagulero "raker" crowd... "OK BA KAYO DIYAN MGA JOLOGS!?!?!?!?" 


    0.75 seconds later, beer cans and bottles began to rain on the stage.  Some of them even managed to hit Deither Ocampo :cool:  Immediately afterwards, he lamely declared that ".....eh jologs din naman ako eh...." in an inane effort to salvage the situation.  It was, of course, too late. :lol:


    Now, if only we can set up Carlos Agassi for something like this.... :D

  2. Hehehe, kunwari lang iyang nanalo kuno ng 10 million. Walang pinusta iyan. Nagpapapansin lang iyan :D Kahanay niya si Mike Arroyo at si Chavit. :D




    Napansin ba ninyo nung final moments ng laban? After the first knockdown, sabi ni commentator Viloria - "Ok, Manny should really be careful because this is the part where Morales becomes dangerou...... MORALES IS DOWN! MORALES IS DOWN! MANNY WINS!!!"

  3. Just to give you an idea on how destructive that first knockdown was, view the tape again.


    You will see that upon receiving a strong left hook, Morales seemed to spin the wrong way (i.e. the source of the punch).


    What actually happened was, he did sway the proper way (on his left) but since his feet were not in a position to roll with the punch, his body actually recoiled and spun the other way. God, that was a killer punch. Morales never stood a chance after that.

  4. T'was a very good fight (syempre, panalo eh :D) The body shots thrown by Paquiao was a new strategy that apparently worked. This was one thing I didn't see in the previoius fight. At the beginning Morales waxed dangerously with his killer counterpunching ability....but the body shots wore them off, until he just ran.




    On the national anthem - bad trip talaga yung "laban PacMan". Nakakainis.


    But I think Martin Nievera wouldn't have done better. The guy has lived in this country for decades but still can not speak straight Filipino. I'm not so sure I want him representing my country. Even Alex Compton speaks better Filipino.

  5. May bago akong favorite...


    si BETH CELIS!!!


    Man, she's God's gift to sports journalism :D


    Put@ng!na, ang galing niya!!! :D


    Subukan niyong basahin ang columns niya, siguradong matatawa kayo. Doon niyo maiisip na merong mga tabloid chismis writers na nagsusulat sa broadsheets. :D Ano kaya ang kapit niya sa PDI?












    Nyahahahahaha!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


    That's right, keep on hoping. It will drive you crazier, hahaha! :lol:





    PS: No, PJ, I'm not talking about you this time.

  7. Let me clarify a few things *****_**:


    1. The reason why I have not been replying to your PMs is NOT because I'm afraid that "mabubuko ako" (whatever that means), but because I simply don't find you important enough to spend time communicating with. Unlike a lot of people in MTC, I actually have a life outside the internet. Your PMs rank just a little higher than gravel and sand in my priority list, as things stand.


    2. I don't take too well to unwarranted familiarity, especially when the one who tries to be familiar with me has just recently attempted to destroy my relationship with the woman I love.


    3. As far as I am concerned, you are still a deranged liar with a sinister agenda. As such, I don't believe in any of your sob stories and excuses. In fact, I don't even want to bother verifying the truth of the things you say. Dealing with you has been the most unproductive 1 week of my life. If only you were not trying to hurt people I care about, I would have absolutely nothing to do with you.


    Having said these things, I want you to know that I don't really care about your personal reflections on this whole "almost-scandal" that YOU caused. You do not have my sympathy, and you are better off consulting a psychiatrist. Believe me, I've never met someone who needed to see one as badly as you do now.


    At this time, I still don't think you realize the full extent of what you attempted to do. So far, everything you told me only dealt with YOUR pain.


    You selfish S.O.B., what about HER pain?


    If a twentysomething guy like you can be driven mad by an experience like this, just imagine the effect it has on your teenage victim.


    I'm disgusted by your attempts at drama. You need to stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about how you almost destroyed a young girl. The world does not revolve around you. The sooner you realize that, the better for all the teenage girls in your immediate vicinity.



  8. Reposting from one of the VIP threads......


    im just wondering...you do some people who are into serious relationships still engage in having fubus...i just dont get the point e....kung serious ka, di ba di mo gagwin yun.....kindly enlighten me naman with regard to this topic o....thanks



    I'm similarly wondering ...... you know there are some people who are so pathetically sex-hungry, that they prey on high school girls and have them as "fubus". There's this particular person who even takes videos of his sexual trysts with a very young girl, and when the girl wants to break off with him, he blackmails her and threatens to release the video in the internet.


    He even goes to the point of hacking the accounts of everyone who ever had online dealings with the girl, and makes all sorts of threats. In his jealously-deranged mind, he thinks that everyone is having sex with his poor "fubu", and he wants her for his own perverted consumption. This guy is a psycho.


    Kung matino ang pag-iisip mo, bakit hindi ka makakuha ng fubu na nasa tamang edad? Di ka na naawa sa bata. Pinagsamantalahan mo na, bina-blackmail mo pa.


    Kindly enlighten me as to how this sick perverted individual ever turned out to be the way he is. I mean, I'm sure he was born a human being, right?


    To you, let me tell you something: Huwag kang mag-malinis. Alam ko ang kagaguhan mo.










    (To anyone who wishes to know the handle of the bastard I just talked about, PM me.)

  9. C'mon now, let him live. Forgive him.


    How about a tsismaks about TNA? Para maiba naman...


    Eh hindi pa nga nagso-sorry eh, tapos sarcastic pa.


    Hindi ako nagpo-post dito pero sinusubaybayan ko ito. Gusto ko rin sana sumama.


    Pero dahil sa ginawa ng crezi_munky (a.k.a. Serial_Killer and Disease) parang ayaw ko na.

  10. I-breakdown ko nga....


    (circa 1995)



    Tricycle - P10.00

    jeep (batasan - t.sora) - P1.50

    jeep (glo-ri - MWSS) - P1.50

    jeep (MWSS - Ateneo) - P1.50


    LUNCH - P40.00



    jeep - P1.50

    jeep - P1.50

    jeep - P1.50

    tricycle - P10.00


    All in all, ang daily gastos ay P69.00. Ang naaalala ko ay times 2 lagi ang baon ko dati kaya around P140 per day ang baon ko noon.

  11. Technically speaking, UP still doesn't charge "full tuition" dahil malaki pa rin ang subsidy.  The Fund for Assistance to Private Education has long been arguing that if UP really charged full tuition, i.e., if it adopted the practice of private schools of relying mainly on tuition and other fees to fund its operations (including its many research institutes), its fees would be higher than Ateneo's or La Salle's because UP actually has a higher cost per student than these two schools.


    Exactly. So one could just imagine how much angry we taxpayers should all feel if we see UP students loafing around instead of getting educated.

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