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Posts posted by Chito

  1. I've been to Batanes last December 2009 and I'm going back this September.


    Forget Currimao. Time is gold. Take a direct flight from Manila to Basco. There's enough sea adventure to be had in hopping from one island to the another once you're already in Batanes. Currimao is simply too far from the Batanes group of islands (it isn't even in the Northern Coast of Ilocos - look it up in a map.)



  2. "If you think I'm criticizing de Quiros merely because of his penchant for using big words, then you have a lot of reading comprehension to catch up on."


    If you think I'm giving criticism solely on that point, then you need to follow your own advice.


    Re: Mail volume - this is no indicator of how well a writer is perceived. Have you actually worked for a newspaper's mail department? As in read the snail mail and email letters? I have. Letters to individual writers are 80%-90% negative feedback. If I were a writer and I received more letters than most via the paper's official address, then I won't exactly feel flattered.


    Hmmmm...okay, never mind that last point, I won't blame you if you don't have enough aptitude for common sense. If you're not interested in the nuances of producing next day's paper then it's hopeless arguing with you as well. (Perhaps more so.) But hey, I gotta say, you have excellent English. (*thumbs up)


    edited to add:


    Oh well, you can certainly have the last word, Mr. English Aptitude-who-has-a-friend-in-PDI. ;)

  3. I would say the best was the 1970s. I never really experienced it (with me being born at the tailend of it) but looking back through history, they were indeed much more interesting times.


    Music-wise, the explosion of talent and musical quality and diversity is unequalled by any decade afterwards or before. The 70s was also Martial Law in the Philippines. There was a genuine opportunity to fight and die fighting an authoritarian regime. And the SEX. I honestly think people in the 70s were a lot more liberated than we in the 21st century are (though we're catching up).


    Despite that, things were less-complicated then. No internet, no cellphones, no overly complex computer systems that you need a 30-hour course to study.

  4. I'll have to disagree about the vocabulary part. de Quiros uses big words in a very inapt manner. A columnist's job is not about flaunting quadrisyllabic words, it's about getting the point across in as little effort as possible. That's why columnns are usually shorter than a full-length feature report. It'd be good if de Quiros could state his POV convincingly, but even at that basic task he fails. He mangles the English language with shameless pedancy. In layman's terms, he's full of hot air.


    CDQ = Cheap Dirty Quickie. That's all he is.


    Funny, I never viewed De Quiros as someone who's more interested in flaunting his vocabulary rather than getting his point across. In fact, I don't find his vocabulary significantly at variance to that of a common person's.


    De Quiros does state his point convincingly. It's what he's known for. I could not find any living columnist who is his equal in that aspect. So, no, he definitely does not fail as far as getting his point is concerned.


    Having said that, I must say that as a reader grows older and wiser, he/she might find more and more things to disagree with as far as the substance of De Quiros' writing goes. But in terms of the manner of writing, I've never seen an opinion writer that most closely approximates the forcefulness of the late Teddy Benigno. Actually, one could argue that DeQuiros is better because he uses common language, unlike Benigno who is just beaming with erudition.


    (Ah, Teddy Benigno, now that's someone more deserving of deepdiverboy's criticism that he has given to DeQuiros.)


    Most of DeQuiros' detractors confuse substance with manner when criticizing his columns. These two are mutually exclusive. Believe it or not, DeQuiros is stronger in the latter than the former (but by just a small margin.) When a detractor disagrees with the substance of his writing but takes potshots at his method it actualy makes him/her look silly. Seriously.


    There are times when I seethe with anger when DeQuiros writes something that I disagree with. But rather than bitch about how a lousy writer he is, I'd much rather view it as actual proof of his effectiveness as a writer.

  5. I posted this in another thread but it seems appropriate here:


    I don't wanna be a smart ass, but if it is true that the third eye is inherited, then why can't I see them? I have relatives on both sides of the family that supposedly can see these dwarves, engkantos, etc. I would have thought there would be a better chance for me to inherit some ability.


    So, I have absolutely no choice but to view things rationally, and as far as I know, belief in these things does not make sense and is absolutely irrelevant in these bullshit times of [supposed] global warming, widespread poverty, traditional politics and Internet.


    I keep an open mind though. There are people I deeply respect who claim to see things so I guess I'll believe when the proof goes beyond personal testimony.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. This has got to be the most underwhelming men's magazine I've come across.


    I agree with the feedback of previous posters - malabnaw.


    I'd sooner have a hard-on with a typical FHM issue (although that magazine sucks too) than with Playboy Philippines.


    Playboy basically was a decade too late in reaching Philippine shores. After the typical male reader got used to seeing more daring poses in FHM and Maxim, it basically dried up Playboy's intended target market.

  7. No one.


    I don't know of anyone who has known me enough who would be able to deliver a eulogy that would do my life any justice.


    I'd probably put something in my last will and testament that specifically states I don't want any eulogies at all. And probably the closest thing to a eulogy will sound like this:


    "At the personal request of the departed, there will be no eulogies to be delivered today. He wishes all of you to feel free thinking of him the way you always have."

  8. To no one in particular,


    My life actually got better when I stopped attending the group EBs.


    When your entire social life revolves around a singular group, it has a way making you block out everything else in that you fail to see possibly better things outside of it. AND if that group takes itself waaaaaay too seriously, it has a way of bleeding you dry to the point that you have almost no time for anything else anymore. You could have done something more productive, you could have met more interesting people, you could have gone somewhere you've always been meaning to go to...... but you end up not doing these things because you are committed to the group.


    I woke up one day realizing that all I ever looked forward to was the next EB, next activity, getting new members. I stagnated during the 2 years I stayed with the group. I had to get out of it, and I did. And with all the far richer experiences I've undergone after making that decision, I have absolutely no reason to regret it.


    Now, I see the same people grow old doing the same things over and over and over and over and over and over again. They pretend there's a point in what they're doing but, really, there isn't. They're miserable and they delude themselves into thinking that they're not, that they're supposedly happy in their own little world of coffee, alcohol and camaraderie. I'm glad I'm not one of them.


    = = = = = = = = = =


    To person 1: You will never find love in MTC. You've built quite a loose reputation in the past years. No one here will ever take you seriously anymore. The sooner you realize that, the better. Leave now and start afresh as far away from MTC as possible. That's the only way you will have a fighting chance to find true love.


    To person 2: You were probably the only thing good that ever happened to me while I was still with the group. I'm glad we're both on the outside now. See you around!


    To person 3: I've never met a more miserable person than you in my life . I hope you realize by now that a lot of us left because of you. Your friends right now will probably never tell it to your face, but you are a control freak. It's sad, you had a real opportunity to make the group a really excellent one. You had loyal, talented, resource-rich and well-connected members, .....but you squandered all that opportunity by using the group to feed your ego by control others, to make them do your bidding. You reduced a group into a huge sand box where you can play God. It didn't help that you are arrogant. But deep inside, I know what's eating you up. It's this: You are small. You are pathetic. You will never matter in the real world. That's all you will ever be. I'm sorry, but you are hopeless. You certainly deserve where you are now.

    • Like (+1) 5
  9. I do remember a time here in MTC when PSPs were still called G4H, and even before that, they didn't even have any fancy initials. In the earliest days, negotiating rates were in hushed tones and people actually still speculated whether this or that girl was a prostitute.


    Then at some point, MTC's management strategy radically changed and PSPs came out of the open and was encouraged by MTC, even giving them their own area and giving them awards, etc.

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