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Posts posted by macx98

  1. Hey dudes...i am a gym addict but unfortunately, i don't seriously follow my program....tigas kasi ng ulo at daming work...anyway, since this is a thread that talks about belly....i have seen a hand roller - a machine that has infra red na tutunaw daw sa mga fats mo in a TV shopping, would you think this is effective? if i am not mistaken, this is also the piece of machine being used at Bello Medical for their lipolite? I am still a guy who believes in a traditional way...go to the gym and the do it the better way....but if there are some innovative products...why not... right?


    Thanks :)


    nope kasi nanduun pa rin ung fat cells sa pagitan ng balat and muscle mo. liliit ung fat cells(maybe) pero it would grow back to its original size given the right circumstances. even sa lipo suction... may recurrence ng fat cells sa ibang tao.

  2. im sorry pare kung parang parati kitang kinokontra sa mga thread dito but........ abdominal isolation exercises are overrated and 100 reps for ur abs wont do you much good, coz the abs respond better to low-rep, hi-intensity exercises... the only reason why mr. cesar montano can do 100 reps is bcoz the INTENSITY IS TOO LOW (the load is too low)


    putsa triple post ka pa dude. :D


    pre, alam naman natin lahat na di mo kailangan ng malaking load pag nagwowork out ka ng abs.

    pede na ang body weight sa newbies.


    pede ka mag anchor ng weights sa legs mo while doing leg raises in standing position... pero mas effective pa rin ang REPITITION sa isang effective na ab work out.


    AND WHY DO I SAY THAT? BCOZ REPITITION ALSO BURNS FAT and supplements in the development of a SIX-PACK ABS. and when you stick to repitition you ALSO WORK OUT YOUR SLOW TWITCH MUSCLES, the primary muscles responsible for fat burn.



  3. i know, but DIETARY CHOLESTEROL BY ITSELF HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL... now if ur eating animal fat all the time, smoking, drinking and sleeping, you WILL definitely increase ur blood cholesterol levels... and another thing, BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEVELS HAVE NEVER BEEN SHOWN TO DIRECTLY INCREASE THE RISK OF HEART ATTACKS... if u have a published scientific study that says otherwise, id love to see it  :goatee:


    from the national cholesterol education program:



    How Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?


    When there is too much cholesterol (a fat-like substance) in your blood, it builds up in the walls of your arteries. Over time, this buildup causes "hardening of the arteries" so that arteries become narrowed and blood flow to the heart is slowed down or blocked. The blood carries oxygen to the heart, and if enough blood and oxygen cannot reach your heart, you may suffer chest pain. If the blood supply to a portion of the heart is completely cut off by a blockage, the result is a heart attack.


    What Is Your Risk of Developing Heart Disease or Having a Heart Attack?


    In general, the higher your LDL level and the more risk factors you have (other than LDL), the greater your chances of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. Some people are at high risk for a heart attack because they already have heart disease. Other people are at high risk for developing heart disease because they have diabetes (which is a strong risk factor) or a combination of risk factors for heart disease. Follow these steps to find out your risk for developing heart disease.

  4. a balloon w/c is made of MUSCLE (corpus cavernosum and... i forgot the other 1, spongiosum i think?) wat, u think ur penis is made up of bone or blood vessels?  :upside:


    pre indi muscle ang corpus cavernosum, tissue lang un napupuno ng dugo. duun nang galing ung reference ko sa knila bilang "balloon". ang muscles ay voluntary and involuntary(ciempre lam mo na un) at lumalaki ang voluntary muscle pag naeexercise ito. ang biceps pag ibinuhat mo at titrain mo ng maige, lalaki. ang lats at quadriceps ganon din. ang etits kahit anung kantot mo at bate, di na talaga lalaki yan.


    para malinaw sa mga geeks dian, eto.


    Three expandable cylindrical formations along the length of the penis hold blood during erection. The two corpora cavernosa lie along the penis shaft, from the pubic bones to the head of the penis, where they join. These formations are made of a sponge-like tissue containing irregular blood-filled spaces lined by endothelium and separated by connective tissue septa. There is one smaller such region (the corpus spongiosum) along the bottom of the penis, which contains the urethra.


    In some circumstances, release of nitric oxide precedes relaxation of muscles in the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum. The spongy tissue fills with blood, from arteries down the length of the penis. A little blood enters the corpus spongiosum; the remainder engorges the corpora cavernosa, which expand to hold 90% of the blood involved in an erection, increasing both in length and in diameter.


