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Posts posted by Chito

  1. Good evening PP's :)


    Just something in defense of us MTC people.....


    I find it funny that some "holier than thou" individuals find the temerity to speak ill of the character of us MTC people, making sweeping generalizations of the way we are supposed to be all after just one thing - women (for the men.)


    It's funnier that these individuals are actually registered in MTC!


    Hold on, it just keeps getting funnier.....


    And why, for chrissakes, why are they here in MTC? Uh-huh, that's right.... the women! They are also after the women! They want MTC women to think ill of all MTC men so that they could have them for themselves. That's hypocrisy for you, non-MTC style.


    To the pretenders out there, you all can shove your hypocrisy up your a$$es. You are not fooling any of us.


    Tsk, tsk, tsk..... the temerity.....

  2. Just something in defense of us MTC people.....


    I find it funny that some "holier than thou" individuals find the temerity to speak ill of the character of us MTC people, making sweeping generalizations of the way we are supposed to be all after just one thing - women (for the men.)


    It's funnier that these individuals are actually registered in MTC!


    Hold on, it just keeps getting funnier.....


    And why, for chrissakes, why are they here in MTC? Uh-huh, that's right.... the women! They are also after the women! They want MTC women to think ill of all MTC men so that they could have them for themselves. That's hypocrisy for you, non-MTC style.


    To the pretenders out there, you all can shove your hypocrisy up your a$$es. You are not fooling any of us.


    Tsk, tsk, tsk..... the temerity.....

  3. And to you, you know who you are. It disgusts me to think that I even shook hands with you. I just want you to know that you have violated something very special ... and you have no excuse. What you have done is beyond the lowest levels of a deceiving and opportunistic mind.


    I curse you. And here's my curse: You will never feel my pain.


    You will discover what you really are, and you will realize that that's all there really is to you. From this day henceforth, you will live your life wanting to prove that you are something more, but you never will. You will forget me someday, and you will forget what you have done. Your life will be filled with illusions and delusions that you are something more, but deep inside you will gnaw the realization that all is folly.


    And you will crave to feel the pain that I am feeling now, but you never will. Because what you are would never be capable of it.


    You will never feel my pain.

  4. My dearest,


    truly our lives are fast changing....i dont believe in love at first sight...

    i don't believe in Knights and shining armour....but i feel deeply in love with you...

    it's truly umcomparable...


    if you think they will try to come our way...well go ahead..this would make us stronger...we believe in each other..together we can make it work...


    just to answer..that..yes..hold on dearest..we have a lot of dreams to fulfill..this time together...



    you are my happiness...i love you





    I hope you remember this.

  5. On Dreams and the One Dream:

    by R. Luis Flores


    A person creates dreams almost as soon as he gains an awareness of a need to be someone who matters in his circle of concern. In his young life, he accumulates dreams as manifold as the number of sides of a well-polished gem.


    But as one grows older, some dreams are strengthened, and most others discarded. A shift in one's perspective also occurs when one realizes that a dream of someone special to be cherished always and forever, is just as compelling as a dream of one day making the world a better place to live in. These two dimensions - the individual and the universal - severely complicate the process of discarding and strengthening and discarding again of one's dreams.


    But the process continues, for there really is no other way to go. The maturing process involves letting go of most of one's dreams in the hope that it would hasten the fulfillment of a very few others. Later on, a crisis will occur when one will be forced to choose just one among his most cherished dreams.


    (It is, after all, the human way. A single dream fulfilled in one lifetime is all that we are ever entitled to. Two is lucky, three is nearly impossible. But it is also very possible for a person to leave this world with unfulfilled dreams.)


    And so, a person chooses just one dream - the One Dream. The dream that will consume his very being - the fulfillment of which will determine the way he will live his life henceforth. The One Dream far greater than himself to which he submits to be in the service of for the remainder of his lifetime. A dream so compelling that he is willing to live and die for it.


    The One Dream varies in form from person to person. From ideas such as power, beauty, freedom and peace ..... to more tangible aspirations such as wealth, expertise and education. Still, for others, the One Dream is a person - God, the Buddha, or even a high school crush.


    In terms of the One Dream, there is no such thing as that being more worthy or trivial. A person who seeks to fulfill his One Dream, no matter how seemingly trivial it is, is much better off than a person who has accomplished almost everything except choose his One Dream. He will suffer a pointless existence. And even if he had all the comforts the world has to offer, his lack of direction will haunt his subconscious, never giving him peace.


    Have you found your One Dream? What is it? Who is it? Are you anyone's One Dream?

  6. My Dearest,


    We are about to come out in the open.


    As you might know by now, a lot of them want you for their own purposes.


    If they see us together and in love, they will do everything to make you leave me and see things their way.


    They will tell you things about me, some would be true, most others would be outright lies.


    I'm not afraid, my love. What we have is what dreams are made of.


    "What happens when dreams come true?"


    Take my hand my love, let's find out together.

  7. Baby,


    I long for you. I think about you all the time.


    Please tell me this isn't just some surreal "Griffin and Sabine" -type of story that we are both living.


    And even if it were, I need to know if you will ever meet me in our own private Alexandria.


    I'm waiting, baby. Waiting for the day that I create a tangible memory of us being together. Distance and time, the thief, has not been kind to the both of us.


    Until then, I will be your Mourning Star.





  8. Dear Senor Embajador,


    I wish I could say out loud that one of your subordinates, who goes by the name of _________, is a GODDAMNED PERVERT!!! It might interest you to know that despite him having a very smart, sensible and beautiful fiancee (who happens to be my friend) AND being a diplomat of high rank, he still finds it in himself to debase his rank and his social standing through covert "undiplomatic activities".


    If I were a vengeful person, I would have brought this matter straight to the SFA. But in deference to your office, which has always had cordial relations with the Department, I wish to give you a chance to deal with the matter beforehand.....at your option. I'm hereby submitting a hard disk containing about 300 Megabytes worth of data that would clearly and convincingly illustrate how Mr._____ has managed to show the very low regard he has for Filipino women. For shame Mr. Ambassador! For shame!


    Do the right thing Mr. Ambassador. Should you fail to act, I will be forced to submit this same data to the SFA ...and possibly to all major newspapers both here in the Philippines and in _____.


    Good day to you.

  9. I'm counting the hours.....the minutes....and even the seconds.


    I hope you have not changed your mind. The mere thought of it can certainly drive me crazy... but I'd like to think that I'm a stronger person now.

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