    Blood can leave the erectile tissue only through a drainage system of veins around the outside wall of the corpus cavernosum. The expanding spongy tissue presses against a surrounding dense tissue (tunica albuginia) constricting these veins, preventing blood from leaving. The penis becomes rigid as a result. The glans penis, the expanded cap of the corpus spongiosum, remains more malleable during erection because its tunica albuginea is much thinner than elsewhere in the penis.

  5. question po:


    what if the pc restarts while ur using it. tpos one time biglang namatay pro may power light p sa cpu. then one time na beep na like this:


    beeeeeeeeeep...beeeeeeeeeep...beeeeeeeeeep...beeeeeeeeeep... and so on


    is it the video card?


    pag may virus ang disk ok lng ba na iquick format or better if complte format tlga?


    possible course of actions

    1) run anti-virus to rule out viruses invading your system

    2) check for any device conflicts using your control panel>system>device manager

    3) check for power management settings right-click>properties>screen saver>power

    4) check system integrity by running disk management software like scandisk

    5) check your RAM, might be faulty or wrong type for your motherboard

    6) check your CPU fan. this might be caused by faulty CPU cooling leaving your computer to overheat after few minutes of use.

    7) check your power connections. this might be caused by abnormal fluctuations in your current, when not using voltage regulating devices.


    if this is a video card problem, perform step 7 if you have a agp/pci video card with video processing unit(VPU) cooling fan. if not(and you have a built in VPU embedded into the mother board), this is probably not a video card problem since your computer wont start anyway in the first place with a faulty video card.


    BEFORE performing steps 5 and 6, heed the advice of my friend marc.alan - always invoke your right to free after sales service and replacement by keeping the PC's warranty intact.

  6. oo we tried na baklasin yung case n lng kso yung cd rom and ung floppy drive hindi rin naka screw so pra matanggal mo sila sisirain mo n tlga yung case.  sayang nga e. pro sa tagal n non i dnno if it will still work.


    bat di kya npost ung question ko dito?


    it will. i have salvaged computers more than eight years old for motors and other thingies :cool:

  7. before i even trust computer repair shops. this establishment is known for they have a lot of branches esp in malls. i send my computer there having trust that they can make it coz i know they are more proffesional than me when it comes to computers.  i bought a new motherboard from them ksi sbi un daw ang papalitan. after that it works but only for a day. so i send my pc back to them until the 3rd day that i keep coming back i found out from a friend that they installed a wrong motherboard that is not fir for my processor. that's why my processor aint working on it hanggang sa masira n rin ung processor ko. i even lost important files in my hd kc they formatted it without my knowledge and permission, they didnt perform a back up.


    after what have done to my pc, i lost my trust on them lalo na ang gumawa non ung manager  ng ***. that's why im working on my computer by myself with a liitle help from my friends and a great thing is ive learned a lot from it even if i begun from scratch.


    mas maganda nga kung sa friends and colleagues. they even work kahit pa-kain and pa-inum lang. heck i do it for practice sake and for the additional knowledge its gives me, and it makes one heck of a bonding experience too- extra na lang ung professional fee.

  8. branded computers really cost much but when u have to upgrade the hardware it even cost you more.


    how about this, (but this doesnt apply to all other branded pc ok)  we have a salvage branded PCs and i tried to get the other hw parts so it can be useful again but the case installed is not screwed to other parts where the plastic case inside is molded on the pc design. so wla kn mappkinabangan even the cd rom and the floppy drive. u just have to trash the whole pc.


    wow sayang ung parts ah. meron pang gamit ung iba duun... maybe i can get a motor or something for my mobots from those parts... anyway kung matiyaga ka lang and adventurous you may salvage the metal inards for your own use... lalo na ung floppies and cd rom... :D

  9. Hey thanks for the feedback people.


    Your observations could be true.


    When i say better, that means I perceive they have any or all these characteristics:  They are smarter, more attuned to the ways of the world, more mature in their decisions, more attractive, occupy the higher positions (in the workplace), and generally those who are already worth their beans.


    I have been surrounded by dominant, sensible, intelligent men and equally strong, highly opinionated women (it runs in my father's side of the family).  Being in my early 20s and one of the youngest of the tribe, these domineering personalities have shaped my preferences, standards, and prejudices. 


    I have dealt with younger men, men the same as my age, and older men (three to ten years older).  All have their good, redeeming qualities. I am actually looking for someone a little better than me, for democracy's sake.  But if utopian ideals are concerned, men who are my mirror image (almost or same level as mine) are peppery but not tabasco hot.  It might be instinctively evolutionary.  An improvement of (my) race.  Or just plain admiration for successful people.


    its good to know you have specifically defined where you stand and what characteristrics are you looking for. In my humble opinion, success in terms of intelligence or career doesn't really equate to lifelong happiness, only financial health and security.


    It might instinctive for you to go and hunt down the "better" man as you define it, but please don't expect the end result to be exactly what you wish for.

  10. bossing, sama kong sampu dyan...

    strong women are real turn-ons, especially those who know who they are, what they have and what they can do...

    they are so strong that they are willing to meet us halfway, and allow themselves to be pampered and taken cared of by us...


    syempre, malaking difference ito with yung those na di naman talaga strong, either feeling dominante or feeling hard lang...


    that's true. its nice to surround yourself with an assertive, confident girl who can be thre for you through thick or thin. Like they say, every successful man have a woman behind him.

  11. nabasa ko sa  book, gusto ng guys na  submissive ang mga babae.. para dating nila knight in shining armor sila... gusto nila yung feeling ng protector, teacher.. etc..


    :thumbsdownsmiley: not always true. case to case basis only. strong women turn me on. ayoko sa mga weak. pero gusto ko no matter how strong they are willing sila magpa-alaga at mag pa baby sa akin

  12. I'm on the other side of the coin.


    I usually fall for men which I perceive to be better, much better than me.  So in most cases I recognize it as another case of unrequited love/admiration/desire.  Altho there are times that my generalities prove me wrong ^_^


    IMHO, some times it doesn't help that a person percieves him/herself as the subordinate or the lesser partner in a relationship. In my case, I have a gf who is a year younger than me and most of the times I feel uncomfortable when she tries to act subordinate to me on my behalf-- that's a nice gesture.


    But for me not to exploit that and to show her how much she means to me, i treat her equally just as i would treat a person of equal rank and standing. True love dictates that I place her in equal importance to my own needs and wants... and hopefully someday she'll be equally as important as my own life.


    There is no such thing as having a love one to be too good for you. Most of the times this is a lack of self-confidence and assertiveness on one's part to treat oneself as equal to the other.


    this is so true!


    before i just knew how to log on...looong time ago.


    i myself was just a simple pc user before, even till now i still am a newbie with other pc aspects, but slowly learning the stuff, though not the nitty gritty kind yet...


    to date i had like eight or more re installs, all caused by different circumstances, i had to fix it myself.

    when moolah comes in id like those small factor pc's, those msi mega's sure look fine!



    small form factor pc with lquid cooling? way cooL! :cool:

  14. backreading few pages , scares me , i don't like to have headache's w  assemble PC's , that's the reason i don't like chopsuey , aside from hardware miscommunications , some assembler's tend to me configuration no suited for the buyer , time to time you have to call them for service ..., for a internet cafe set , scout for a trusty supplier , that won't hold back on you.


    kaya other people buy a branded desktop kahit cost much basta wala headache sa bug down,


    just my 2cents...


    "if its possible to design and build your dream car, would you?"


    we techie guys like to tinker around with connections and wires, kahit alam namin sometimes palpakish-

    the knowledge we gain frm such experiences are priceless.


    branded pcs are like designer jeans, you buy them for their name. some time in the near future when you decide to upgrade, what you have are costly parts and after-market services for options.


    for those who like to learn everything... try assembling your own pc, with the help and guidance of a trained pro of course.

  15. my cholesterol level used to be 286, which was the main reason I started dieting and exercising. But pag hereditary, wala kang magagawa. After all that, the best it went down to was 250, so the doctor started me on Lipitor 40 mg. He told me to take it for 3 months then come back. I've got another month to go before my next check up.


    substituting fish and seafoods to meat is sure way to lower your cholesterol levels...

    a change in cooking oil or the removal of cooking oil altogether in diet can also help.

    its best to stay in a vegetable and fruit diet, with soy based foods as alternates.

  16. a combination of all I could say, pero ab exercises are only good to strengthen and develop muscles in that area. They don't provide enough aerobic energy para paliitin ang tiyan. From my experience, I used to weigh a hefty 205 lbs.  I started on a minimal carb diet and started exercising and drinking almost a gallon of water daily. 3 months later I'm down to a healthy 165 lbs. the belly was the last one to go.


    this is nice... its true increasing water intake can help...

    and you don't have to buy expensive diet medicines...

    I suggest a low carb diet only kung hindi ka nag-aaral or hindi mind intensive iyung work mo.

    Nakaka-affect ang low-carb diet sa mental processes, analytic thinking and memory recall.

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